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I think Bluepoint is not ready to make a Bloodborne 2

Can Bluepoint make a proper Bloodborne?

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They should give them a new IP first to see how good they are at creating things. They are excellent remakers, but a game is another story. Those hardcore From Software and Bloodborne fans are relentless.


If Miyzaki isn’t involved I dont want a bloodborne 2. You can tell the difference when Miyzaki works on a souls game And when he doesnt …. ( yeah Im looking at your dark souls 2 )
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Love this logic of "only Miyazaki can make these games."

Used to say the same thing about Miyamoto and Zelda/Mario games.
But why even compare Bloodborne to Mario or Zelda? Bloodborne is much more niche. It's not a series that average folks are clamoring for a sequel to. Why would Bluepoint try to mess with that? Just create a new IP.


But why even compare Bloodborne to Mario or Zelda? Bloodborne is much more niche. It's not a series that average folks are clamoring for a sequel to. Why would Bluepoint try to mess with that? Just create a new IP.
Hes not comparing...


The studio head of Bluepoint Games, Marco Thrush, helped make Metroid Prime (before founding Bluepoint.)

He also pointed out that everyone at Bluepoint has worked on original game development (before joining Bluepoint.)

Did you really think all these guys have each spent their entire careers porting games? lol
Who cares? I can run off a thousand developer names who were a *part* of a project at one company and never did anything worthwhile again. Marco Thrush was also an engineer on the Prime series and hasn't worked on an original game in 15 years.

And, yes, anyone who has spent the majority of their careers at Bluepoint have literally spent it making ports. Individuals doing things elsewhere isn't the same as a company doing it together.

Bluepoint is great at what they do, but I've seen nothing to convince me they'd make a great Bloodborne sequel.


Moderated wildly
I honestly wouldn't touch it unless Miyazaki was involved.

They should have Bluepoint dev it but Miyazaki overlook the development, if he is available.



I think Bluepoint is not ready to make a Bloodborne 2​

Why? you have no real proof that they can make it or not. Their currently expanding their team, they could hire ex from software employees, or ask for direction from their team. Or both.They also have all of the great development resources from sony world wide studios. The game will look and run better than anything from software has ever made and ever will make this generation. Why dont you souls fans just wait until you see some gameplay instead of whining and moaning making all these threads about something you know nothing about?


Bluepoint have gone ape since Shadow of the Colossus remake, I dunno I'm inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Maybe the bluepoint game will have good frame pacing?
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These complaints about BP making BB2 doesn't make any sense to me.

If From Software isn't going to make one, who cares if BP does? It's not like BP making a sequel renders the first game obsolete. If it sucks, it sucks. Just play the original.

To me it's like, if you don't like the game then it may as well not exist for you. Getting worked up over it just seems like a huge waste of time and energy.


i really wonder how much art and content they have that never made it into the original game.

They must have many many monsters and boss designslocationthat did not make it, there must be a treasure trove of material they could pull from.


I love Souls games but they have to have the worst fan base in all of gaming.
if this rumor is true we probably going to get a decent souls game with proper budget, also sony has good relationship with from they could ask for miyazaki input because he made the first game, but nah doom and gloom. like i said people act like dark souls 2 is a bad game, you can argue is the worst dark souls but that doesnt mean is shit.
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If Sony said to Bluepoint, “Take everything you learned from Demon’s Souls, and go make a Bloodborne sequel” I’d be slightly concerned but still optimistic about playing it.

But I don’t think it would go down like that. More likely, collaborating with Fromsoft and getting feedback from Miyazaki while developing the game has potential for an excellent outcome.
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From software needs to make it in collaboration with blue point. Let me just say, demons souls engine being used would be jaw dropping for a bloodborne game. I do believe they should remake the game in that engine .
im intrigued to see how it turns out. i just feel bad for bluepoint as no matter what, they will have a legion of miyazaki fanboys going after them, who will write the game off before even seeing anything of it. i also the think the rumour is half true and fromsoft will be involved in some capacity unless its sony themselves who want to go at it without them. i cant see fromsoft themselves declining it as its the best game they have made and they know it. why would they refuse?

