that's not even the worst they've admitted multiple times now changing cards because they weren't working on MTGO.
There are basically two categories of this: they've specifically mentioned not doing a black-border version of the "Twice" cards in Unglued that affect your next game (which, like, I think I can live without that thanks) and there are a lot of cards which they reword to eliminate MTGO hassles, like having Soulblade Djinn write its effect out rather than grant Prowess to every creature (which maybe isn't optimal but isn't really a big deal overall.) MTGO sucks and all but let's not attribute extra imaginary problems to it too.
MTGO is also the only reason that there is no longer a separate banned as commander list.
Apparently it can't handle two banlists together.
This isn't the deal at all.
The RC wrote out in some detail their reasoning for this change, and it doesn't reference MTGO at all. They've actually made a point of ignoring online Commander (even to the point of people's irritation) in the past and the two formats spent years being slightly out of sync.
Apparently, some guy that works on MTGO posted a blog post about how MTGO is harder to work on than most people would think.
There are aspects to this that are accurate. Dealing with a giant legacy codebase is hugely frustrating and challenging in a way that doing something from scratch isn't, and when you have players with years and years of monetary investment in the current version of your platform you rarely have the chance to actually toss out that legacy codebase and start over. Any time you build a system like this, you make a ton of assumptions in the process of data modeling and initial architecture that are assuredly reasonable at the time, but the more new demands you get over time, the more often you have to monkeypatch those assumptions to keep things running. That's definitely a big part of the issue and a lot of smaller issues they deal with spring from this rather than any mismanagement or lack of care.
The problem is the bigger picture. As a few people pointed out on Twitter in response to this, WotC actually doesn't hire the best for tech roles (they hire people who are mediocre, or who will undercut themselves by $30k+ for the chance to work on Magic) which means that the challenges of dealing with this legacy codebase are greatly multiplied. In addition, the tech choices they made with MTGO4 were very poor, and the sunk-cost-fallacy decision to stick it out with this busted client (or the lack of funds to make another choice) has hobbled the UX and platform support dramatically as a result.
The one advantage here is that every one of these problems can be dealt with, at least in part, by a brand-new platform rebuild happening in parallel, and if there really is a talented team working on a Magic Digital Next, they could assuredly leverage some of the experience of the MTGO team in terms of implementing the cards and rules interactions while still building a much better, cross-platform system for the actual UI/UX.
Wow, just..For MaRo to come out and say "BFZ was a terrible design" when it's still in Standard is a testament to how bad the set actually was.
I mean, he's 100%, it is his worst design by a significant margin in his entire Head Designer career.