Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite Characters and Stages Roster Discussion Thread

Well to be fair Nemesis is more iconic design then most of cast

I would be fine if they put Leon and Nemesis to main roster , and Wesker as dlc.Chris could come later on with redesign instead of this shit.


Dead Rising is considered a key franchise at Capcom. Most entries sell on par with DMC. It's sold better than all of your favorites not called Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Mega Man, Devil May Cry, or Monster Hunter.

In my idwal MVC game we'd have at least one character from every game on this page

Each of the franchises that's sold over 2m should have at least one rep. Except maybe Lost Planet.


In my idwal MVC game we'd have at least one character from every game on this page

I think a good roster based of this list is:

Lost Planet character/other obscure character/filler spot
Frank West
Date Masamune
Monster Hunter
Phoenix Wright
(No onimusha due to similarity to Sengoku Basura)
Chris Redfield
Chin Li

Only 14 characters and is leagues better than the roster we got.

Giga Man

So, has anyone actually talked about stages in here? We gotta have Future Highway from Mega Man X.

Maybe Street Fighter can get its own stage again. I don't think they've had one since MvC1, which was the Japanese bathhouse (typically E.Honda's stage, but he's not in that game).
So, has anyone actually talked about stages in here? We gotta have Future Highway from Mega Man X.

Maybe Street Fighter can get its own stage again. I don't think they've had one since MvC1, which was the Japanese bathhouse (typically E.Honda's stage, but he's not in that game).

I think Infinite is going to have "remixed" stages, like PSBASRST. I believe Asgard they showed in the Story trailer had bits of Mega Man X's Future Highway.


So, has anyone actually talked about stages in here? We gotta have Future Highway from Mega Man X.

Maybe Street Fighter can get its own stage again. I don't think they've had one since MvC1, which was the Japanese bathhouse (typically E.Honda's stage, but he's not in that game).

Yeah I talked about it earlier in the thread. Street fighter stage should be akuma stage or the street fighter alpha field stage,obviously with some mix in stages
Yeah, Xgard is the merged Asgard/Abel City.

Aside from that, we saw the Asgard Throne room and Avengers Tower.

Really hoping we get more cool stages that make the stages feel more lively.


When this was first announced some fans theorised that the Marvel characters would only include those that Marvel has the cinematic rights to. That is the case so far, but is that going to be true for the whole game?

Mike Evans: No…

I really hate going through past interviews and seeing all the lying they did. Not one character on the roster is character Marvel doesn't have cinematic rights to.
I really hate going through past interviews and seeing all the lying they did. Not one character on the roster is character Marvel doesn't have cinematic rights to.
Pure BS lol
It's clear that was said just to calm down the first reactions about the game.
I really hate going through past interviews and seeing all the lying they did. Not one character on the roster is character Marvel doesn't have cinematic rights to.

Or this:

GC: Yeah, actually let's do that. But some basic questions you might be able to allude to... I'm sure you won't say how many characters there are going to be in total, but are we looking at a similar figure to the last game? [Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 launched with 36 characters – GC]

ME: We can't say at this time, but we do have 14 characters announced today and then obviously until September 19th we still have a lot of time. We have many more announcements coming. But I can't say about the final number.

GC: So you're not ruling out it being disappointingly low? [laughs]

ME: [laughs] It won't be disappointing!

So not only is it disappointing, but it's actually disappointingly low on top of that.


Or this:

So not only is it disappointing, but it's actually disappointingly low on top of that.

To be fair: nobody works on something for 2 years of their life and goes around doing PR by telling people it's disappointing. Plus disappointing is subjective so I'm more caught up in the fact that they objectively lied to the fans


To be fair: nobody works on something for 2 years of their life and goes around doing PR by telling people it's disappointing. Plus disappointing is subjective so I'm more caught up in the fact that they objectively lied to the fans

The reaction to the terrible roster is fairly universal. Tons of PR lies sprinkled on top of it don't help.


The reaction to the terrible roster is fairly universal. Tons of PR lies sprinkled on top of it don't help.

Oh yeah it's terrible I won't deny that. Last time a company disappointed me this bad with a game I had high hopes for was Sonic Boom
I wasn't expecting him to say it's disappointingly low. I already know that...wouldn't make much sense.

But reading that in retrospect of what the leak roster shows just makes me mad because it really is disappointingly low. It isn't good in any area.

You saw in the teaser Rocket and X, right? Rocket's really interested in technology and tinkering with things, and then you have X. You also have Chun-Li and Captain Marvel: two very powerful female characters that are at the forefront. So we're looking at characters that play off each other well, work together well. But also important, as you say, is those more fan service characters that people want to see brought back.

Though now I suppose you could say he meant bringing those highly requested characters back as DLC rather than the actual game.

GC: Okay, so Dino Crisis is definitely in it?

