Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
I already uninstalled the beta. The game from a graphical standpoint at times simultaneously can look beautiful or look like a hot mess. It's Monster Hunter but all your inputs are like using Macros and everything seems to have an input delay. If you have played Charge Blade throughout the years you'll be able to just feel it and know something doesn't feel right. Beta is mostly to test weather effects and of course combat. Much of the game feels very streamlined to me.That's part of it. Runs like shit. Looks like muddy shit. I feel like there's something more to it though. I just can't quantify it yet.
But yeah, I'm definitely not giving Capcom on a pass on this one. They need to fix this before launch.
Seikret is just a worse Palamute. Crazy. I don't even think it attacks or anything. And it controls worse. I will say this. HBG and possibly LBG probably have the best mounted combat among all weapons.
Weapons lack impact or weight(not enough ktang and clang and instead you just get a lot of swish swish and baby explosion sounds) and the absence of not just hitstop but also hitspark graphics is also very jarring to me. Alongside less prominent explosions for SA Mounted Discharges.
We need more of this.
And a lot of focus(heh) on focus mode. Many weapons are reliant on this gimmick and removes player control and feels cheap. At least to me.
The Beta is also really bad when it comes to bowguns as several ammo types just aren't usable or accessible, and you can't play around with guns with deviation, cluster ammo, high level pierce or spread rounds with low recoil. And lack of hit sparks on Pierce rounds is very lame. Not to mention Critical distance is spelled out for you now. When before the best way to tell was both by sound and crits.
Gunlance is in a love/hate place for me. You are definitely more mobile but most of your damage is in Multi Stake Blast Combos which is just full burst with extra steps. Charge Shot Uses all the shells instead of just one. And I have always been a Charge Shot Wide Type boy.
Plus part of Monster Hunter is farming and crafting new gear and buying items, going to the canteen or cafe, forging weapons isn't even a thing in the beta and unlike most MH games I don't think there really is a central hub. Without a Village as a hub it's less Monster Huntery IMO.
I actually don't care for the music and much like DD2 the music just feels softer and weaker. I really need some of that play hard go hard magic they had in previous entries. Music that tells you danger has arrived and it's time to pay attention.
And then the Locale map has everything listed out for you. Every gathering and mining node, every monster on the map, secret areas, you name it. Complete lack of discovery. Beta only but still disconcerting.
I think I'll wait for the inevitable expansion that refines the combat before purchasing. Both Worldborne and Sunrise run circles around this game's combat IMO.
I enjoy the combat but feels slower then it should be and at times restrictive. I guess if I like anything it's the interactable nodes that drop rocks or traps on things which was neat.
Rant over.