Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite Characters and Stages Roster Discussion Thread


If Capcom vs Knack had Phoenix Wright (or literally anything on the Capcom side other than Spencer, nemesis, and 2gng characters) I'd buy it over MVCI in a damn heartbeat. At this point I'd take it over Ryce's roster. Knack certainly has more interesting moveset potential than Gamora and Captain Marvel
Who needs MVCI when this here bad boy just got leaked?

Has the same Morrigan sprite. There's some validity to this.


If Capcom vs Knack had Phoenix Wright (or literally anything on the Capcom side other than Spencer, nemesis, and 2gng characters) I'd buy it over MVCI in a damn heartbeat. At this point I'd take it over Ryce's roster. Knack certainly has more interesting moveset potential than Gamora and Captain Marvel

Yeah, the MCU is the most recent case of "die a hero or live long enough to become a villain"... I'm not big on the more traditional films in the universe, but I respect that people like them. Where I take exception is it bleeding into things where it doesn't need to, like a fighting game. The fact nobody seems excited about the choices, and it ranges from outrage to begrudging acceptance, tells you that Disney needs to cool it. They killed their own gaming company, and now they somehow think they can tell Capcom what's up... It's frustrating.


If Capcom vs Knack had Phoenix Wright (or literally anything on the Capcom side other than Spencer, nemesis, and 2gng characters) I'd buy it over MVCI in a damn heartbeat. At this point I'd take it over Ryce's roster. Knack certainly has more interesting moveset potential than Gamora and Captain Marvel
More interesting moveset than gamora or captain marvel? I'm going to call bullshit on this one, if you read comics you already know about all of the bs they could do with carol. She could turn out to be this games phoenix but I doubt they go that far.

Edited to add,

She could get an energy absorption mechanic that unlocks a temporary binary mode. As an example.


Asking for gambit in 2017 reveals you to be a 90's kid

True in my case. I see no problem though :)
Wait, Max is a 90s kid?!

She was there just to fill a role, not much of a character, a shame...

Psylocke's weapons have grown these last few years, it would be nice to see some of them included in her moveset. She was added to CoC, maybe there's some hope for Infinite.

I really wish they did more with her :( Such an amazing character and I would hope they'll bring her back if they're gonna do fan favorites.

Capcom vs Knack? lmao nice


Which Ant-Man do you guys think is the one in the game? It's probably going to be Scott Lang because MCU but LEGO Marvel 2 is featuring Hank Pym in a huge role. Plus Ultron is the main Marvel villain, so...

I don't remember, do we know the identity of the Ant-Man from UMvC3?

Lang's been Marvel's primary Ant-Man for a long time, even before the movie. Plus, the LEGO game there has Pym as Giant-Man (with his Goliath costume for some reason), not Ant-Man, so I don't think that supports Pym being Ant-Man here much. He'll probably be an alt.
Lang's been Marvel's primary Ant-Man for a long time, even before the movie. Plus, the LEGO game there has Pym as Giant-Man (with his Goliath costume for some reason), not Ant-Man, so I don't think that supports Pym being Ant-Man here much. He'll probably be an alt.
True. The FB game and Future Fight have Pym as Giant-Man too. Hopefully's he's mentioned in dialogue or something, but yeah an alt seems the best bet.
True in my case. I see no problem though :)
Wait, Max is a 90s kid?!

I really wish they did more with her :( Such an amazing character and I would hope they'll bring her back if they're gonna do fan favorites.

Capcom vs Knack? lmao nice
Cammy recently received a color for one of her costumes that reference Psylocke, it's something...
Aside from gameplay that we're obviously going to get, I'm hoping Capcom unveils some official promotional artwork for this game. I'm tired of that stale image of Carol, Tony, X, and Ryu already. We know actual artwork...preferably from Shinkiro.

Come on, Capcom.
Yea that and the Cyclops costume were nice to see. Better than nothing at least.
Psylocke has been one of the top requested female characters, the last thing we have to lose is hope.

Aside from gameplay that we're obviously going to get, I'm hoping Capcom unveils some official promotional artwork for this game. I'm tired of that stale image of Carol, Tony, X, and Ryu already. We know actual artwork...preferably from Shinkiro.

Come on, Capcom.
I wouldn't be surprised if they let us down on that front too...


Next time I see Combofiend I'm going to Bionic Arm him in the kidney for putting Spencer in this game solely because "muh main"
I feel like that reasoning could apply to many characters from MVC3.