ME: [laughs – followed by elongated conversation on how to pronounce Regina, ending in no consensus]

GC: Asura? I always worry I'm not pronouncing that right, the big guy with the six arms.

ME: There are no announcements at this time regarding Asura's Wrath. [laughs]

GC: I tell you what, can you just tell me whether someone else has mentioned him up until this point? That would actually be a useful indicator.

ME: Okay, I've heard both of those before. Because I spent a good two months going through YouTube videos to see what people were interested in.

If he really took time doing research on what people would be interested in, this roster is not a reflection of it. Like I said above, though, looking at the roster, it seems like they just choose to hold the requested characters for DLC.
I really hate going through past interviews and seeing all the lying they did. Not one character on the roster is character Marvel doesn't have cinematic rights to.

I mean if the whole X-Men/Fox are being held back for DLC thing we have heard is true, then I guess they aren't technically lying unless that question was specifically regarding Day 1 roster. It's still shady as fuck and completely misleading though.

This roster honestly just needed the 6 brand new characters they are holding out to have been a solid launch roster

Frank West
Monster Hunter
Strider Hiryu

Black Panther*
Black Widow*
Captain America
Captain Marvel
Doctor Strange
Iron Man
Ms. Marvel*

Still needs more females and minorities but I think this would have been much better received. Although maybe everything looks better because we already know what the alternative is.

EDIT: I really hope the DLC pics are hype


I wasn't expecting him to say it's disappointingly low. I already know that...wouldn't make much sense.

But reading that in retrospect of what the leak roster shows just makes me mad because it really is disappointingly low. It isn't good in any area.

Though now I suppose you could say he meant bringing those highly requested characters back as DLC rather than the actual game.

If he really took time doing research on what people would be interested in, this roster is not a reflection of it. Like I said above, though, looking at the roster, it seems like they just choose to hold the requested characters for DLC.

No see they already explained: They researched via YOUTUBE videos AKA where people want Ken and Dhalsim in the game(Seriously some of the "Character Prediction" and "Top 10 character" videos for this game are laughably bad) so it's no wonder the roster ended up terribly


Yeah, it really does seem like this first season pass being part of the game would've made the roster far more lucrative for what it is.
So, Are there still more Marvel characters officially revealed than Capcom characters?

Marvel Capcom
Iron Man/ X
Captain Marvel/ Ryu
Captain America/ Morrigan
Thor/ Strider Hiryu
Hulk/ Chris Redfield
Hawkeye/ Chun Li
Rocket Raccoon
Sigma (DLC)

Was there a reason for that because I don't get it. Should we be looking at more Capcom characters revealed at E3 than Marvel to keep it even?

Crazy theory, the first 6 DLC characters were intended to be in the default roster but were cut out like FW/Octopus in 3. Maybe issues with the infinity stone mechanics?


I mean if the whole X-Men/Fox are being held back for DLC thing we have heard is true, then I guess they aren't technically lying unless that question was specifically regarding Day 1 roster. It's still shady as fuck and completely misleading though.

This roster honestly just needed the 6 brand new characters they are holding out to have been a solid launch roster

Frank West
Monster Hunter
Strider Hiryu

Black Panther*
Black Widow*
Captain America
Captain Marvel
Doctor Strange
Iron Man
Ms. Marvel*

Still needs more females and minorities but I think this would have been much better received. Although maybe everything looks better because we already know what the alternative is.

EDIT: I really hope the DLC pics are hype

Yeah if it launched with 34 characters I'd be back to buying because there'd be enough newcomers to keep my interest and the first DLC pack would be able to focus on getting the cut favorites(PW, Wesker, Vergil, Wolverine, Deadpool, Magneto)
No see they already explained: They researched via YOUTUBE videos AKA where people want Ken and Dhalsim in the game(Seriously some of the "Character Prediction" and "Top 10 character" videos for this game are laughably bad) so it's no wonder the roster ended up terribly

I'm really, really, really interested in seeing how they respond to the leak next week. I'm expecting them to deflect it, but still.


So, Are there still more Marvel characters officially revealed than Capcom characters?

Marvel Capcom
Iron Man/ X
Captain Marvel/ Ryu
Captain America/ Morrigan
Thor/ Strider Hiryu
Hulk/ Chris Redfield
Hawkeye/ Chun Li
Rocket Raccoon
Sigma (DLC)

Was there a reason for that because I don't get it. Should we be looking at more Capcom characters revealed at E3 than Marvel to keep it even?

Crazy theory, the first 6 DLC characters were intended to be in the default roster but were cut out like FW/Octopus in 3. Maybe issues with the infinity stone mechanics?
It was b/c of GOTG. They teased Rocket, then teased the Rocket & Groot hybrid character.


I'm really, really, really interested in seeing how they respond to the leak next week. I'm expecting them to deflect it, but still.

