Gorilla killed after dragging child at Cincinnati Zoo

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I blame the zoo.

If a 4-year-old is able to climb or maneuver his way into a gorilla enclosure, then they failed to secure the enclosure properly. Parents shouldn't HAVE to worry about their child getting into an "enclosure" with a dangerous animal at a zoo. It should be assumed it wouldn't be possible except in the most extreme cases, and CERTAINLY not with a 4-year-old.

This should never happen. It shouldn't be possible. The zoo has to approach their security and animal enclosures from every conceivable point of view.

They failed and have only themselves to blame.

It's not like the toddler had bolt cutters or planned to break in over a period of days and weeks.

The fencing or whatever it was was not good enough and it was defeated by a curious 4-year-old who just climbed and crawled through. That's not a secured enclosure.

The zoo is to blame. Period.

IN FACT, I would SUE the zoo if I were the parents.


Why could the zoo keepers not just shoot the gorilla's legs?

Because the child was in his arms? You want the gorilla to be fighting for it's life with a toddler in its arms? That would only increase the odds of the child getting severely injured or killed.


I just went to Brookfield Zoo today with my wife's family including her sister and 3 kids (plus my own). Zoos are very chaotic. Lots of people walking around. All it takes is 5-10 seconds for a kid to run away.

Don't assume the parents were negligent.

I've been to a zoo. 3 kids. toddlers. Chaos and all that jazz. I still ask the question. Especially in a situation where you're around dangerous animals. If you're kid managed to climb into a cage...there was some negligence there.


Because the child was in his arms? You want the gorilla to be fighting for it's life with a toddler in its arms? That would only increase the odds of the child getting severely injured or killed.

I think that's a joke, as that get's brought up when a police officer has fatally shot someone.


Two questions.

Where the fuck were the parents and are they being held accountable?

Could they not have shot the gorilla with darts that would knock it unconscious?

Oh, the article answers question number two:

Maynard said the gorilla wasn't tranquilized because in such a large animal, it would take several minutes for the tranquilizer to take effect.
It's a simple concept. If a species is in a zoo, they can't really go extinct because of poaching can they?

Seems to be a band-aid approach to the issue of humanity causing the extinction of a shitload of animal species since we got on the go. If a zoo is the only way to keep X species of animal alive, unfortunately they're non-viable at that point.


Poor Gorilla, looked pretty docile to me especially with the kid freaking out. Parents are dumb "Mommy loves you" while the kid is screaming his head off. Sigh...


What a deeply sad story. I wasn't there but I've heard and seen other video of gorillas actually being helpful towards children who have fallen in to things similar to this.

Watched the video, and if the gorilla wanted that kid dead or to hurt him he would have already done so. You can see him just supporting him and standing guard.

Something must have happened later to stir him up or confuse him afterwards (by the kid somehow choosing to taunt him or the over reactive behaviour of others observing) that isn't shown on the video which is annoying as I'd like to have seen if it was actually valid to have the gorilla killed.


Poor Gorilla, looked pretty docile to me especially with the kid freaking out. Parents are dumb "Mommy loves you" while the kid is screaming his head off. Sigh...
Read the article, they edited out the disturbing bits. As for freaking out, a 6ft kickboxer could have been there and shitting his pants.


Stuff like this pisses me off.. where the fuk are the parents , why was the kid not supervised next to an enclosure that obviously was easy for a four year old to climb over.. call cps.

Nothing ever happens in these cases. Its unreal to go to a zoo near animals like this and not be keeping a close eye on your child man. Jesus Christ. No one is saying you have to maintain that high level of attention to your child 24/7... JUST DO IT when you are at a Zoo.

Nothing happens though. I suppose everyone feels the family is put through enough with the child being injured.


You're suggesting there's a cover-up?

Maybe to a degree, or over-reacting. But from the video it looks like the gorilla is very intent on keeping the child safe, not hurting it. I'm not saying they shouldn't have shot it, unlike the Lions which I would have rather let the man die. Only that it didn't act aggressively.
This is unfortunate but a human life is worth more than an animal's. They did what they had to do.
In this case, yes. There was no other choice.

1) How'd the kid fall into an enclosure

2) How'd it take the zoo ten minutes to neutralize the gorilla?
Shit like this is stuff people should actively question and draw CRITICAL attention to. Where was the kid's parents? Cases like this, parents should share SOME blame for negligence. I think when stuff like this happens, the end result about killing the gorilla results in "case closed" and NOTHING is done to those that initiate the circumstance. Many of these situations could've been avoided had people not acted so recklessly. In this case, the parents are to blame(the kid was just a kid).

Yep. This zoo should be sued to shit for allowing a 4 year old to be able to break into an enclosure.

THIS too!! Sooooo much this!!


Bloodborne is shit
I blame the zoo.

If a 4-year-old is able to climb or maneuver his way into a gorilla enclosure, then they failed to secure the enclosure properly. Parents shouldn't HAVE to worry about their child getting into an "enclosure" with a dangerous animal at a zoo. It should be assumed it wouldn't be possible except in the most extreme cases, and CERTAINLY not with a 4-year-old.

This should never happen. It shouldn't be possible. The zoo has to approach their security and animal enclosures from every conceivable point of view.

They failed and have only themselves to blame.

It's not like the toddler had bolt cutters or planned to break in over a period of days and weeks.

The fencing or whatever it was was not good enough and it was defeated by a curious 4-year-old who just climbed and crawled through. That's not a secured enclosure.

The zoo is to blame. Period.

IN FACT, I would SUE the zoo if I were the parents.
You and people like you are why have tags on mattresses.

