Gorilla killed after dragging child at Cincinnati Zoo

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You'll find that we all have opinions and that just as with all the thoughts on this thread being an opinion and subjective that someone being weird also falls under that.

Ah, maybe not find but yeah sorry


So guys, last African rhino or an illegal poacher?

Is human life more important?

Ask this lady:



There have been over 250 people killed in Chicago alone this year. When an animal gets killed, people lose their shit, Jimmy Kimmel starts crying on TV and NeoGAF threads reach 20 pages.

I don't understand you people.


I'm sure those of us from Cinci who've been to the zoo can tell you; Cincinnati zoo has a lot of bad enclosures. Many of them are not very secure. They have low fences and moats. Early this year iirc, a polar bear escaped its enclosure.


There have been over 250 people killed in Chicago alone this year. When an animal gets killed, people lose their shit, Jimmy Kimmel starts crying on TV and NeoGAF threads reach 20 pages.

I don't understand you people.

Holy shit, did Kimmel actually cry? I don't get it either. Look, I understand it's sad they had to kill the gorilla and people love animals, I just don't understand how people put animal life above a humans. I would have zero problems killing an animal to save a human.

I said this in another thread the other day. See a post on Facebook about animal who's owner gave him meth, hundreds of comments and shares, an hour later same Facebook page posts about a child being abused and wandering the stress at 2am with feces all over him and you have like 15 people replying to the thread. I don't get it.

E92 M3

There have been over 250 people killed in Chicago alone this year. When an animal gets killed, people lose their shit, Jimmy Kimmel starts crying on TV and NeoGAF threads reach 20 pages.

I don't understand you people.

Animals and children are the only innocent things on this planet. We should strive to protect innocence.
There have been over 250 people killed in Chicago alone this year. When an animal gets killed, people lose their shit, Jimmy Kimmel starts crying on TV and NeoGAF threads reach 20 pages.

I don't understand you people.

A lot of people get very heated about alleged mistreatment of animals - as long as they have a personal connection to one or the animal is sufficiently "majestic" or "exotic". See: this thread.

We've had threads where people have openly pondered the idea of allowing infants to be killed after birth. The weird misanthropic "humanity is a cancer and I don't care if a stranger dies... in fact, it's probably a good thing" stuff is sadly not new.


A lot of people get very heated about alleged mistreatment of animals - as long as they have a personal connection to one or the animal is sufficiently "majestic" or "exotic". See: this thread.

We've had threads where people have openly pondered the idea of allowing infants to be killed after birth. The weird misanthropic "humanity is a cancer and I don't care if a stranger dies... in fact, it's probably a good thing" stuff is sadly not new.

That is the worst. It makes my blood boil.


Disgusting to read posts of people saying that if in a given situation, they would save an animal over the life of another human. I would hope you would be prosecuted for being akin to a murderer, cause that's some backward ass thinking. Like you would push a human off your life raft to make room for your fucking dog? Give me a fucking break.

E92 M3

Nice drive-by post

There are animals that rape other animals.

They act on instinct and we don't always have to agree with those instincts - it's still innocence (rape isn't the correct word). Some kids bite each other, but that doesn't mean they are violent.

On the other hand, grown humans are actively malicious.


There have been over 250 people killed in Chicago alone this year. When an animal gets killed, people lose their shit, Jimmy Kimmel starts crying on TV and NeoGAF threads reach 20 pages.

I don't understand you people.

The gorilla's life was completely in the hands of humans. If humans mess up, the gorilla dies. It has no recourse.

It is upsetting when an animal has to die because of human self importance. The kid is not to blame- he is too young to grasp the consequence of jumping into the pit with a wild animal. The gorilla is not to blame- he's stuck in a cage and can't escape humans. The zoo staff is not to blame, they did what they had to do to save child. It is the parents who failed here. They failed to keep their kid under control and failed to teach him you play with wild animals.

It is upsetting so many are hand waving away the parents responsibility with "you must not have kids" or "kids get away sometimes". "Parenting is hard. You can't fault the parent!" "Blame the zoo! It is their sole responsibility to keep children safe."

Bullshit. Humans are apex predators. Because they are smart, they absolutely should be held to a higher standard than an animal or young child. That includes parents.


They act on instinct and we don't always have to agree with those instincts - it's still innocence (rape isn't the correct word). Some kids bite each other, but that doesn't mean they are violent.

