Pokémon Black Version 2/White Version 2 |OT| Zero Shades of Grey


So I sent an Azurill over to the dream world days ago, but just played for the first time. Got a Sandshrew. Do I have to wake up Azurill to get the Sandshrew to the Entralink? I don't remember how this works.
And there goes any interest I may have had in using the dream world with White 2.
It seems that you can still use your Black/White "account." Still, this is so fucking stupid.

Game Freak!


Tis a pain that i can't use my old account.....oh well the price to pay for unova pokemon =/

unrelated but the ice mini game is crap.


Anybody wanna trade me an Archen? I put a Zangoose and then a Skarmory up on the GTS for one, and the one I got back was Modest :(

Don't really care about IVs or the "perfect" nature or anything like that, I just want one that doesn't have - Attack or - Speed (Okay, I would prefer Lonely, but I'm not gonna be picky).


Does anyone else really enjoy making movies? I definitely had more fun with it than the musicals or beauty contests.

music x sprites x interesting stories makes me happy.

edit: also, i'm gonna start playing Dream World again because i hate myself. anyone wanna become dream pals?
music x sprites x interesting stories makes me happy.

edit: also, i'm gonna start playing Dream World again because i hate myself. anyone wanna become dream pals?
I'll be your dream pal. Let me find my friend code.

Edit: 4943 3425 7691
What does that entail

Do we have to make a blood pact or something
Apparently the October update made it a whole lot easier. If you have exchanged friend codes or traded with someone, you can visit them in the Dream World. You just have to send them a request through the Dream World to become dream pals.
ah, alright, i didn't know they changed it like that. thanks!
Oh, 5458-0000-0047 is the friend code for my copy of White. The other one was for Black 2. I can hook you up with just about all of the berries through my White account.

Edit: Crap, sorry that was the wrong one or it changed. It's actually 1807 7138 8030.


I got a little bored with trading from my B/W games so I decided to check out my save files from Diamond, Pearl and Soul Silver for Poke Transfer. While theres no noteworthy stuff there anymore, first thing that caught my eye was my Game Time.

Diamond: 50+ hours, its my sisters file so I restarted it a lot but damn, I have no idea how I got that far on this save, I dont even think she spent hours on it.

Soul Silver: 100+ hours, since I didnt own any of the Gen III games, I took my time here to catch all Pokemons I could never get in D/P. Looking at my Pokedex, I had the chance to complete it but got tired with evolving hundreds of Pokemons.

Pearl: 300+ hours, I told myself after playing a lot of the Gen III games that I wont ever play a Pokemon game again, then D/P came, and before I knew it, I played the hell out of this game.

Not including my Gen V times, what have I done gaf? I have no life anymore!


I got a little bored with trading from my B/W games so I decided to check out my save files from Diamond, Pearl and Soul Silver for Poke Transfer. While theres no noteworthy stuff there anymore, first thing that caught my eye was my Game Time.

Diamond: 50+ hours, its my sisters file so I restarted it a lot but damn, I have no idea how I got that far on this save, I dont even think she spent hours on it.

Soul Silver: 100+ hours, since I didnt own any of the Gen III games, I took my time here to catch all Pokemons I could never get in D/P. Looking at my Pokedex, I had the chance to complete it but got tired with evolving hundreds of Pokemons.

Pearl: 300+ hours, I told myself after playing a lot of the Gen III games that I wont ever play a Pokemon game again, then D/P came, and before I knew it, I played the hell out of this game.

Not including my Gen V times, what have I done gaf? I have no life anymore!

Soft things, I fired up my Fire Red to find 600 hours on it. :/


another thing: what's an easy way to evolve Golbat in Crobat, like is there someone that can raise the friendship or something like that.


Made it to Castelia Sewers and I must be missing something because I can't figure out which way to go. The constant Zutatta battles are beginning to get to me, too. So frustrating trying to navigate with them all the time.


Now comes the fun part of trying to track someone down locally to get the keys from Black 2.

How does this work exactly? (I will probably end up getting eight B or W, as I have every other generation)

Could you potentially just add someone here one gaf, and get the key that way?


So am I understanding Psyshock correctly?

It is labeled a special attack but in the description it says that it does physical damage. Does that mean its power is determined by my SpA and the enemy's DEF (not SpD)?

Mr. Sam

So am I understanding Psyshock correctly?

It is labeled a special attack but in the description it says that it does physical damage. Does that mean its power is determined by my SpA and the enemy's DEF (not SpD)?

According to Bulbapedia:

Psyshock inflicts damage. Despite being classified as Special move, this move calculates damage using the user's Special Attack and the opponent's Defense stat (similar to Psystrike and Secret Sword).

On an unrelated note, my Moxie Scrafty knows Dragon Dance and Ice Punch. I can hear the Elite Four crying from here.
Any there any maps out there for route 23 and Victory Road yet? To be honest I'm getting a bit sick of the bullshit AI now so I just want to take a route that skips most of the trainers in the final two areas, clear the Elite Four and put the game aside for a while.


What do you have to do to be able to switch between Black City and White Forest? I'm currently playing through White 2 on Challenge Mode (which means I've connected with a Black 2 copy), but can't switch between the forest or the city.
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