Tieno said:american guys speaking japanese = always funny
Kintaco said:Wii Am dead!!! WHY NOT FIREFOX!???????????? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
Danthrax said:What is Iwata saying, Gaffers? There's no speakers on these damn lab computers!
not "load times", "road times".ghibli99 said:Load times... :lol
ShutEye said:What is it going to do when I'm not using it? Download porn?
YOUR PENIS WHEN YOU SEE MORE WII FOOTAGEjarosh said:WHAT is growing longer?
didn't get this
StRaNgE said:he is saying load times suck!
that he as most of us are busy people.
that he is spoiled by the ds and being able to just turn it on and play instant with no load times and shut it to put it to sleep. now he says the wii will solve this for consoles.
tetris could be born again on the VC
talking about Wii never sleeping always being connected when off.
you can get things from others even while your not home with the console off.
(weapons, or Animal crossing stuff)
been waiting for this replyrusty said:YOUR PENIS WHEN YOU SEE MORE WII FOOTAGE
Ancestor said:Tennis, golf and baseball in one game? Wow.