Stop catering to the dumbest, most negligent among us.


Some crazy reactions.

Close down the zoo?

Sue the zoo?

It's a design flaw on the exhibit. Sadly, an animal was killed but man at the reactions here.


I don't blame the kid, but I'm really pissed off at the negligent parents here. A poor innocent gorilla had to die.
Also, couldn't they have used a fast-acting tranquilizer instead?
I don't see how this is the parent's fault in the slightest.

The ZOO failed, not the parents.

If you have to constantly watch to make sure your 4-year-old doesn't get into an enclosure with a dangerous animal at a zoo, then no parent in their right mind should take their kids to a zoo. It should be assumed that it's too dangerous for toddlers.

If it's a dumb ass teenager who scales a 25 foot wall on a dare from his friends? Then, yea. The gorilla can pummel him to death if it wishes and I won't shed a tear unless the Gorilla is put down.

But a 4-year-old toddler just climbing a couple feet and crawling the rest of the way? No way. The zoo failed. Plain as that.

You can't focus on just keeping the animals in the enclosures. You have to keep the people out of the enclosures too and assume they're not bright enough, stable enough or old enough, to know better.


Awful news, especially coming so soon after that lions incident in Chile. Really sad.

I think zoos have their pros and cons, but it's incredibly frustrating when a healthy, viable animal that belongs to an endangered species with a worldwide population numbering merely in the thousands has to be killed because people interfered with it. Certainly not blaming the little kid or trying to set off another 'humans vs. animals' debate, it just really sucks.

Hopefully parents learn to watch their kids more closely and the zoo looks into anything they can do to make things like this less possible.
I blame the zoo more than the parents. A kid getting away from you for a few seconds is going to happen, it's not the most responsible thing in the world but it happens, but said kid shouldn't be able to so easily get into an animal enclosure.


I don't blame the kid, but I'm really pissed off at the negligent parents here. A poor innocent gorilla had to die.
Also, couldn't they have used a fast-acting tranquilizer instead?
Fast acting? This isn't NyQuil, it takes several minutes. Child could have been killed in seconds.




So the kid went under this metal railing with "securtiy ropes", through the bushes and fell into the fake river.


I don't blame the kid, but I'm really pissed off at the negligent parents here. A poor innocent gorilla had to die.
Also, couldn't they have used a fast-acting tranquilizer instead?

do these actually exist? plus its a fucking gorilla , like an elephant it's not going down instantly and it'd be enough time to be angry and irrationally hit whatever is near it aka the child. Sucks it had to get put down, I blame the enclosure with the zoo, and the parents for not paying attention to their child


I blame the zoo.

If a 4-year-old is able to climb or maneuver his way into a gorilla enclosure, then they failed to secure the enclosure properly.

This should never happen. It shouldn't be possible. The zoo has to approach their security and animal enclosures from every conceivable point of view.

They failed and have only themselves to blame.

It's not like the toddler had bolt cutters or planned to break in over a period of days and weeks.

The fencing or whatever it was was not good enough and it was defeated by a curious 4-year-old who just climbed and crawled through. That's not a secured enclosure.

The zoo is to blame. Period.

Over a million people visit that particular zoo a year. They've had no other incidences of people falling into the enclosure in 38 years.

Zoo animals aren't always going to be behind unbreakable plexiglass. Getting into enclosures is not going to be impossible (or even hard) if you completely ignore the safety rules. The same is going to be true of all public spaces. Look at how many kids are killed or injured each year by falling off balconies or railings in apartments, hotels, malls, etc.


Bloodborne is shit
I don't see how this is the parent's fault in the slightest.

The ZOO failed, not the parents.

If you have to constantly watch to make sure your 4-year-old doesn't get into an enclosure with a dangerous animal at a zoo, then no parent in their right mind should take their kids to a zoo. It should be assumed that it's too dangerous for toddlers.

If it's a dumb ass teenager who scales a 25 foot wall on a dare from his friends? Then, yea. The gorilla can pummel him to death if it wishes and I won't shed a tear unless the Gorilla is put down.

But a 4-year-old toddler just climbing a couple feet and crawling the rest of the way? No way. The zoo failed. Plain as that.

You can't focus on just keeping the animals in the enclosures. You have to keep the people out of the enclosures too and assume they're not bright enough, stable enough or old enough, to know better.

Because after a certain point humans have to display some amount of awarness so that the rest of us don't have to wear a safety harness any time we walk through a zoo.

Get your shit together. Watch your fucking children. Demand more from your fellow man. We're better than this.


I blame the zoo more than the parents. A kid getting away from you for a few seconds is going to happen, it's not the most responsible thing in the world but it happens, but said kid shouldn't be able to so easily get into an animal enclosure.

And a kid shouldn't have enough time to climb into and animal enclosure if their parents were paying attention. They went to a zoo where they know dangerous animals are around. You'd think you'd be extra careful in an environment like that.


I'm sorry but that gorilla didn't even look upset at all. Being dragged in water a couple seconds isn't gonna kill you. I understand why they killed the animal, but I'd be curious of what would have happened if the zoo staff approached said gorilla calmly, maybe exchanging the kid for a treat.
Where were the parents?

I don't understand how people can take their kid to an environment with known dangerous animals and think it's acceptable to not watch them.

What makes you think the parents think it's acceptable? Accidents happen. Raising it to the level of criminal neglect is ridiculous.

People always have weird fucking reactions to these stories. What the fuck would filing criminal charges solve? You don't think the fact that these parents were seconds away from possibly watching their child be mauled by a gorilla put enough of a scare into them?
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