My guy, the minimum requirements are literally below the series s. People at that level already knows their place and don't expect modern AAA games to run all that well.
Ugh, yeah, this is true. Honestly, I don’t even get what all the back-and-forth is about, I didn't say ALL the bad reviews. I said A LOT of them because I see A LOT come from people who don’t even list their specs, which is pretty sus in my opinion. Complaints like
'herp derp, shader loading takes 30 minutes
' without mentioning what hard drive the game is installed on is completely meaningless to me. Shader compilation took around 10 minutes for me, which was long IMO but it's the first run soo...
One thing I suspect is that Capcom screwed up visuals at 1080p because when I run it at 4k it looks remarkable, but at 1080p it looks washed out and blurry. Not sure if that has to do with the High Resolution DLC or not.
Also, my Black character looked brown in character creation but turned into straight charcoal in-game. Honestly, an improvement, character creation seemed to only allow light-skinned Black options anyway.
i9 13900k (weakest link IMO)
RTX 4090
SSD Crucial T705
Edit: I'm at work right now otherwise I'd share screenshots. And when I get home, I’ll be too busy playing and sipping bourbon to give a damn.