Let's see if Obsidian can actually make a good game without having to piggyback on other people's already establish work.
Let's see if Obsidian can actually make a good game without having to piggyback on other people's already establish work. Alpha Protocol wasn't that encouraging, decent game at best.
Bethesda made Fallout 3 relevant and a multi-million seller. Obsidian/Interplay didn't and the first two game were far different gameplay wise. Anyways like I said, it will be interesting to see how Obsidian make their own game. Just hope it's better than Alpha Protocol.
Bethesda made Fallout 3 relevant and a multi-million seller. Obsidian/Interplay didn't and the first two game were far different gameplay wise. Anyways like I said, it will be interesting to see how Obsidian make their own game. Just hope it's better than Alpha Protocol.
Achievement: History Channel Expert
-Spot five aliens
Achievement: Chinpokomaster!
-Collect all Chinpokomon
Towards the beginning of the game you have control of Butters and he's punished. Escape to meet Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and the new kid(You)!
At some point in the game Kenny inevitably dies. (progression Achievement: You Bastard!)
A little ways further into the game, Kenny is back with no explanation or acknowledgement.
:Quest involving getting Cartman's mom to have sex with someone in order to obtain something.
:Tracking underpants gnomes, ends with partial share in business and steady cash inflow.
:Cheesy Puffs regenerate health
lay a football game as the South Park Cows.
:Go hunting with Jim and Ned.
Just off the top of my head and I'm not even creative. The game is definitely there to be made.
OT: Obsidian is working on another soon-to-be-cancelled title. F:NV project director Josh Sawyer is directing it for now.
It's thinking like this that leaves our market clogged with lookalikes and low-risk, high budget shooters.There's a 0% chance this won't bomb. Nobody asked for or wants this game, even if it turns out to be good. Asking full price for a game based on this concept is insane. Whoever greenlit this should be fired immediately. If the game has to exist, it should be a downloadable title at most.
Obviously, this does not mean that they will succeed with the game, especially considering how much different a video game is to a show compared to a musical. Also, for all we know, that Parker and Stone are involved might just be a pr spin to sell more copies. We don't know. We do not know anything at all. It could be bad, it could be good, it could be awesome.
I don't know, I love South Park so much, and Obsidian is competent with good source material. A full blown SP RPG sounds so damn amazing to me, never expected this. Can't believe some folks are so down on it. I'm looking forward to hearing more, damn...
Already said best ; Matt and Trey would never let SP license used carelessly, and no doubt they would be involved personally. I just think these guys really know what they're doing, how they want it done, and won't stray from it. Just look at how much better each successive season is to the last.
Really hope Obsidian will go crazy on this, taking stabs at current wrpg conventions and a parody of the "romantic" mechanics we see so often now. And I want a Bobby Kotick cameo, seeing how Satan is on the cover he would do a nice new bitch for him in place of Saddam. Not happening though lol.
This will be solid.
If you hate south park what the fuck are you doing in this thread?