Of course.
i think i keep on getting my ass kicked on one of the last ones... and i eventually cheesed with that 'pay 2 win' aeon.
ill see if my rpg skillz are any better now.
Of course.
OK so I think I'm stuck here... I just saved Yuna from the Al-Bhed in Luca and am about to fill in for Wakka vs the Goers in Blitzball, and I'm supposed to go play but can't go anywhere from here except back into the locker room. I try to go towards the screen like in this screenshot but it's like I'm walking into a wall.
OK so I think I'm stuck here... I just saved Yuna from the Al-Bhed in Luca and am about to fill in for Wakka vs the Goers in Blitzball, and I'm supposed to go play but can't go anywhere from here except back into the locker room. I try to go towards the screen like in this screenshot but it's like I'm walking into a wall.
Thanks.. Tried to do that before but was in the wrong spot I guess :/Go talk to Wakka
It's always Lulu for me. I think the reason being she acts as your guide to Spira, so after a cutscene I'm guessing most people usually talk to her first to get the gist of things and have everything explained. Thus she gets all the affection parameters
Yeah, I managed to do that this time as well. It's definitely a nice cutscene given the events that had just transpired.
I also got Rikku to talk to me in Guadosalam for the first time, which is tricky because she's new in the party at that point and you haven't had much chance to raise her affection. I smacked Lulu around with Tidus on the Moonflow to ensure it.![]()
Oh? Damn, I got Lulu to talk to Tidus in Guadosalam as usual. One of these days, I'm gonna get Rikku's cutscene there! xD Either that, or watch it on Youtube somewhere.![]()
I'm having an aweeeesome time playing FFX. I'm not going for all the secrets (or even close, really) and it's nice to just run through the story/upgrade the sphere grid. Hopefully I'm not underleveled, as I remember the fight inbeing kind of a PITA when I played FFX a long time ago.Gagazet
I'm having an aweeeesome time playing FFX. I'm not going for all the secrets (or even close, really) and it's nice to just run through the story/upgrade the sphere grid. Hopefully I'm not underleveled, as I remember the fight inbeing kind of a PITA when I played FFX a long time ago.Gagazet
I hate tower number 7.
This is harder than the Chocobo Cather race.
Honestly, i'm surprised at how fucking beautiful this game still is. The views around Zanarkand, Macalania... its excellent art direction. And the NPC's walking around, creating a more lively world. .
This game puts XIII to shame in every aspect except polygon count and English voice acting.You'll be fine as long as you don't flee much, and don't forget to let every party member do something even though they're not needed in the battle. They gain AP this way.
Honestly, i'm surprised at how fucking beautiful this game still is. The views around Zanarkand, Macalania... its excellent art direction. And the NPC's walking around, creating a more lively world. Fuck FFXIII's Cocoon in the ear.
You'll be fine as long as you don't flee much, and don't forget to let every party member do something even though they're not needed in the battle. They gain AP this way.
Honestly, i'm surprised at how fucking beautiful this game still is. The views around Zanarkand, Macalania... its excellent art direction. And the NPC's walking around, creating a more lively world. Fuck FFXIII's Cocoon in the ear.
* sleep in the Cabin; when you wake up, walk toward the railing
to trigger a scene with Brother and Barkeep (this won't happen if
you did not sleep in the Cabin in each of the previous chapters)
Honestly, i'm surprised at how fucking beautiful this game still is. The views around Zanarkand, Macalania... its excellent art direction. And the NPC's walking around, creating a more lively world. Fuck FFXIII's Cocoon in the ear.
I just got the spirit lance and now I'm doing the butterfly game. It's not great but it's a lot easier than chocobullshit racing.
I fear for my health once I decide to start lightning dodging.
35 minutes later, I'm still stuck in this shit minigame. Whenever I get to 25 hits it gets waaay too fast and twitchy to keep up.
Fuck these calibrations so hard.
you are saying this before entering Thunder Plains? You might regret those words very soon, depends on how many battles you run from!
I just got the spirit lance and now I'm doing the butterfly game. It's not great but it's a lot easier than chocobullshit racing.
I fear for my health once I decide to start lightning dodging.
are there any jrpg plats that are pleasant?
I remember Enchanted Arms 100% was pretty painless. Here is the listare there any jrpg plats that are pleasant?
Eh, I did practically everything in the original. I don't really mind it in the long run. RNG just seemed to be working against me there.Guys, just don't do the shitty optional parts, oh my god, I shouldn't have to tell you this.
are there any jrpg plats that are pleasant?
God damn it....Bad breath is so overpowered...
I keep losing so much progress to that attack...its getting infuriating.
Not sure about pleasant, but XIII-3 was very straight forward. No grinding, just finish all side stuff and complete the game. Then an hour extra cleanup.
I...never thought of it that way. I guess I'll survive afterall.Come on man, you do IV training, this is childs play.
First Strike is crucial. You can customise it onto a weapon via a Return Sphere. using Provoke on a Marlboro will prevent Bad Breath as well when you decide to capture them (may as well do it now)
Yeah, LR was actually quite easy to platinum with no grinding involved at all. I actually enjoyed the "end game" there (even if it wasn't a ton). Although thinking about it, you did kinda need to "grind" sidequests, but that's far more interesting than anything FFX requires (like grinding for spheres/capturing 10 enemies each, etc).
Just dodged 201 lightning bolts without counting #YOLO. Butterflies took 10 minutes, did they make it easier or is Tidus moving faster than Int PAL?
That wasn't really a grind though. You're doing something different each time so it's fine. It's when you're doing the same thing again and again until you get the results you want that it become grinding. In the aspect th most annoying thing in XIII-3 was time management and sometimes needing to burn an hour here or there. Far preferable to catching monsters and stat maxing. While I oove the game, FFX has some of the most tedious end game content in JRPG's
Just dodged 201 lightning bolts without counting #YOLO. Butterflies took 10 minutes, did they make it easier or is Tidus moving faster than Int PAL?
You are a ninja. I tried this for like 5 minutes. Missed almost every dodge, and moved on with my life. Feels bad.