I wasn't expecting him to say it's disappointingly low. I already know that...wouldn't make much sense.
But reading that in retrospect of what the leak roster shows just makes me mad because it really
is disappointingly low. It isn't good in any area.
You saw in the teaser Rocket and X, right? Rocket's really interested in technology and tinkering with things, and then you have X. You also have Chun-Li and Captain Marvel: two very powerful female characters that are at the forefront. So we're looking at characters that play off each other well, work together well. But also important, as you say, is those more fan service characters that people want to see brought back.
Though now I suppose you could say he meant bringing those highly requested characters back as
DLC rather than the actual game.
GC: Okay, so Dino Crisis is definitely in it?
ME: [laughs – followed by elongated conversation on how to pronounce Regina, ending in no consensus]
GC: Asura? I always worry I'm not pronouncing that right, the big guy with the six arms.
ME: There are no announcements at this time regarding Asura's Wrath. [laughs]
GC: I tell you what, can you just tell me whether someone else has mentioned him up until this point? That would actually be a useful indicator.
ME: Okay, I've heard both of those before. Because I spent a good two months going through YouTube videos to see what people were interested in.
If he really took time doing research on what people would be interested in, this roster is not a reflection of it. Like I said above, though, looking at the roster, it seems like they just choose to hold the requested characters for DLC.