Airbus Jr

im intrigued to see how it turns out. i just feel bad for bluepoint as no matter what, they will have a legion of miyazaki fanboys going after them, who will write the game off before even seeing anything of it. i also the think the rumour is half true and fromsoft will be involved in some capacity unless its sony themselves who want to go at it without them. i cant see fromsoft themselves declining it as its the best game they have made and they know it. why would they refuse?
At least the good news is if bloodborne 2 is made by bluepoint the graphic will look like demon souls remake ( which is fukin amazing compared to elden ring )
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In terms of art, they struggled capturing the paganistic feeling of the original DS,
I really don't agree that Demon's Souls 2020 struggled with anything art wise.
I can see that people can complain how they didn't use the remake to update the game with some DS3 newer mechanics, but in terms of art direction and assets the game was just a generation above everything else when it released.
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Bluepoint will hit the ground running. It’ll be the same gameplay as the first game and probably alot of the same weapons like saw cleaver. I hope its a prequel about the healing church and vilebloods.


The reason all From games are so good - from DeS to BB and beyond - is because From made them.

BB fans are so totally rabid that it's going to be nearly impossible to live up to their expectations in a sequel and for my money the ONLY people capable of doing it correctly are the people who set the bar in the first place.

Bluepoint do spectacular work but they need something with way less weight to prove their creative chops as a team regardless of how many individual industry vets they have.
I want them to add an easy and hard mode.
Seeing the community come unglued over something they're never forced to use would be magnificent!
Concept of choice might as well be quantum gravity to them.
This is in response to the recent rumors that Sony gave Bluepoint the rains to a Bloodborne remake and sequel.

Sony gave them the honors to make a remake for Demon's Souls, and while they did the job adequately, they Struggled.
In terms of art, they struggled capturing the paganistic feeling of the original DS, just like Other Ocean Interactive struggled to capture the timburtonesque feeling of Medievil, with BP going back to fix some designs after the first trailers hit the public.
In terms of gameplay, they kept it identical to the old, avoiding to touch, rebalance or improve any aspect, (beyond the bladestone farm that was a mistake in the original's part). While that resulted in a decent gameplay overall, that's because the original game had a decent gameplay overall, and not because they studied and built it them selfs in some way.

Bloodborne, like most Souls-games, was a masterpiece of level design, guiding you without you even noticing to the right, or some times purposely to the wrong direction and training you.
Look no further than this video by the escapist to gen an idea.

The game had a brilliant Soul and not a formula to follow.

In terms of art, it's no wonder that people call Bloodborne the best Lovecraftian game, without it ever mentioning Lovecraft or C'thulu mythos (before the expansion). The game throws you in a semi-reasonable world where some mysterious affliction is turning people into madmen and beasts. Then the game slowly turns towards the weird and mystic, slowly throwing you into even more bizarre environments, emulating the feeling of living in a maddening nightmare that you can not wake up from. This further proves my theory that in order to make a proper Lovecraftian media, you must distance it and not advertise it to anything Lovecraft related, so the dive into horror will come slowly and unexpectedly.
A while back, I stumbled upon a video by Souls-loremaster VaatiVidya where he organized a competition for potential concepts and art for a potential, then unannounced, Bloodborne sequel.

I was impress how few but the top lore entries came even close to capturing the feeling of a proper bloodborne game.

IMO all the above are such a big job for a developer who until now only worked mostly on remakes and remasters.

What's your opinion?
Are the rumors true?
Would Bluepoint, or any other developer for that matter pull off a sequel that makes Bloodborne Justice?

You people are sick on the head... It's a game that you play couple hours and if it's good you can enjoy it. It's not your lover that you are afraid someone else will fuck, and maybe he will fuck her better than you. It's a GAME. Bluepoint will make a sequel and can be good so you all that are fun of the game will enjoy more of it or it will be bad and you will get a bit disappointed. Get over it, if from software stops making games for whatever reason no one else has to make games from that genre?


