I know there's been a lot of character discussion going on in the thread, but I'm curious if people have given any thoughts to what they'd like to see in stages? Whether it be mashups, concepts, etc.
It's kind of a bygone aspect of the series, but I've always wondered if stage transitions/activity would ever return. COTA was always a personal favorite of mine from the series and that game had pretty lavish backgrounds with some nice variety. Some stages had breakable floors leading to different arenas (i.e. Mojo World), some had simple background changes during any round (Danger Room), some had a round 2 transition (Ice on the Beach), some had ideas of constant movement (The Deep aka The GOAT), and others were more or less static but sometimes with background things going on.
I know things like breakable floors could be counter-intuitive to the more modern focus on longer combos/assists, but I think variety in stages like that could help the game when it comes to style and appeal. And since rounds are apparently a thing in Infinite(?) it would make more sense than say MvC1-3.