Erm what ?
Minis - small games shared among PS3,PSP,PSV controled strictly by gamepad
Mobile - small games on PSV and phones, tablets with controls oriented for touchscreen.
While I agree with that logic, at the same time virtually all Minis developers have stopped developing Minis.
Laughing Jackal and Futurlab jumped onto PSMobile (so did Honeyslug, but they had only published 1 Mini years ago)
Beatshapers has 3 Minis left, then they're quitting.
Mediatonic has jumped to XBLA
Sanuk Games jumped off last year. They supposedly had a Vita title in the works, but I don't know what they were doing. So did Frima, they have Zombie Tycoon 2 upcoming as a full blown Vita/PS3 PSN title
Other than Alawar and SNK, who are rather mysterious about their upcoming plans, those guys were responsible for most and the most notable Minis.
There were a couple of universities that developed Minis (like the recently released and criminally ignored BounceBack), I suppose if they bought the kits they might continue to use them, but I wouldn't be surprised if they switched to PSM.