Pokémon Black Version 2/White Version 2 |OT| Zero Shades of Grey

Ice Mage

Neo Member
What do you have to do to be able to switch between Black City and White Forest? I'm currently playing through White 2 on Challenge Mode (which means I've connected with a Black 2 copy), but can't switch between the forest or the city.

I think you need to get the key (locally, that is) from a Black 2 player.
Made it to Castelia Sewers and I must be missing something because I can't figure out which way to go. The constant Zutatta battles are beginning to get to me, too. So frustrating trying to navigate with them all the time.
Took me a while to realize where to go too. It was a total facepalm moment when I did. At least I was able leech my rival's starter and level up my Psyduck lol.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Stupid Dream World, it keeps giving me the same two areas over and over again. The Sparkling Sea and the Icy Cave. How do I get the other areas? Use Pokemon that aren't fully evolved?


Took me a while to realize where to go too. It was a total facepalm moment when I did. At least I was able leech my rival's starter and level up my Psyduck lol.

My rival's starter was a dick and kept using Water Sport... against Zubats... when I had my Emboar (or w/e it was at that point) out. Though when a grimer dared appear, he was sure to make short work of it before I could catch it. In later double battles he was also a useless douche, doing things like spamming Encore uselessly.

So yeah, double battles have made me hate the rival in this game.


Oh yeah, so to confirm, the only way to transfer pokemon between B/W and these games is slow, tedious trading? Guess I better get started, then.


Stupid Dream World, it keeps giving me the same two areas over and over again. The Sparkling Sea and the Icy Cave. How do I get the other areas? Use Pokemon that aren't fully evolved?

I think you need more Dream Points to unlock other areas. You get Dream Points by doing various things in the Dream World (e.g. winning mini-games, befriending other users, and watering their berries).


Oh YEAH - I got a Remoraid in the Dream World! Octillery here I come!

Also how do you get Dream Pals? I wants me some friends :(


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I think you need more Dream Points to unlock other areas. You get Dream Points by doing various things in the Dream World (e.g. winning mini-games, befriending other users, and watering their berries).

*looks it up* Oh, they changed things around a bit.
Originally, the Pleasant Forest was the first area you got. Now it's one of the last. I see now.
I've got over 1,200 points so I should new areas soon.


What happens of I trade a pokemon onto my game that is from a previous generation, before I unlock any other pokedex? I'm still only towards the beginning of the game. Will it work? I'd quite like to bring a Charizard from my White 1 cart along for the ride...
What happens of I trade a pokemon onto my game that is from a previous generation, before I unlock any other pokedex? I'm still only towards the beginning of the game. Will it work? I'd quite like to bring a Charizard from my White 1 cart along for the ride...

Nothing. It'll have question marks for its Pokedex number but that's it.


So I just ran into a Darumaka in the desert, and it had a weird effect when it appeared. The message also said "A wild Darumaka appears!?"

When I caught it, it said it had a different OT.

Anyone know what's up with these?

Soul Beat

So I just ran into a Darumaka in the desert, and it had a weird effect when it appeared. The message also said "A wild Darumaka appears!?"

When I caught it, it said it had a different OT.

Anyone know what's up with these?

That just means you encountered a
Pokemon from N's Nuzlocke challenge.

Not sure if spoiler. Just playing it safe.


I asked this a few pages back, and I hear the best way to get a Pikachu into my game is for someone to send me a Pichu egg? Is this correct?

If so, would anyone be able to help me out with that?

Soul Beat

Do I do anything special with it, or is it just a neat little bonus from memory linking?

I don't really know. I just caught them and left them in a box.

I asked this a few pages back, and I hear the best way to get a Pikachu into my game is for someone to send me a Pichu egg? Is this correct?

If so, would anyone be able to help me out with that?

I have some time right now. Let me just get an egg.


I have some time right now. Let me just get an egg.

Thank you! Would really appreciate the help with that.

I must also confess at this point I've not traded anything in a Pokemon game since Blue/Red in school so I might need a dummies guide on what to do on my part!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
So, I haven't played in a bit but what is a good Pokemon to get/trade for the third gym?
What is the easiest way to check and see if a Pokemon is legal/legit?

The most thorough?

I received some Pokemon through trades that seem a little suspect (not shiny, but decent IVs), I heard that ranked online would filter out illegal Pokemon and it let these through but I'm still spooked.


