Video games have the unique ability to put you in the shoes of someone else, which also means they have the ability to scare the crap out of you like no other medium. Here's our list of the top 10 most terrifying scares in games.
Really hate these threads when OP doesn't have a spoiler tagged tldr list. It makes me feel like the person rushed to post it for some notoriety instead of any opinion they might have on the content.
OP do you agree with the list? Youtube already serves up recommendations, so is there anything of note you wanted to highlight it for?
Really hate these threads when OP doesn't have a spoiler tagged tldr list. It makes me feel like the person rushed to post it for some notoriety instead of any opinion they might have on the content.
OP do you agree with the list? Youtube already serves up recommendations, so is there anything of note you wanted to highlight it for?
Really hate these threads when OP doesn't have a spoiler tagged tldr list. It makes me feel like the person rushed to post it for some notoriety instead of any opinion they might have on the content.
OP do you agree with the list? Youtube already serves up recommendations, so is there anything of note you wanted to highlight it for?
That tall legged black man with the shiny skin on the space station. You know the long head two faced creep that stalks you no matter where you go and bleed acid. Shit made me scream out loud when it first had me boxed in...
Strange list. Some good mentions, but definitely some good things missing IMO.
I was both confused and surprised Tomb Raider was on the list. Odd choice. I mean, as a kiddo it was slightly startling, but I was more freaked out by all the weird shit at the end of the game, lol.
My opinion. Closest to the horror genre I get is when it overlaps with what I play. I don't go out of my way to play full throttle horror games like Amnesia The Dark Descent or Silent Hill.
That is not to say I would not be looking forward to Dead Space 4 if it ever gets made.
Nostalgia of that scene alone makes me scared when I replay resident evil lol. I am a huge horror fan in general. The first RE was the game that hooked me into this hobby. I was only like 5 when it came out and beat it with my GameShark lol.
I really have no idea why Fatal Frame is always skipped on these lists, maybe because it puts more time into setting up the atmosphere instead of relying on jump scares.
I still get haunted when I think about “my eyes, my eyeeessss...”from the first Fatal Frame.
Growing up, I actually found Tomb Raider game scarier than say, Resident Evil. I dunno, the early games just something about the early games' atmosphere that made me nervous every so often -- the sense of isolation, the occasional and eerie ambient noises and music. I used
I remember being scared by the first Dino Crisis when I was a youngster. Being stalked and hunted by dinosaurs just petrified me. Actually, my first horror was playing the original Alone in the Dark with my father, whenever it first came out.
Yeah the guy in the locker!
I was so into the game , I almost had an heart attack.
Mannequins in the department store were scary too.
And the fucking bear....very impressive.
I still think there’s too much guns in the second game though .
Strange list. Some good mentions, but definitely some good things missing IMO.
I was both confused and surprised Tomb Raider was on the list. Odd choice. I mean, as a kiddo it was slightly startling, but I was more freaked out by all the weird shit at the end of the game, lol.
I actually had a serious scare from Tomb Raider on Saturn, but it wasn't the t-rex, it was the first time you encounter a gorilla. The thing shuffles around a medium sized two tier room mostly silent. And then it grunted at me as it was rushing me from behind AHHHHH LOL.
The t-rex wasn't scary at all because they had pictures of it on the box and they telegraphed it coming so it wasn't as intense a moment.
They have a different list, this one is someone's personal opinion. IGN's list is
10. Tomb Raider T-rex
9. Half Life 2 Ravenholm
8. Silent Hill 3 Mirror
7. FEAR Ladder
6. Dead Space Broken Vent
5. Silent Hill Alley
4. Alien Isolation PS4 mic
3. Resident Evil 2 First Licker
2. Resident Evil Windows
1. P.T. Lisa
I actually had a serious scare from Tomb Raider on Saturn, but it wasn't the t-rex, it was the first time you encounter a gorilla. The thing shuffles around a medium sized two tier room mostly silent. And then it grunted at me as it was rushing me from behind AHHHHH LOL.
The t-rex wasn't scary at all because they had pictures of it on the box and they telegraphed it coming so it wasn't as intense a moment.
What about your personal number 9 was scary? I just replayed this and am struggling to think what might be scary. Possibly the shark?
They have a different list, this one is someone's personal opinion. IGN's list is
10. Tomb Raider T-rex
9. Half Life 2 Ravenholm
8. Silent Hill 3 Mirror
7. FEAR Ladder
6. Dead Space Broken Vent
5. Silent Hill Alley
4. Alien Isolation PS4 mic
3. Resident Evil 2 First Licker
2. Resident Evil Windows
1. P.T. Lisa
Ah my bad. My apologies to SinDelta, as a personal list its solid.
Ign's list is safe with a couple questionable pics but not supremely bad. That said, as completely terrible as Silent Hill 4 is the giant head scene should be on the list.