I really don't agree that Demon's Souls 2020 struggled with anything art wise.
I can see that people can complain how they didn't use the remake to update the game with some DS3 newer mechanics, but in terms of art direction and assets the game was just a generation above everything else when it released.

He isn't talking about how good the graphics are on a technical level. But that they didn't capture the feel of the environments and I can agree with that. Enemies and some environments had extremely different designs so without much tighter collaboration with the original team they won't be able to recapture the same feeling.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Nobody is ever truly ready, but the lights will come on regardless and Bluepoint will either perform, or crash and burn. That is life.
I disagree about the art style of Demon's Souls. It's not perfect but I think overall they actually improved the PS3 game.

About bloodborne 2, well I am worried about it, but also curious to see what they can do. It will all depend of the director of the game.


I think Bluepoint won't work in a Bloodborne sequel, that From Software will do it instead.

If From Software is too busy to develop it themselves, they will support/co-develop/overview whoever (Bluepoint or another studio) makes it if it ever exist specially in terms of concept art and lore.

If Bluepoint works on it, I think it will be continuist and the art style will be more similar to the original than in the case of Demon's Souls because it isn't a remake and the original isn't that old and outdated.

If they give it to Bluepoint because From is too busy, I'm fine with it. Bluepoint got a 91 MC with Demon's Souls even if it was a launch game and a remake of a PS3 game. Bluepoint has many key people who worked as key people in many original games that are classics before joining Bluepoint, like the Metroid Prime games.

Can they even make completely original games ? We don't know this.
Yes, we know this. They can. Bluepoint has a lot of staff who worked in many awesome original games at Retro Studios, Blizzard or Sony before joining Bluepoint. And well, the support teams at Sony are shared by all the teams. People like the Sony Visual Arts Service Group, who support Sony's AAA games making them cinematics or animations.

So no, I don't trust that a studio that has almost exclusively worked on remakes and remasters is going to make a worthy successor.
I suggest you to go to Moby Games and check out the previous games of the 20 or 30 top Bluepoint people who worked on Demon's Souls. Most of them did work in many non-remasters/remakes masterpieces before moving to Bluepoint.
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They can make it exactly how sony made bloodborne and demon’s souls. Miyazaki directs, from creates some art, lore, concepts and bluepoint does the rest

Dr Bass

No one on this board, including yours truly, knows what Bluepoint is "ready" or "not ready" to make. Sony and Bluepoint will make that determination themselves, just fine.


I don't think BB2 is the right play... leave that to From.

I think they should take what they have in Demons Souls and the IP name and make a fully openworld sequel.

They definitely have the graphics down. They could just take a different approach to gameplay and go in a slightly different direction...

I'd love to have a game where depending on your options, you could get to mount a dragon and get to secluded islands with secret quests.

Magic spells that create paths through water to access other secret areas.

Now, I didn't play Elden Ring yet, it may have some of that stuff but it seemed like horse was the only mount and they had secret stuff but mainly hidden in plain sight.

Dark Souls Ps5 GIF by PlayStation
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One thing is sure, it will run flawlessly 60fps! From Software is really to shitty optimizing they games, they all run like garbage in consoles, only backward compatibility has fix that now.
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We won't know until they actually release an original game. If such a thing ever gets green-lit for them.
Of course we know it. Most of their senior staff already released a ton of awesome original games including big classics at Retro Studios, Blizzard, Naughty Dog or Insomniac to name a few. We also know a ton of the non-Bluepoint Sony staff and externalized outsourcing teams (which traditionally combined is around 90% of the people who works in a Sony AAA game, the lead studio typically only is around 10% of the staff who works on it) who works in all the PS Studios projects also shipped a shit ton of original games.

Bluepoint got greenlighted to do 'original content' as their next project, which can be an original game or an original DLC.

Stop acting as if they were some unexperieced, unproved newbies.
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Stop acting as if they were some unexperieced, unproved newbies.
I am not acting as anything, but actually sharing my opinion. You have the right to disagree with it. Don't get so worked up because someone does not blindly believe the same things as you. Teams have to prove themselves, and I don't give my trust easily.
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