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Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster |OT| G - A - F in position, it's showtime gurlz!


Apologies for repeating myself, but: anyone have any advice for the Youth League Cup in X-2's Fiend Arena? I've tried different combinations of monsters and the girls.


Apologies for repeating myself, but: anyone have any advice for the Youth League Cup in X-2's Fiend Arena? I've tried different combinations of monsters and the girls.

My recommendation is recruiting a Tonberry, Goon/Elemental, and Chocobo.

All three are S-sized creatures. They are apparently one of the best teams in the creature arena with the right abilities taught to them.

http://imgur.com/F2b03PK,QVZ1bc4,YFF9wtE - The end result with best skills and auto abilities.

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...FAzTG83elYtQlY0RzFsektlT0E&usp=sharing#gid=11 - Here is where you can capture the fiends.

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...VFAzTG83elYtQlY0RzFsektlT0E&usp=sharing#gid=1 - a list of items or accessories you can "feed" your Creatures to teach them appropriate skills and auto-abilities.

The only change I would make is replacing the Chocobo's Rabite's Foot for a Key to Success because it does the same thing but also provide +100% to HP and MP to make the Chocobo have more survivability and keep up it's casting potential as a healer. Also eventually replacing that Adamantite the Tonberry has for an Iron Duke to make it pretty much an unstoppable killing machine.

EDIT: Star manipulation is also important in creature fights, which can be adjusted with L3 and R3. when set to 1 Star creatures receive and deal less damage and have the tendency to use more defensive / healing based moves, at 5 stars creatures take and dish out more damage and more often then not use their big attacks (good with Megiddo Garment for early Tournaments if you want a magic oriented creature equipped with a Ragnarok or has the No MP cost abiliy to spam Ultima)


My recommendation is recruiting a Tonberry, Goon/Elemental, and Chocobo.

All three are S-sized creatures. They are apparently one of the best teams in the creature arena with the right abilities taught to them.

http://imgur.com/F2b03PK,QVZ1bc4,YFF9wtE - The end result with best skills and auto abilities.

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...FAzTG83elYtQlY0RzFsektlT0E&usp=sharing#gid=11 - Here is where you can capture the fiends.

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...VFAzTG83elYtQlY0RzFsektlT0E&usp=sharing#gid=1 - a list of items or accessories you can "feed" your Creatures to teach them appropriate skills and auto-abilities.

The only change I would make is replacing the Chocobo's Rabite's Foot for a Key to Success because it does the same thing but also provide +100% to HP and MP to make the Chocobo have more survivability and keep up it's casting potential as a healer. Also eventually replacing that Adamantite the Tonberry has for an Iron Duke to make it pretty much an unstoppable killing machine.

EDIT: Star manipulation is also important in creature fights, which can be adjusted with L3 and R3. when set to 1 Star creatures receive and deal less damage and have the tendency to use more defensive / healing based moves, at 5 stars creatures take and dish out more damage and more often then not use their big attacks (good with Megiddo Garment for early Tournaments if you want a magic oriented creature equipped with a Ragnarok or has the No MP cost abiliy to spam Ultima)

Wow, thanks a lot! I was using those fiends but without any of those GGs, abilities, etc. so this is going to be a lot of work, but I love planning out this sort of stuff. Gives me a series of goals with one ultimate goal to reach.


Some of these Fiend Tales seem to make the Gullwings out to be a unintentional group of terrorists.

The Recoil fiend tale is one such example.


I mean when you consider none of these things would happen without the help of the Gullwings.

I suppose the Fiend Tale stuff could be considered as non-canon but still...

EDIT: This Fiend Arena thing could really become it's own game

I mean if Dragon Quest Monsters exists, I wouldn't mind a Final Fantasy Creatures game with long time staples like Tonberry, Moomba, Moogle, Behemoth, Cactuar, Malboro, Chocobo, Iron Giant, and the dozens of other FF creatures to recruit and capture. Heck you can make it similar to Pokemon and add evolutions, i.e Behemoth becoming a King Behemoth. I mean FFX2 had some evolutions in the fiend arena too, with the Daeva becoming a Aka Manah and so forth.

With the Creature Creator and FFXIII-2 monster recruit stuff, they do have the potential to make something like this work, and I would be in line day one to buy it.


Finally got 0:0:0 on Chocobo Catcher. And guess what I got? TURBO ETHER and nothing else. What the fuck!? I feel like throwing my ps3 out of the window. I hate this minigame. I HATE IT!


Finally got 0:0:0 on Chocobo Catcher. And guess what I got? TURBO ETHER and nothing else. What the fuck!? I feel like throwing my ps3 out of the window.