Some would even make more sense (Zero to complete the X theme, for example) when looking at the game as a whole.

I don't dislike Spencer. He's just a "whatever" character to me.
I don't really think there's any problem with Spencer coming back. He's the only thing representing Bionic Commando, and its not a weird issue like GnG getting two reps.


Still say a lot of issues would be prevented if people had new costumes/looks. When a character is looking different, that helps a lot and i'm not just saying the artstyle.


Spencer is a remnant of a time when Capcom's crazy signature concepts were at an apex. A hot shot commando with an extendable robo arm tasked with battling the forces of Hitler and his flying fortress of death. You don't get more peak "Capcom" than that. Granted much of that cheesy 90s anachronism is lost upon the modern redesign but it's the symbolic nature of it that counts. Also helps that he has one of the most fun base toolkits out of any characters in the game.

I never expected him to be in MvC3 for the obvious reasons of the franchise revival being a commercial and critical failure (even if I legitimately think of it as a diamond in the rough) so when he was included I was fist pumping. That was one of my most hyped inclusions of any fighting game. Similarly I wouldn't expect him to return here if it weren't for Combofiend being on the project but it makes perfect sense for him to be in as a part of Capcom's history, because he's a character from a franchise that had no reason disappearing into the ether after the NES in the first place.
Frank West and Spencer deserve a spot on every vs roster from now until the end of human existence. Both are incredibly unique gameplay wise and rep unique franchises.


Frank West and Spencer deserve a spot on every vs roster from now until the end of human existence. Both are incredibly unique gameplay wise and rep unique franchises.

If you are going by unique gameplay, then the likes of PW deserve a spot too. But it's not like that for Capcom. I guarantee you the only reason they keep including him in these crossovers is because they think the west have this huge affinity for the DR franchise.
If you are going by unique gameplay, then the likes of PW deserve a spot too. But it's not like that for Capcom. I guarantee you the only reason they keep including him in these crossovers is because they think the west have this huge affinity for the DR franchise.

I agree with you
How about Jill, Leon, Wesker, or Jake?


You can't trash Frank West and then say that Jake from RE6 should be in MvC:I lmao. Who's next , the helicopter from Resident Evil 1 ??

No one asked for Nemesis, that's the real issue in the casting regarding the RE characters. Frank West is an amazing character, with a great gameplay.

Btw i'm really curious to see if they're going to keep the whole level up system for him.



You can't trash Frank West and then say that Jake from RE6 should be in MvC:I lmao. Who's next , the helicopter from Resident Evil 1 ??

No one asked for Nemesis, that's the real issue in the casting regarding the RE characters. Frank West is an amazing character, with a great gameplay.

I am fine with Frank (same with all the characters in the game so far), I am just confused about their character picks for the base roster at launch. FW is so tired at this point, we outta be getting better character picks this early on in the game's life.
I am fine with Frank (same with all the characters in the game so far), I am just confused about their character picks for the base roster at launch. FW is so tired at this point, we outta be getting better character picks this early on in the game's life.

I understand your point of view. At the end of the day, i feel like the issue isn't only FW, but the whole process of Capcom's picks for the base roster, especially when you only have 14 slots to fill on the Capcom side. But i feel like every other character wanted for the game will be in DLC :/


If you are going by unique gameplay, then the likes of PW deserve a spot too. But it's not like that for Capcom. I guarantee you the only reason they keep including him in these crossovers is because they think the west have this huge affinity for the DR franchise.

More like they desperately want the west to have this huge affinity for Dead Rising. It's not like they've had any other decently successful IPs from that era (well, that and Dragon's Dogma I guess) and they really want some more series to take off, so they gotta push the narrative that DR is this huge, integral part of Capcom.


It's one of only six Capcom IPs to have cracked the 10 million sales mark, so it sort of is.

There you go again, making sense with rational conclusions based on actual evidence. Don't you realize that every Capcom character should be from muh Resident Evil????


Let's not go about justifying character picks based on franchise sales. That logic doesn't really work in Mahvel, where u had like 3 Darkstalkers characters (a DEAD franchise) in MVC3.


It's one of only six Capcom IPs to have cracked the 10 million sales mark, so it sort of is.

I'm not entirely sure it is anymore after seeing how badly Capcom bungled DR4, but I get your point. Frank is certainly more deserving than a lot of the cast, like Firebrand or Spencer.
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