Simple 3 step plan
1. At E3 say "Don't believe rumors with no proof, stay tuned for the real roster"

2. Everybody (general gamer populace) assumes that the leak was false

3. Game comes out, turns out it's true, and no reporter is brave enough (or cares enough to sacrifice their career) to bring it up in an interview until 6 years post launch with the director who gives a generic answer that could be applied to any character


Simple 3 step plan
1. At E3 say "Don't believe rumors with no proof, stay tuned for the real roster"

2. Everybody (general gamer populace) assumes that the leak was false

3. Game comes out, turns out it's true, and no reporter is brave enough (or cares enough to sacrifice their career) to bring it up in an interview until 6 years post launch with the director who gives a generic answer that could be applied to any character

they could go the other route and try to call out ryce for the second time


Yeah E3 is either going one of two ways.

- They either show a character that wasn't in the leak to be like "See don't trust everything online". However It'll be nothing more than that one character and one other (To keep parity with the other side).

- They deflect hardcore, letting us know that the leaked roster is indeed real. So most of us just pout but at least appreciate the gameplay. Since hopefully it should be a new build, especially graphically.

I do think even if the entire roster is legit. Showing off newcomers like Jedah and Gamora would help more with easing some people at least. Which would be better than nothing.

I can't imagine how brutal E3 would be if they do nothing more than just make it everything we have seen (No new characters), but just have it playable.
Simple 3 step plan
1. At E3 say "Don't believe rumors with no proof, stay tuned for the real roster"

2. Everybody (general gamer populace) assumes that the leak was false

3. Game comes out, turns out it's true, and no reporter is brave enough (or cares enough to sacrifice their career) to bring it up in an interview until 6 years post launch with the director who gives a generic answer that could be applied to any character

Surprisingly, John D (The "left behind" guy) from Capcom hasn't said anything about it. He's been pretty silent since the roster was leaked. He came out to debunk the idea (and wasn't entirely accurate on that) of no DP's being in the game with #FakeNews, but said nothing here.

I know the guy from UKmetro said he was surprised at how uninspired the roster looked especially when the Mike's words implied it was going to be much more impressive. Either way, if Capcom thinks holding out a bunch of fan favs and throwing in so so characters in the base is a good move, I really don't know why they think this is a good idea.

Before you make the most from DLC, it helps to make the most of your base game to net the 2 million sells you're expecting to sell.
Well... 3 more days to go and see what happens.

Watching Wolverine appear as a surprise would return the hype, but sadly that's not going to happen. At least I hope the gameplay and presentation looks good.
Just imagine seeing Wolvie's claws pop out and hearing, "C'mon, X-Men! We got work to do!" and watching them attack Ultron-Sigma as he's standing over the defeated warriors on Asgard.

A guy can dream....
Just imagine seeing Wolvie's claws pop out and hearing, "C'mon, X-Men! We got work to do!" and watching them attack Ultron-Sigma as he's standing over the defeated warriors on Asgard.

A guy can dream....
It would be a great surprise. But thinking about that makes me sad at the same time lol

Damn you FOX ban...


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Ryce's roster is the real roster, and you will get fuck all at E3.

Youll get like 2-4 more reveals at best, they will pretend the leak never happened, and slowly reveal the rest until september,
Ryce's roster is the real roster, and you will get fuck all at E3.

Youll get like 2-4 more reveals at best, they will pretend the leak never happened, and slowly reveal the rest until september,

Pretty much what I'm expecting. I'd be surprised if we got more than 2 reveals, 1 new stone and the gameplay.

Time flew pretty fast. I can't even believe that it's just three more days to go.

Yes and no. This last week with work and finals has been DRAGGING for me.


Well they have 3 months post E3 to reveal the final 14 characters and 3 stones. We'll probably get all 3 stones at E3 along with 4-8 characters so the can reveal around 2 characters a month leading up to the game. I hope we see Monster Hunter and Ant man there


tagged by Blackace
I really hate going through past interviews and seeing all the lying they did. Not one character on the roster is character Marvel doesn't have cinematic rights to.
I pointed out a bunch of these a few pages back.

It just makes so little sense how hard they went on making definitive statements (not talking about stuff like the roster not being disappointing, that's subjective and thus can't claim that's a lie) like this for it to end up like Ryce's roster.

And if it does, they'd be wise to do a beta, if the gameplay is as crack as they say and we expect it to be. Hopefully test their net code in the process.
I pointed out a bunch of these a few pages back.

It just makes so little sense how hard they went on making definitive statements (not talking about stuff like the roster not being disappointing, that's subjective and thus can't claim that's a lie) like this for it to end up like Ryce's roster.

And if it does, they'd be wise to do a beta, if the gameplay is as crack as they say and we expect it to be. Hopefully test their net code in the process.
They must have said all that for preorders/reception/sales sake. After all the backlash about the FOX ban at the PSX reveal, they didn't need more problems on other fronts.
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