You actually need to get a time below 0:0.0

You actually hit 0:0.0 on the dot and not under it, that is why you got a Turbo Ether.


I need some names for FFX characters. like Tidus as Turdus, Fuckface etc. something along those lines but I can't think of anything original.
So I finally got the airship. I feel like doing some of the side quests before I proceed to Sin but I'm a bit lost as to what order to attempt them in.
I went back to Besaid to get the Jecht Sphere but was trounced by Dark Valefor.

Is it worth attempting Omega Ruins or Cavern of the Stolen Fayth yet or will I be vastly under levelled?
Is there a guide which says the best order to do things in?


I read R3 and R1 cloud saves are compatible on both PS3 and Vita, but why can't I transfer my R2(EU) PS3 to R1(NA) Vita saves :( What a stupid region lock...


So I finally got the airship. I feel like doing some of the side quests before I proceed to Sin but I'm a bit lost as to what order to attempt them in.
I went back to Besaid to get the Jecht Sphere but was trounced by Dark Valefor.

Is it worth attempting Omega Ruins or Cavern of the Stolen Fayth yet or will I be vastly under levelled?
Is there a guide which says the best order to do things in?
Cavern is dangerous because of Dark Y, but I'd suggest going for the sidequests and monster capturing at this point. By the time you have done Cavern and Mt Gagazet, you'll be ready for Omega Ruins and Inside Sin.


So what Armor should I wear while fighting Dark Yojimbo?

Since you have maxed defense - Auto protect, Def 20% and Ribbon/Stoneproof are a must. He won't be able to kill you that way (unless you don't heal).

Ribbon makes it slightly easier because you won't have to remove his poison.


Since you have maxed defense - Auto protect, Def 20% and Ribbon/Stoneproof are a must. He won't be able to kill you that way (unless you don't heal).

Ribbon makes it slightly easier because you won't have to remove his poison.

No auto-haste?
Currently I have Wakka with Auto-Haste and Auto-Phoenix while Tidus and Auron just have Auto-Phoenix. Probably should have only put Auto-Phoenix on two party members but it's to change that lol
I've got 99 Dark matters that I haven't used so I guess I'll throw Ribbon onto Wakka.
Cavern is dangerous because of Dark Y, but I'd suggest going for the sidequests and monster capturing at this point. By the time you have done Cavern and Mt Gagazet, you'll be ready for Omega Ruins and Inside Sin.

I don't even have Yojimbo yet. I assume I can get him without having to first fight Dark Yojimbo?


No auto-haste?
Currently I have Wakka with Auto-Haste and Auto-Phoenix while Tidus and Auron just have Auto-Phoenix. Probably should have only put Auto-Phoenix on two party members but it's to change that lol
I've got 99 Dark matters that I haven't used so I guess I'll throw Ribbon onto Wakka.

I just used Hastega at the start of the battle. Takes one turn, no one should die during the fight and it saves you a slot on your armor.

The way it was for me:

Auron would go first because of first strike - He'd use Hastega and then I'd get 5 turns before Yojimbo could get his and used Aim x 5 (First fight being the exception because he ambushes you).

Rest was just Quick Hit/Attack Reels and Curaga/Esuna here and there. He didn't even get a chance to use Zanmato.


Only does 1200 damage though, that's not enough!

And why is there no cutscene skip? :(

Seymour can only get one turn for each of Mortiorchis's turns so he'll commonly 'skip' a turn and take Poison damage while doing nothing. It adds up pretty quickly. (You can even Haste him.)

Don't forget to Silence him.


I just used Hastega at the start of the battle. Takes one turn, no one should die during the fight and it saves you a slot on your armor.

The way it was for me:

Auron would go first because of first strike - He'd use Hastega and then I'd get 5 turns before Yojimbo could get his and used Aim x 5 (First fight being the exception because he ambushes you).

Rest was just Quick Hit/Attack Reels and Curaga/Esuna here and there. He didn't even get a chance to use Zanmato.

I just bought some new Tetra bangles so I could customize stuff on that. What OD mode do you recommend?


I just bought some new Tetra bangles so I could customize stuff on that. What OD mode do you recommend?

I never changed mine from Tonberry farming....:D.

So it was Wakka and Auron on Comrade and Tidus on stoic. So either stoic or comrade will work - you can simply Entrust your OD to Wakka.


I never changed mine from Tonberry farming....:D.

So it was Wakka and Auron on Comrade and Tidus on stoic. So either stoic or comrade will work - you can simply Entrust your OD to Wakka.

I'll just put everyone on Comrade.
Going into the Cavern. Hope my 50ish luck with Aim is enough


Should be! You can always use Luck x5 if you're having a hard time.

