Does One-Eye drop any other weapons besides Auron's, Wakka's, and Kimahri's?
Does One-Eye drop any other weapons besides Auron's, Wakka's, and Kimahri's?
Where should I take Tidus/Auron once I finish his section of the sphere grid? Planning on Wakka up Aurons path. Any suggestions for other peoples paths?
Yay, got status reels. One more right? So close to getting Wakka's ultimate weapon all powered up. A first for me.
Ghosts drop No Encounter armor.So when exactly does Dark Yojimbo appear? I want to hold off on hiring Yojimbo until I have more money, but I don't want to be blocked off.
Also, I was rummaging through my inventory and I had a No Encounters armor in my recently acquired section, so I must have picked it up on Gagazet? No one seems to mention that.
Do I teleport there or just go there the normal way?
I'm going to guess you wanted to quote someone else? This is how you get Wakka's overdrives, and eventually Sigil by winning leagues/tournaments. Play Blitzball.
I sent Auron through Wakka's grid for more damage/accuracy (and vice versa for Wakka). I sent Tidus through Rikku's for more agility. In general, unless you're going for a specific ability/abilities, try to keep characters in similar grids. Or you could just go through everyone's grids lol
Do I use a teleport sphere or just go there the normal way?
good ol zanmato
Wakka's so useless if you just take him down his own path on the Expert Grid. Hits like a wuss. My Tidus, Auron and Kimahri can all rock him Strength-wise.
I also lost to the Glories in a tournament. Fuck. No Attack Reels for me.
Sucking at the game on this play through. Haha.
I wonder what sales will be like for this game(s) and if it gives Vita hardware a bump.
I wonder what sales will be like for this game(s) and if it gives Vita hardware a bump.
Caught 10 of every monster except the Master Tonberry in Omega Ruins. The spawn rate for them is so low ._.
Caught 10 of every monster except the Master Tonberry in Omega Ruins. The spawn rate for them is so low ._.
As XJF suggested to me, I kept going on the circle arenas with battles in the second part of the ruins, before Omega. Seems like he's more common there.
I see a lot of people using Yojimbo to do stuff, but... is that really satisfying? It seems like to me, I wouldn't feel like I actually killed the boss myself. I dunno, lol. To be honest, I rarely used Aeons at all in my playthroughs.
I murdered this game back in the day. Just after the plat this time
Ah, I gotcha. Makes sense. What's the hardest trophy to get for the platinum not including doing all the minigames? Is it the max sphere grid on everyone? It's tempting to try for the platinum, but I seriously doubt I will feel like maxing the grid for anyone.
LOL I did that too. I was like "EFF" the second after I hit confirm.I was on the third form ofand forgot that I had zombie status and used a mega potion on my party. God. Dammit.Yunalesca
Wakka's so useless if you just take him down his own path on the Expert Grid. Hits like a wuss. My Tidus, Auron and Kimahri can all rock him Strength-wise..
Is it worth my time to try and get Break HP Limit for everyone? It seems like farming for the items needed is going to take a long time (and be crazy expensive)
I wonder what sales will be like for this game(s) and if it gives Vita hardware a bump.
Atlantis honey, I have 99 Doors to Tomorrow but barely any money to get my party full of four slot weapons from Wantz. I have Rikku's Godhand leveled up though, where do I get cash?
DId they nerf blitz ace? I thought Celestial's ignored defense? Why am I only doing 10K per hit with Blitz Ace with Max Strength?
You'll get it even without the mirror.Working on the chocobo race.. so frustrating. Best time is 8.2 sec so far. By hte way, is it ok to do this race the first time you reach the calm land ? will I get
when I come back to the NPC when I have the mirror ?the sun sigil