AMD's Dogma: ARyzen (No Intel inside)
No its not going down next week.
Only a fool would think this would happen. I doubt very much will change. We've already seen reduced retail precense, but that has more to do with the fact that something like 80% of next-gen Xbox Series don't even have a drive, so that's not suprising. More games coming to PS is also not very surprising as we've already seen first party MS games on PS.
They are not porting every game to PS day and date.
Only a fool would think this would happen. I doubt very much will change. We've already seen reduced retail precense, but that has more to do with the fact that something like 80% of next-gen Xbox Series don't even have a drive, so that's not suprising. More games coming to PS is also not very surprising as we've already seen first party MS games on PS.
They are not porting every game to PS day and date.