On the other hand, grown humans are actively malicious.

The vast majority of humans, there are billions of us, are decent people.


A lot of people get very heated about alleged mistreatment of animals - as long as they have a personal connection to one or the animal is sufficiently "majestic" or "exotic". See: this thread.

We've had threads where people have openly pondered the idea of allowing infants to be killed after birth. The weird misanthropic "humanity is a cancer and I don't care if a stranger dies... in fact, it's probably a good thing" stuff is sadly not new.

There's often comments saying 7 Billion humans, and only 2,500 tigers in the world. This is related to the news article saying there's a serial killing tigress in India. Its a very ugly analogy but yeah.
They act on instinct and we don't always have to agree with those instincts - it's still innocence (rape isn't the correct word). Some kids bite each other, but that doesn't mean they are violent.

On the other hand, grown humans are actively malicious.

There are animals that know what they're doing they they have "cohersive sex". Dolphins have advanced enough brains to attack maliciously. Orcas are the same way. Chimps will actively commit war on other chimp populations. Male otters will have "cohersive sex" will a baby seal until it dies.

Animals are assholes too. They just aren't advanced enough to our level.
They act on instinct and we don't always have to agree with those instincts - it's still innocence (rape isn't the correct word). Some kids bite each other, but that doesn't mean they are violent.

On the other hand, grown humans are actively malicious.

This seems to presuppose the existence of free will.

E92 M3

The vast majority of humans, there are billions of us, are decent people.

Sure, but we're discussing broadly. Also, decent doesn't mean innocent.

There are animals that know what they're doing they they have "cohersive sex". Dolphins have advanced enough brains to attack maliciously. Orcas are the same way. Chimps will actively commit war on other chimp populations. Male otters will have "cohersive sex" will a baby seal until it dies.

Animals are assholes too. They just aren't advanced enough to our level.

Yes, but you're biased due to being a human and judging a lower specie's actions. Innocence does not mean following the rules of mankind.


Wow, now her name is out, people on the internet found out who the father is of the kid, who lets just say has had a few run in's with the law.
Holy shit, did Kimmel actually cry? I don't get it either. Look, I understand it's sad they had to kill the gorilla and people love animals, I just don't understand how people put animal life above a humans. I would have zero problems killing an animal to save a human.

I said this in another thread the other day. See a post on Facebook about animal who's owner gave him meth, hundreds of comments and shares, an hour later same Facebook page posts about a child being abused and wandering the stress at 2am with feces all over him and you have like 15 people replying to the thread. I don't get it.

Cause some humans are worse than animals.
Yes, but you're biased due to being a human and judging a lower specie's actions. Innocence does not mean following the rules of mankind.

I fail to see why we can't judge a dolphin negatively for actively choosing to rape and kill dolphin babies.

Because they aren't human? Well what magical thing floating in the aether gives one human the right to force their own moral view on other humans? Simply being the same species is enough?

You're immoral, because you don't sacrifice enough wheat to the sun god!


If you would let someone's son or daughter die to save your pet, you have some problems.

I know this is a hypothetical, but please respect humanity more than slavers and Nazis.
Cause some humans are worse than animals.

Not actually possible. If animals are all innocent, it is because they lack the capacity for making moral decisions. In which case you might as well argue inanimate objects are more moral than humans because those also lack the capacity for morality.

E92 M3

I fail to see why we can't judge a dolphin negatively for actively choosing to rape and kill dolphin babies.

Because they aren't human? Well what magical thing floating in the aether gives one human the right to force their own moral view on other humans? Simply being the same species is enough?

You're immoral, because you don't sacrifice enough wheat to the sun god!

We are magnitudes more intelligent than dolphins. Your argument about humans judging a lower species for instinctual behavior doesn't hold water.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
There have been over 250 people killed in Chicago alone this year. When an animal gets killed, people lose their shit, Jimmy Kimmel starts crying on TV and NeoGAF threads reach 20 pages.

I don't understand you people.
That's just it, we do a pretty fine job of rationalizing and compartmentalizing the preventable deaths of our own kind at scale and, let's be honest, do the same for animals most of the time given how we slaughter them in the millions and usually don't bat an eye.

Our outrage at death, be it human or animal, has always been pretty arbitrary, as such.


Honorary Canadian.
At what point do we blame Disney for making vicious animals seem cuddly with all their Hollywood liberal movies? huh?

