Looks like Sweet Baby Inc was all over Hyper Light Breaker. This was from the company’s site in November. It’s been removed from the projects list if you check now. The publisher probably asked for it to be removed given all the attention SBI is now getting.
It's funny how if you check out the Steam discussion hub the developers claim that they haven't worked with SBI for a long time, but that doesn't really mean anything. "Early world building, story, story structure, and character development" are all integral parts of a game and the likelihood that Heart Machine has been able, or even wanted, to remove SBI's fingerprints from the game are in my opinion close to none. I don't know why game studios do this to themselves, but maybe they'll learn sooner or later that "the modern audience" isn't the most lucrative target to aim for.
But time will tell of course exactly how affected Hyper Light Breaker is and how successful it'll be.