Gorilla killed after dragging child at Cincinnati Zoo

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Zoos shouldn't have existed beyond the Victorian era. We don't have freakshows anymore, we shouldn't have enclosures where people come to stare at "exotic" animals in captivity either.
Many major conservation and reproduction programs for endangered and threatened species are run by zoos, which use ticket sales to find their conservation efforts.

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Unconfirmed Member
Many major conservation and reproduction programs for endangered and threatened species are run by zoos, which use ticket sales to find their conservation efforts.

Pretty much. In an ideal world, we'd all just give money directly to the relevant charities, but since we won't, zoos are necessary to ensure the conservation of many critically endangered species.


1) How'd the kid fall into an enclosure

Parents failed to monitor him near dangerous animals.

Or he had a parent who held him over the fence to get a better view like many morons do.

Either way, an animal died cause of human stupidity.

2) How'd it take the zoo ten minutes to neutralize the gorilla?

Because the majority of people at zoo follow the rule, thus and armed guard oat every enclosure is not needed.

Glad the kid survived, but the parents need to be punished.


Junior Member
This is unfortunate but a human life is worth more than an animal's. They did what they had to do.

That is an absolutely ridiculous thing to say. A human life is NOT more important than an animals. We have put those poor animals in a cage and then when we invade the space we have created for them... that isn't enough, we still kill it because some parents are too busy in their own self indulgence to notice their kids had strayed in to a cage. The parents should be charged. That animal should have be tranquilized if anything.

I actually hate the way humans create this image that we are more important then everything else, we're not. We're nothing but leaches and suck the earth for everything it has and in effect slowly killing it. Not many animals are glutenous animals like us, they take what they need and that is us. We've been around for such a small amount of time and we are tearing this place apart.


Junior Member
Parents failed to monitor him near dangerous animals.

Or he had a parent who held him over the fence to get a better view like many morons do.

Either way, an animal died cause of human stupidity.

Because the majority of people at zoo follow the rule, thus and armed guard oat every enclosure is not needed.

Glad the kid survived, but the parents need to be punished.

The point is a child was given a chance to live. Human lives over others anyday . Were the apex species on the planet for a reason and if anyone thinks were equal id love to see ppl back when we didn't have guns and cities and had to deal with crocs and tigers and cobras directly .

Having said that parents were stupid and there wasn't a reason to put the child or animals life in danger in the first place .


Junior Member
That is an absolutely ridiculous thing to say. A human life is NOT more important than an animals. We have put those poor animals in a cage and then when we invade the space we have created for them... that isn't enough, we still kill it because some parents are too busy in their own self indulgence to notice their kids had strayed in to a cage. The parents should be charged. That animal should have be tranquilized if anything.

I actually hate the way humans create this image that we are more important then everything else, we're not. We're nothing but leaches and suck the earth for everything it has and in effect slowly killing it. Not many animals are glutenous animals like us, they take what they need and that is us. We've been around for such a small amount of time and we are tearing this place apart.

We are . If you prefer otherwise about the leeching be my guest and live in a forest without any of human comforts point one being internet . Point two being any tech protection and well see when a lion is on your ass how you feel about humans . I'm not sure you understand the concept of an animal in the wild . It will rip you apart and eat you alive . The only reason we have this discussion is we've asserted our superiority to a point where we can help them without endangering ourselves . And any species which can do that is obviously important .its basic logic .
That is an absolutely ridiculous thing to say. A human life is NOT more important than an animals. We have put those poor animals in a cage and then when we invade the space we have created for them... that isn't enough, we still kill it because some parents are too busy in their own self indulgence to notice their kids had strayed in to a cage. The parents should be charged. That animal should have be tranquilized if anything.

I actually hate the way humans create this image that we are more important then everything else, we're not. We're nothing but leaches and suck the earth for everything it has and in effect slowly killing it. Not many animals are glutenous animals like us, they take what they need and that is us. We've been around for such a small amount of time and we are tearing this place apart.

This reads like parody. Its amazingly over the top.


Junior Member
This reads like parody. Its amazingly over the top.


Our insignificance within billionsof stars and billions of galaxies isn't lost on me neither is our significance as the first next stage intelligent life on our planet . That poster wouldn't post that if he/she truly understood the concept of a wild animal .


