Yojimbo is mine, now I'm poor again. Remiem chocobo race is done, that took longer than I expected and I'm trying to get attack reels now. To think about it, I thought Jecht shot is sure thing... it is not, I'm one match away from my prize, and I can't win. It's somewhat ridiculous. Luca's players can score from any place, if they shoot from my side of field, they still score, if I shoot right infront of their gate, a goalie catches the ball. I tried 3 times, when they get the ball, it's end for me. sigh
Chocobo catcher is even worse, my first time I had on my side or obtainable 5 balloons... 5, others were out of range or birdies were in a way. I won, but with 36 seconds time... It wasn't my day, for sure.
And I vividly remember why I said myself never again decade ago, and here I'm doing it again...