I heard you like "Drifting Around The Entire Map of Forza Horizon 3": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tbbw81RniE
I need that build for Drift Zones.
I need that build for Drift Zones.
The 2xCR and 2xXP are from a skill perk and the HE car respectively, the 3x skill XP is a skill perk as well.
Oh cool, which perks though had a look but cannot see any 2xCR or 2xXP, there is:
"in the fast lane" that gives permanent 10% event finish XP.
"wombo combo" that will earn 10% more toward skill score from combo skills.
"skill legend" skill chain goes up to 6.
"skill shortcut" skills multiplier builds twice as quick.
I don't have a HE carthink as UE owner should have been given a free one!
10 laps (2 hours, exactly). So tiring. Went from Level 50 to 91 lol.
The AI (3 cars only though) was pretty much following me all the time. Pretty competitive and sometimes feels unjustly so. I see others having an easy time but it was the opposite for me. Hmm.
I've had it disappear on me a few times until I rebooted. (XBO version)
Which activity is this?
I'll keep an eye out, thought it was weird my progress was no longer showing on screen. I have yet to see any achievements pop either.
Played the demo for this and had a blast. DiRT 2 was the last racing game I really enjoyed and this has a similar vibe. Will definitely be buying it.
Look in the top row. They are all ones you can buy over and over again for some temp bonuses.
I swear, StunWar must have the most infuriatingly quick and consistent Drivatar I have ever seen. He has been in second in literally every race I have done, and a close second at that. Tried the Goliath race for the first time and he was on me the entire goddam race.
Also, I really need that Jag HE.
10 laps (2 hours, exactly). So tiring. Went from Level 50 to 91 lol.
The AI (3 cars only though) was pretty much following me all the time. Pretty competitive and sometimes feels unjustly so. I see others having an easy time but it was the opposite for me. Hmm.
Did one lap of it for the first time yesterday. Great course but man you better have a car with some top end. The AI kept flying past me.....
Feels like there is some rubber banding in this game, more so than 2 at least.
AFAIK it opens up once you upgrade the Byron's Bay festival to level 5.
You need to get your Byran Bay level 5
Did one lap of it for the first time yesterday. Great course but man you better have a car with some top end. The AI kept flying past me.....
Feels like there is some rubber banding in this game, more so than 2 at least.
Aren't these the same car ?
Or maybe you wanted a LHD 350Z ?
Congrats, I guess. you just sold me on a mess of a port.
I cannot hold out any longer.
The AI seems to be able to take turns so much faster than me. I understeer like crazy and they just blow through it like 20mph faster than I can. Could be skill or tune but IDK. I'll rewind and try to take a corner over and over and come out as fast but it usually doesn't matter. I try to do slow in fast out but they just do fast in faster out and it annoys the shit out of me lol..
If they are really close to you it seems like they don't do stupid stuff like flipping over on the beach or whatever. I had one race where I couldn't pull away and they were on me the entire time. If you start to pull ahead they get completely lost though. That's what I think happens anyway.
this is what i got in a 10 lap race
Do the Bucket Lists. The hardcore game is hidden in them (especially some of the community ones).I was excited for this game and I have played for about ten hours and I feel like I've seen it all.
It's basically the same thing over and over.
One of the reasons I'm getting tired of it might be because I'm getting rewards for everything all the time, no matter how bad I drive.
Or maybe Ive played too many racing games.
This has been answered before, but what's the maximum skill points that are acquired in one combo? I wanna know when to stop.
Will you get £40 worth of extra fun out of it?Not an easy question to answer (as we don't know the cars that will be in the car pack), but is the Ultimate edition worth buying, now that the early release has been and gone?
It looks like all that it can be bought separately if I needed to?
Seriously this. Either I have suddenly become shit at racing games or the AI is doing something to keep it planted in an unnatural way.
3 = 300k skill score.
Will you get £40 worth of extra fun out of it?
Yeah the rubber banding is annoying. Why is it in the game!
Showcases have always had some kind of scripted AI in previous games, to be fair, it would be hard for them not to have.Is it me or is it even more prevalent in the showcases? It seems nigh on impossible to lose them...
Is it me or is it even more prevalent in the showcases? It seems nigh on impossible to lose them...
Showcases have always had some kind of scripted AI in previous games, to be fair, it would be hard for them not to have.
The final showcase event is so anticlimactic, the car they give you is so slow and not fun to drive.
The boat one was the most fun imo.
Anyone know where the forza screenshots are saved on Win10 ?
I got that much XP because of skills and perks that boost skills basically. One of the top ones gives you triple skill points for three races I think it is. It costs 10 points.Nice! How did you get so much? I'm guessing from the skills? Currently knocking around some crops in the field to get the needed skills, haha.
This has been answered before, but what's the maximum skill points that are acquired in one combo? I wanna know when to stop.
Xbox App says I played the game for 39 hours... holy hell. How did that happen.'Game Progress' is only 25%. What a game.
Can anyone give me some tips on drift zones? I'm absolute garbage at them.
LOL! Perfect.Oh well. It's almost as good.