At this point I'm going to start blaming these Zoo's. Might need better enclosures if people can easily just fall into them.

And this case the parents should be punished as well for not keeping a close eye on the child.


Yep. This zoo should be sued to shit for allowing a 4 year old to be able to break into an enclosure.

Yeah, fuck blaming the parents.
THis is AMERICA we sue first, accept responsibily never.

And it is not just "an animal" it is a severely endangered species.
All because some flesh bag spawn of other flesh bags can not take care of their own gene trash.
How about the zoo sue the parents for not watching their kid better and costing the life of a severly endangerd gorilla?
Well, hopefully this poor gorilla's death will lead to much better barriers at this zoo and all other zoos.

That fence is and never was adequate enough to keep people and animals safely separated.

The fact something like this hasn't happened before is just dumb luck. It was a disaster waiting to happen.

The zoo put its patrons and its animals in danger with such shitty barriers. It takes a tragedy and/or lawsuits for many people to get the point.


It really sucks that this happened. Obviously the kid isn't to blame but there could've been some better supervision.

I'm glad he is okay but it's sad that the animal had to die for something that it wasn't his fault at all.


Junior Member
Eyewitnesses said the little boy had talked about wanting to get into the enclosure. Then he did.

Shitty parenting strikes again.


To be clear it was a tragedy. Who is responsible? The zoo, obviously. If they can't keep their enclosures secure they should not be allowed to keep dangerous and potentially dangerous animals in them.

No- the parents. If they can keep control over their kids, they shouldn't be able to go to zoos. Parent have to take responsibility for the safety of their kids.
Zoos really shouldn't exist in 2016. But more to the actual point, how the fuck was that fencing an acceptable design? That's fucking nuts.

Using the current year as an argument makes you look lazy and stupid.

In any case, the zoo should have had better fencing and the parent should have had a closer eye on her child when he said "hey mom I'm gonna go jump into the gorilla pit".
So if the child had jumped over the railing and then fallen to his death, not having an interaction with the Gorilla, would the Zoo still by at complete fault by some people in this thread? Just curious.

Because I see a lot of blame and responsibility being completely thrown on the Zoo, which shouldn't surprise me. Parents in this day and age love to blame everyone but themselves.

Astral Dog

Doesn't that depend? In the eyes of the law, sure. Let's be honest here though, if this was a gorilla I had brought up, then my emotional attatchment would likely be more than than with a child I didn't know. Added to that, this is in the context of a zoo. Humans have massacred wild populations of these things. This is in the context of the zoo, the animals are a paramount in a zoo. This kind of situation absolutely should not happen. Both the family and the zoo should be fined...heavily. I am sad for the families loss for sure, but it was for people to avoid, not the animal. Personally, I think this situation was sad whatever the outcome. One lives one dies, it is a fuck up either way.
Jesus he is a four year old human child,i know humans suck and all but these posts seem remind me we sometimes dont truly care about each other :(


I'm not a parent, I visited zoos, I've been 4 but my behaviour never forced someone to shoot a gorilla.
If my parents saw that kind of non-existant barrier, they would've told me "Stay close, hold my hand or you'll get slapped".

Harsh maybe, but hey I never got dragged by a fucking gorilla.


I'm not a parent, I visited zoos, I've been 4 but my behaviour never forced someone to shoot a gorilla.
If my parents saw that kind of non-existant barrier, they would've told me "Stay close, hold my hand or you'll get slapped".

Harsh maybe, but hey I never got dragged by a fucking gorilla.

The issue i have , while blaming said railing system for being dumb, is why any parent would let a kid near a railing system that shoddy to begin with. I mean i've always assumed railing systems to be shitty and that i'd fall off of one i i climbed it when i was younger, or slip and bust my head/mouth on the railing.

This is a great point. Why couldn't they have just used a tranq gun? It seems like they would need to have access to one anyway.

Tranquilizers do not work instantly... secondly its going to enrage the gorilla when it realizes a dart just got shot into its system making it more likely for the gorilla to go (excuse the pun) Apeshit mad and attack something nearby primarily the chiild.


This is a great point. Why couldn't they have just used a tranq gun? It seems like they would need to have access to one anyway.

