This scene. The way he said it just made me think of this:
Yeah that too. Mood whiplash~.The difference in tone between the previous conversations and the last one is really hilarious. He spends two or three conversations acting very depressed and mopey then suddenly...
"What brings the High Summoner to these woods? -^_^-!?!?! <3'
Took me like 40 mins to get to Besaid. That's just going there and not coming back. Took a bit less to get back since I had watched all the Jecht Spheres already on my way back. When you get to the beach where the operation went down it will look like the path is blocked, but it isn't. You use some boxes as stairs to go over the rubble.
Didn't have any no encounter equipment. As far as I'm aware I can't get any yet. I just ended up putting Rikku and Tidus in my main part so every time I got into a battle I made Rikku steal something if she went first and then I made Tidus use his flee ability that lets everyone escape at once.
none of this manages to account for Jecht and Tidus's minds going to the farplane instead of just being conjured by pireflies like some others.
Guys! Tidus-Farplane spoilerific endgame questionCan someone explain to me why Tidus doesnot react to Yuna's sending and entering the Farplane ? Isn't he technically made of Pyreflies and vulnerable to these things ?
I imagine that, unlike unsents like Auron, he's sustained by Yu Yevon and the Gagazet Fayths.
This right here is the real deal for dodging lightning. I went from another recommended spot to where I could barely get 5 in a row to doing 220 on my second try. (I was on vita for reference)
Guys! Tidus-Farplane spoilerific endgame questionCan someone explain to me why Tidus doesnot react to Yuna's sending and entering the Farplane ? Isn't he technically made of Pyreflies and vulnerable to these things ?
It's not about being made of pyreflies, it's about being dead.
You can upgrade manually using Sphere's. Aeon stats are also linked to Yuna's stats. Powering her up also increases the stats of her aeons.
yeah, That much I know but his health seems to be the lowerst of all the others. how come??
End game he doesn't die.Yet he gets sent.I assume that's because he is no longer sustained by the fayth who disappear after Yu Yevon's defeat..As Erigu said above.
I finally reached the third Seymour battle in Mt. Gagazet.
Holy fucking christ.
yeah, That much I know but his health seems to be the lowerst of all the others. how come??
Because his evasion is so high. Just how it is
My closest Eva aeon is Shive with 123 Evasion and 6K HP. Yojimbo has 600 more HP, but a whopping 227 Evasion. Don't need a lot of health if you rarely get hit. Granted this doesn't help much against DA and some harder Arena Bosses
One think I noticed about the world of Spira
The fact that the fayth can bring Tidus back to life tells me that the fayth are still around and having an effect on the world also that may be a reason for Sin to return.. or Some of the old Yevon believers who still respect the old teachings someone became a new Yevon and became sin. .
Guys! Tidus-Farplane spoilerific endgame questionCan someone explain to me why Tidus doesnot react to Yuna's sending and entering the Farplane ? Isn't he technically made of Pyreflies and vulnerable to these things ?
I beat both of the butterfly catches and still didn't get Kimahri's Sigil. Guess I'll have to try again.
Where are you story-wise? You can't do the catch for his sigil until you have theairship
About to go into Sin.
And the Sigil wasn't in the chest after you captured all the butterflies on the second screen?
It's not that hard. Pass the ball around to level and burn time in the first half, score with a Jecht shot in the second and then burn more time.The aurochs are so underpowered, beating the goers seems impossible.
Dat face.
"She learned well, ya?"
I beat both again and both chests are empty.
That was basically all gibberish.
Have you beaten the game yet? The reason Sin keeps coming back is a plot point.. Ultra spoiler:Also, the fayth never brought Tidus back to lifeTidus never existed, he's an Aeon
What's the best Dark Aeon party? Or does it matter, since by then they'll all have max stats and are all identical essentially?
Geez, I bushed... Spending 99 Sphere Levels really takes a lot outta you![]()
lol I've played the game when it was on ps2 100's of times and the X-2,He's a fayth/dream, but I get your point. but what if the reason Tidus still exists in can be the reason Sin exists? Didn't the aeons re-dream Tidus in Spira? I think that must mean sin was never Truly defeated. I seen the 30 min drama.
TLDR: Tidus in Spira, Yu Yevon still lives.
Just a weird thought I had
I wanted to buy Final Fantasy X on the EU PSN store, came to know that the game is only sold as a bundle with X-2. I have a 4 GB memory card, don't wanna upgrade, I don't mind buying the bundle, just wanted to know if the games can be downloaded separately and played on a 4GB card. Or is it like the MGS HD Vita bundle I bought that doesn't let me download the games separately and hogs all the space on my 4GB card?
Where are you story-wise? You can't do the catch for his sigil until you have theairship
BTW, just captured my final Master Tonberry. Got 10 of Everything! Now we stat max.
Laughing Banana said:"Then how about we build our cities/towns like, near the sea, like near the beach? You know, just for fun. Don't need to build our cities/towns far inland! Near the sea is much more fun!"
Chapter 1 of FFX-2 complete!
... And I realize I forgot to do PR/Marriage stuff except in Killika. Am I screwed?
I have no intention of playing the mini games; I just usually talk to the people I need to, hitting the right responses for each for max points. I meant to do so n Chapter 1, but I guess I was just soNot really. If you just want to get one company to level 5 , you still have plenty of points. If you want to do , it just means you're going to have to spend even more time playing their mini games.