Down once. 4 more times to go
Towards the end of the battle I was short a little bit of health and he killed Tidus, Wakka, and knocked Auron down to 300 hp. I was terrified. I had forgotten to equip the armor too so I had to switch mid battle


So, I got the 99 stamina tonics you get for retrieving all three Besaid monsters for the arena. I assume there are similar rewards for getting a full set of monsters for each area, but I can't find them listed anywhere. I only knew about the stamina tonics because I'd read a Neoseeker post that mentioned them, specifically.

Anyone have a guide/list?


Down once. 4 more times to go
Towards the end of the battle I was short a little bit of health and he killed Tidus, Wakka, and knocked Auron down to 300 hp. I was terrified. I had forgotten to equip the armor too so I had to switch mid battle

Always heal! Better safe than sorry :p.


Will Dark Yojimbo wait till his turn to use his overdrive or will he counter an attack with his OD?

edit: nvm Just defended with everyone until right before Yojimbos turn then I summoned an Aeon as a meat shield


Yes, which makes the easier to get Cry in the Night compared to the original FFX-2 release which didn't have an arena. You could basically hunt Tonberries until one Oversouls then run away and fight the single Mega Tonberry in the Arena to rig the results for the Blue Bullet in your favor.

You need to beat Grand Cup: Hard 3 times. After that Shady Duo, Tonberry the Ripper, and Areq & Arroja are added to the roster of tournament matches from that point on.

Thankfully for a monster to appear in the battle simulator you don't need to beat them in the Tournament, just encounter them. Win or Lose they'll show up, the exception being the tournaments that give a game over.

Awesome. Don't really care about the BB skill, just need to Oversoul one and didn't want to have to time the killing of Tonberry's so the fourth monster of the same species is the one to OS in the same battle. That was a pain in the ass in the Vanilla X-2.


Seymour can only get one turn for each of Mortiorchis's turns so he'll commonly 'skip' a turn and take Poison damage while doing nothing. It adds up pretty quickly. (You can even Haste him.)

Don't forget to Silence him.
Silence works as well? Ahhh damn it! Well he's toast now, Grand Summoned Bahamut to finish him off, now onto Sanctuary Keeper...


You need to beat Grand Cup: Hard 3 times. After that Shady Duo, Tonberry the Ripper, and Areq & Arroja are added to the roster of tournament matches from that point on.

Beat it 3 times and only Areq and Arroja joined the roster?

EDIT: nvm. they all joined, only specifically mentioned the Cactuars though.


Aaaaaand Dark Aeons all down. Going to go do some stuff around the house and then I'll hopefully get the final 2 trophies when I'm done


Finally beat the game (FFX) for the first time ever - not for lack of trying - normally I'd get partway through and then get distracted.

Didn't do any of the Dark Aeons though, except the Dark Magus Sisters. I ran into them accidentally after not saving for nearly an hour (yeah, bad, I know), pulled out Yojimbo, tossed a couple million gil at him and he (fortunately) cast Zanmato.

Now to decide whether to play X-2....


Gold Member
Looking for fortune spheres. I just looked online and found out that the only monster that drops them is Earth eater? That was for FFX PS2 so I'm assuming it's the same for FFX HD. Is this correct? The only way to get them is to defeat the incredibly difficult Earth eater?


G***n S**n*bi



This is the second time I've done this since I bought the original back in 01. One of the most rage inducing gaming sessions in my entire life. I Vowed never to attempt it ever again... until Square announced a remaster.

Well I done did it again, folks. 14 motherfucking years later. I DONE DID IT AGAIN! And with the trophy system I've got the receipts this time, baby. Aahahahahahahah!!!


Looking for fortune spheres. I just looked online and found out that the only monster that drops them is Earth eater? That was for FFX PS2 so I'm assuming it's the same for FFX HD. Is this correct? The only way to get them is to defeat the incredibly difficult Earth eater?
By the time you actually need to farm Fortune Spheres, Earth Eater is a pushover though.

Man. Was doing fine on Penance, then my wife distracted me and I lost count of my attacks on the arms. Suddenly the second one regenerated, and the body got a turn. Judgment Day.

Urgh. Guess I'll try again tomorrow.
Looking for fortune spheres. I just looked online and found out that the only monster that drops them is Earth eater? That was for FFX PS2 so I'm assuming it's the same for FFX HD. Is this correct? The only way to get them is to defeat the incredibly difficult Earth eater?

You're actually better off farming Penance's arms or Dark Yojimbo, for Master Spheres, IIRC. Can't remember which though.
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