Because real life is not a videogame where tranq headshot = flop dead on the ground, especially with heavy beasts.
Thanks for the warning. I'm not going to watch it. I don't want my mind to be disturbed for the evening as I already feel disturbed imagining it.

Nothing happens in it. The gorilla is standing infront of the child, potentially holding one of his ankles underwater.

In the video with the dragging, the gorilla grabs the child by the ankle and quickly, but not particularly violently, drags the child 6-8 metres and then stops, looking at the child.


Even some zoos think there shouldn't be any zoos any more, or at least for large mammals, and that captive breeding programs for conservation have failed.

All I could find of this BBC horizon program on the subject was this quick summary but it's worth looking for the hour long version if you can find it.

You'd be surprised . My parents were super protective and I got lost once too (yes a zoo) kids wander off it just takes 2 min parent looking at animal for a min kid runs off to new animal etc . They found me soon enough but I remeber how freaked out they were from everytime that story is told .

I mean, the wandering off isn't the bad part. Small children can run away very quickly and quietly. It's the fact that the small child said "Mommy mommy! I'm gonna go jump in the gorilla pit!" And the parent didn't seem to keep their child close by afterwards.


A stupid preventable incident caused by human negligence. Too bad they couldn't have tranquilized the gorilla rather than kill it. Shame there isn't a fast-acting paralytic for this kind of incident.

In terms of odds, these incidents are incredibly rare.

But the internet effect makes it seem like it's some crazy epidemic that zoos have planned for, with strikes teams and fictitious "fast acting" tranquilizers.

Tranquilizers, like any drug, are extremely variable. Too much and you kill an animal, too little and the animal may never fall asleep in time. The only reason I know this was because I interned at a zoo.

Defining a correct dose that quickly would been lethal for the kid.
That is an absolutely ridiculous thing to say. A human life is NOT more important than an animals. We have put those poor animals in a cage and then when we invade the space we have created for them... that isn't enough, we still kill it because some parents are too busy in their own self indulgence to notice their kids had strayed in to a cage. The parents should be charged. That animal should have be tranquilized if anything.

I actually hate the way humans create this image that we are more important then everything else, we're not. We're nothing but leaches and suck the earth for everything it has and in effect slowly killing it. Not many animals are glutenous animals like us, they take what they need and that is us. We've been around for such a small amount of time and we are tearing this place apart.


Animals are not magical noble savages with an innate understanding of how much of a resource to take. They are not in perfect magical harmony with nature. Animals can and have hunted their own food source to extinction before.

You also have no idea how tranquilizers work. It isn't a video game. This is real life. You know anesthesiologists? You know how they make fucking tons of money because a little thing gone wrong can make the patient never wake up? Yeah, tranquilizers can be just as deadly and just as complicated to dose.


According to the article in the OP...

O’Connor says she heard the 4-year-old saying he wanted to jump into the gorilla’s habitat before the incident. The boy’s mother was also tending to several other young children.

“The little boy himself had already been talking about wanting to ... get in the water. The mother's like, 'No, you're not, no, you're not,'” O’Connor said.

O’Connor tried to help keep others calm while zoo officials moved in but left before Harambe was shot. In total, the boy was in the enclosure for 10 to 15 minutes, fire officials said.

Sounds like one of those brats you see who run rings round their parents. I do hope the kid is alright but sheesh I do hope his mother didn't take 8 kids to the zoo by herself.
That is an absolutely ridiculous thing to say. A human life is NOT more important than an animals. We have put those poor animals in a cage and then when we invade the space we have created for them... that isn't enough, we still kill it because some parents are too busy in their own self indulgence to notice their kids had strayed in to a cage. The parents should be charged. That animal should have be tranquilized if anything.

I actually hate the way humans create this image that we are more important then everything else, we're not. We're nothing but leaches and suck the earth for everything it has and in effect slowly killing it. Not many animals are glutenous animals like us, they take what they need and that is us. We've been around for such a small amount of time and we are tearing this place apart.
I'm going to guess your opinion changes pretty quickly when it's your kid between the wild animals.
This is a great point. Why couldn't they have just used a tranq gun? It seems like they would need to have access to one anyway.

Because real life is not a video game where tranquilizers are magic that make the enemy go "HUH WHO'SE TH...." and then play a sleep animation for a couple of minutes.

The dosage is difficult to figure out, they take time to work, they can kill the animal.
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