Don't get me wrong; I did too. But Eternity~Memory in Lightwaves is so pretty on its own... I guess I'm biased.I liked X-2's vocal collection.
For all of you who are starting FFX-2 here's a new thing included in the International version that will make leveling up dresspheres a LOT faster. If you win 3 times Shinra's first cup you'll get a garment grid that gives x3 ability points!
Wait, about that garment grid, it's beating the first cup 3 times? Same one that get's you a dresssphere?
Just got it! Even though I got wiped by a way-overpowered party on occasion, this didn't take long at all.
(Those three made for a decent team. The wolf is a Thief, and begins every battle by using Mug on every single enemy. It's an effortless way to get a lot of items and even some accessories.)
I don't know, how some of people find Y easy, she's no easy, unless overleveled characters. I suppose mine were slightly underleveled, but still, no easy at all.
Been sitting at the Main menu for X-2 for like 15 minutes now. Don't want the music to stop. Eternity~Memory in Lightwaves is such a fantastic piece...
Bahamut OD the first form for an instant kill, second form let yourself get zombie'd then kill it, third form just kill her before she can kill you, all her attacks are weak. She didn't kill a single character of mine, wasn't overlevelled. Just go in with your Overdrives up. Found the boss beforehand more difficult.
I played an hour last night, it was good fun, but I really wanted to just cut loose and explore. Following the 100% guide makes you paranoid about screwing things up, drains a bit of the fun. Creature Creator seems fun.
That's actually how I felt about X to be honest. Beating Penance legitimately once, back in the day, was good enough to me. Zanmato without remorse this time.
Are there any missable Dresspheres?
The new ones, if you don't know how to get them. Also, the Dark Knight in Bevelle's underground if you don't bother with the puzzle... The Mascot, obviously... The Gun Mage, if you don't do the Ch. 1 Moonflow Mission... I think that's it...This guy... He totally gets it
Couldn't find the picture of the Turkey from Free Birds lol
Had to restart. Forgot which dock "Moogle Person" was on lol dammit.
Are there any missable Dresspheres?
A few pages ago someone mentioned that four or so of them are, I think. And quite a few Garment Grids.
EDIT: The guide I'm following will apparently make sure you won't miss any.
Thanks guys, It's been a while since I played this game.The new ones, if you don't know how to get them. Also, the Dark Knight in Bevelle's underground if you don't bother with the puzzle... The Mascot, obviously... The Gun Mage, if you don't do the Ch. 1 Moonflow Mission... I think that's it...
Ohhh I forgot about that one. I never use Trainer so.I'm pretty sure you can also miss Trainer ifyou don't get the Ronso onto Kimahri's side.
I'm maybe 10 hours into FFX... what an awesome game. Love the sphere grid and all that. Am I supposed to be able to add abilities to weapons with blank slots? I figured the game would mention that at some point.
I'm maybe 10 hours into FFX... what an awesome game. Love the sphere grid and all that. Am I supposed to be able to add abilities to weapons with blank slots? I figured the game would mention that at some point.
Okay.. Dark Yojimbo is kicking my ass. Guess I'm not ready for him.
How important is this Pokemon stuff in X2?
What strategy are you using? He's not hard
It's entirely optional, but there are some seriously good prizes for taking part, including the Psychic dressphere and four excellent job grids.
I got away with just Quick Hitting Valefor/Ifrit/Ixion/Shiva to death, so I figured I could do the same with Yojimbo. He just seems to always do a Wakizashi to take my whole party out, or he likes to evade my attacks pretty easily.
Now that I have the airship I can look for Al Bhed Primers!
9999hp/+20%DEF/Auto-Protect will make everything he does hit for below 9999. Pair that with Auto Potion and a supply of X-Potions and you should be good as long as you always remember to dispel armor break (his shuriken attack) and re-apply Haste.
And yes, without a decent ~150+ Luck stat you're bound to miss a lot, so plan to feed Wakka a bunch of Overdrives for Attack Reels spam.
What happened here?Now that I have the airship I can look for Al Bhed Primers!
What happened here?
Now that I have the airship I can look for Al Bhed Primers!
I got away with just Quick Hitting Valefor/Ifrit/Ixion/Shiva to death, so I figured I could do the same with Yojimbo. He just seems to always do a Wakizashi to take my whole party out, or he likes to evade my attacks pretty easily.