FAKE EDIT: I originally asked GameFAQs, ugh. Old habits die hard I guess.


Does anyone have a Japanese Ditto they would be willing to part with? I can't find my Japanese SS cart, and haven't found a ditto yet in W2 so I can't request it on the GTS.


I received some Pokemon through trades that seem a little suspect (not shiny, but decent IVs), I heard that ranked online would filter out illegal Pokemon and it let these through but I'm still spooked./QUOTE]

Put up your suspect Pokeymans up in the GTS. If it goes through, it's probably okay.


Since I have approximately zero pals in my Pal Pad I've decided to add everyone in the list in the OP :D Feel free to add me back, that would be great!


Whoa, I got to the final Team Plasma battle with my 6 Pokemon at Lvl. 50 and Team Plasma boss had 6 Lvl. 50 Pokemon o_o is this good videogame design? lol.


I'm about to enter the 8th gym. The design of the seventh gym was so cool, it should have been the last gym.

After all the time I've spent between the sixth and the seventh gym, it's a bit odd having the two last gyms almost immediately one after another.


I'm about to enter the 8th gym. The design of the seventh gym was so cool, it should have been the last gym.

After all the time I've spent between the sixth and the seventh gym, it's a bit odd having the two last gyms almost immediately one after another.

This game has really awesome gyms in general.
My rival's starter was a dick and kept using Water Sport... against Zubats... when I had my Emboar (or w/e it was at that point) out. Though when a grimer dared appear, he was sure to make short work of it before I could catch it. In later double battles he was also a useless douche, doing things like spamming Encore uselessly.

So yeah, double battles have made me hate the rival in this game.
Well, I went with Smugleaf so that fire pig of his was pretty beastly against those Zubats!

I heard all three starters were kinda meh this time around so I just went for the Grass starter since I figured it would be easy to pick up a Water Pokemon to counter my rival. I haven't fought him since the early, early goings so it'll be interesting to see if my team is good enough to handle that infernal swine.
I decided I was finally going to go for it, I would get my damn soundproof Snover that doesn't pelt me with hail, I don't care about that dream world ability, i'm just going out of my way just to avoid Snow Warning.
So this meant I had to go and figure out what dream world was and how the hell i'm supposed to use it, after a tiring sign up process were I could call myself "The count of radiator poppenfield" and the name would already be in use I finally got signed up.
Then I had to figure out about Game Sync, run through that rigmarole and then finally it was time to enter the place and search for the chosen Snover, the Snover of KINGS.
But apparently both my 3DS and DSi are at odds with this games wifi connection which is pretty odd since I got Genesect like the other day, 3 bars and then it just drops to none and says "lol no", apparently it's not compatible anymore despite being fine like 2 days ago.

So after all of that i've done nothing but waste my time, so with that in mind i'm going to deliver a quite hearty FUCK YOU to Gamefreak and their flipping inept DS wi-fi shit and their baffling process at getting these hidden ability pokemon.
I can't even get on the GTS anymore, i'd thrash around like Primeape but i'd sooner laze around with a gaze of disappointment like Slaking.


My team as I reach Victory Road:

All between levels 52-54. I don't have a single electric or psychic attack and my only Sp. Attack threats are Samurott's Surf and Lucario's Aura Sphere... Variety is not my strong point, lolol. I initially had a Growlithe but I just love Sheer Force Flare Blitz too much.

My starter is Serperior. I really didn't like any of the in game options for Water Pokemon :\ so I just asked for a Dewott on the GTS, lol.
What is the easiest way to check and see if a Pokemon is legal/legit?

The most thorough?

I received some Pokemon through trades that seem a little suspect (not shiny, but decent IVs), I heard that ranked online would filter out illegal Pokemon and it let these through but I'm still spooked.


FAKE EDIT: I originally asked GameFAQs, ugh. Old habits die hard I guess.

Upload it to PokeCheck then use the Legality Checker.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Fucking Skyla's Mandibuzz in the Unova Tournament.

Double Team, Roost, Double Team, Roost, Double Team, and then spamming Brave Bird. :/

so I beat the champion what is the first thing to do now?
Probably go explore the "starting" area of Unova from Black and White 1, aka east of Castelia.
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