What am I supposed to be looking at here?
Missing tires.
What am I supposed to be looking at here?
Missing tires.
I had the same thing happen right after I downloaded a tune. I thought I had accidentally downloaded a glitch tune but it went away eventually and reloading the tune didnt make it appear again.Yeah. I even switched cars to see if it would reappear, but no.
Holy shit. I don't even know where to start earning money for some of these cars.
Any solid suggestions for a beginner?
Missing tires.
Are you ready to get your S14? Not that long anymore, next FORZATHON starts October 13th at 9PM UTC and ends on October 15th at 9AM UTC.
Do we just do this in regular freeroam or do I have to be in a public server to do this?
I had the same thing happen right after I downloaded a tune. I thought I had accidentally downloaded a glitch tune but it went away eventually and reloading the tune didnt make it appear again.
Holy shit. I don't even know where to start earning money for some of these cars.
Any solid suggestions for a beginner?
It's now been 14 days since this game released, 18 if you count Ultimate Edition early access. Has anyone gotten their $10 gift cards from their order yet?
The Spins were ON POINT last night! I usually have CRAP luck at spins.
bam, bam, bam, bam, bam..haha
Few million in cars at minimal cost.
Play races and just save up! Also check out the auction house....I've purchased a few $5.5 million cares for around 700k. If you see a drivatar with the CR circle around it, challenge them to a head-to-head. You'll probably get around 50k just from that.
You'll probably have to chat with them.It's now been 14 days since this game released, 18 if you count Ultimate Edition early access. Has anyone gotten their $10 gift cards from their order yet?
Not me, and I've been curious about that.
Even my own tunes cause the issue of disappearing tires. As for invisible car selection, only got that when the game soft locked saving my decal set
Had like 5 of these today but just ignored them... fuck
how do you unlock body kits?
i just spent 30 skill points on that Bentley in the middle tab but when i go to my garage i don't own any Bentleys??
EDIT nevermind i got the gallardo
Why waste skill points on that? I just bought the Gallardo Superleggera for $100k credits on the Auction House.
is the S14 Zenki challenge really 35k on a drift zone? I've been seeing it's 75k in a drift zone online.
just got mine from amazon but they shipped me a pal version wtf? the pic clearly states its a u.s. ver... does it have japanese cars?
Not me. I haven't gotten one for ReCore either. I'm assuming it's because it was part of an Xbox Live Rewards deal to preorder those two titles for $15 Xbox credit each.Has anyone who ordered this off the microsoft store received their $10 gift code? It said within 10 business days but as I see it were going on the 11th or 12th business day and still nada.
It's now been 14 days since this game released, 18 if you count Ultimate Edition early access. Has anyone gotten their $10 gift cards from their order yet?
get a USB drive and put a folder called "Xbox Music Library" at the root.. then drag and drop your tunes into the folder using your computer.How can you listen to your own music in this? The soundtrack is good but it's a bit tiring. Lol
I'm having a fucking blast. Can't drift for shit. Lol
get a USB drive and put a folder called "Xbox Music Library" at the root.. then drag and drop your tunes into the folder using your computer.
from there download an app called "simple music player" from the Xbox store and then snap it once you're in-game.
the app is really basic (it doesn't support album subfolders, it just takes all the music files and puts them in one long list), but it works fine for me to just shuffle a bunch of songs.
Is multiple save files possible on xbox? I wish it was on PC
So how often do you guys NOT upgrade cars? I feel like upgrading cars all the way no matter what they are kind of ruins them, unless they're already super cars or something, but keeping them stock makes them kind of unfun to drive. Always torn, especially for the more classic styled cars.
So how often do you guys NOT upgrade cars? I feel like upgrading cars all the way no matter what they are kind of ruins them, unless they're already super cars or something, but keeping them stock makes them kind of unfun to drive. Always torn, especially for the more classic styled cars.
Upgrading seems pointless to me, doesn't the AI just adapt to how fast you are anyway? I don't even notice much difference with engine or exhaust sounds.