This kid probably thought a gorilla would cradle him and take him to King Louie to learn the secrets of the monkey kingdom! total bs imo.

that's why I wont take my kids to see jungle book until they're at least 16.


They should get a fine at least. Doesn't exotic species have tremendous value? The direct cause of her offspring had it killed.

Absolutely not, that's totally senseless and unnecessary. You'd be fining the parents who need money to raise that poor child. It's a unfortunate tragedy, leave it at that. No need to further penalize anyone.

If you/everyone in this thread wants to make things better instead of just tearing things apart, donate money or time to the zoo or to animal conservation of your choice.


Holy shit, did Kimmel actually cry? I don't get it either. Look, I understand it's sad they had to kill the gorilla and people love animals, I just don't understand how people put animal life above a humans. I would have zero problems killing an animal to save a human.

I said this in another thread the other day. See a post on Facebook about animal who's owner gave him meth, hundreds of comments and shares, an hour later same Facebook page posts about a child being abused and wandering the stress at 2am with feces all over him and you have like 15 people replying to the thread. I don't get it.

As to the first paragraph, people aren't upset because they killed an animal to save a human. They're upset because this was a situation that could have been avoided. The animal didn't choose to be there, it was placed there by humans and had to die as a result of human error.

As to the second paragraph, this is just a result of social media. People only notice things like this that are trending and have a great amount of peer pressure linked to them, such as the Kony stuff a few years ago. Sad but true.
The gorilla's life was completely in the hands of humans. If humans mess up, the gorilla dies. It has no recourse.

It is upsetting when an animal has to die because of human self importance. The kid is not to blame- he is too young to grasp the consequence of jumping into the pit with a wild animal. The gorilla is not to blame- he's stuck in a cage and can't escape humans. The zoo staff is not to blame, they did what they had to do to save child. It is the parents who failed here. They failed to keep their kid under control and failed to teach him you play with wild animals.

It is upsetting so many are hand waving away the parents responsibility with "you must not have kids" or "kids get away sometimes". "Parenting is hard. You can't fault the parent!" "Blame the zoo! It is their sole responsibility to keep children safe."

Bullshit. Humans are apex predators. Because they are smart, they absolutely should be held to a higher standard than an animal or young child. That includes parents.
The zoo is to blame as much as the parents. The enclosure could be good for 38 years or whatever, until the day tragedy strikes, then it is no longer good. A lot of safety measures are born from good forward thinking, but the vast majority of them come about because of accidents that actually happen. The zoo will revamp that exhibit to make sure it is safer, that's the bottom line. You can cry about stupid humans until you're blue in the face, doesn't change the fact that a 3 year old should not be able to breach a fence in seconds.
We are magnitudes more intelligent than dolphins. Your argument about humans judging a lower species for instinctual behavior doesn't hold water.

And so that gives you the right to force your own moral views on the rest of the populace? Simply because we all hover around the same intelligence level?

E92 M3

And so that gives you the right to force your own moral views on the rest of the populace? Simply because we all hover around the same intelligence level?

Where did I force my views? It's uncontested that grown humans aren't innocent. We are actively destroying our own planet. I love being a human, but doesn't mean that I can't acknowledge how much damage our species has done.
As to the first paragraph, people aren't upset because they killed an animal to save a human. They're upset because this was a situation that could have been avoided. The animal didn't choose to be there, it was placed there by humans and had to die as a result of human error.

On the other hand, it could have been left in the wild and simply died due to it being evolutionary unfit. Most animal species cannot compete with humans. They should thank the gods that we also evolved the ability to give a fuck about them in the first place.


You can cry about stupid humans until you're blue in the face, doesn't change the fact that a 3 year old should not be able to breach a fence in seconds.

Would never had happened if the parent had control over their kid. Period. Again, stop abolishing the parents of their responsibility. You can't kiddy proof the whole world.
Sure, but we're discussing broadly. Also, decent doesn't mean innocent.

Yes, but you're biased due to being a human and judging a lower specie's actions. Innocence does not mean following the rules of mankind.

Then what does it mean? Because I'd argue that you're pretty damn naive and using your own human biases judging what is innocent and what isn't. Nothing is innocent or bad. We just are.

Don't expect people to read a 22 page thread in its entirety before posting. Probably didn't see it constantly talked about. It does though. the fence is a joke.

And it was fine for 38 years before two parents decided to not keep track of their child.
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