Pokémon Black Version 2/White Version 2 |OT| Zero Shades of Grey


A little help. I'm on victory road but my team feels incomplete. Granted, I can destroy the E4 right now indiscriminately, but I have a little quirk for rounding out my team. All suggestions are welcome but I'm personally looking at Excadrill, Skarmory, and/or Nidoking to fill the void.

My team:

Virizion I can drop if another 'mon gels better with the team, and of course the HM slave has got to go. The rest are core components of the team.


I have never played a pokemon game online, so I figured I'd give it a try in Black 2.

The first game I play is against a Japanese player with 214 wins. After about five minutes and no chance of winning, he forfeits.

Feels good man.


Oh yeah, is there any means to transfer stuff from B/W into this game outside of just trading? Would be nice to do that quicker/without having to strand a ton of cannon fodder in the old version.
A little help. I'm on victory road but my team feels incomplete. Granted, I can destroy the E4 right now indiscriminately, but I have a little quirk for rounding out my team. All suggestions are welcome but I'm personally looking at Excadrill, Skarmory, and/or Nidoking to fill the void.

My team:

Virizion I can drop if another 'mon gels better with the team, and of course the HM slave has got to go. The rest are core components of the team.

Excadrill easy. If you plan on playing online, I'd go with Skarmory. Either way, you're good.


They aren't making past games inaccessible again, at the very least. People still haven't gotten over the last time they did that.


Get the key from someone who has beaten the Elite 4 in Black 2, or has gotten the key from someone else who has beaten the Elite 4 in Black 2.

That's it.

Okay, what if we make the assumption I don't hang out with dudes/kids who play Pokemon? Can I get it online?


Does it make any difference which pokemon I put to sleep?

Can I benefit from the dream world without playing mini games on my tard PC?
Picked this up a few days ago. Just got past the second gym. I don't know if it's the different experience system I've heard about but I like how my starter isn't incredibly far ahead of everybody else on my team. Also, Magnemite at such an early stage of the game seems rather overpowered. Great resistances and Sonicboom which 2HKOs pretty much everything at that point in the game.

Neo Child

my team:

sigilyph lvl 31 (with hidden nature that doubles half&quarter-damage)
pignite lvl 30

i have 3 badges, keep losing against elesa. trying for a completely different team (had electivire before but through pokemon battle rev, cheated)

not sure who else to have in my team, want a completely new one with ones i like. delcatty was my 4th option but seems to suck stat wise


my team:

sigilyph lvl 31 (with hidden nature that doubles half&quarter-damage)
pignite lvl 30

i have 3 badges, keep losing against elesa. trying for a completely different team (had electivire before but through pokemon battle rev, cheated)

not sure who else to have in my team, want a completely new one with ones i like. delcatty was my 4th option but seems to suck stat wise

take a trip to the desert and get a sandile or trapinch
So I went and downloaded the Genesect event via Wifi and the game tells me it saved my profile or w/e that links the game to my DS. What happens if I try to go online with my game using a different DS?
I don't want my game to explode >:[


So I went and downloaded the Genesect event via Wifi and the game tells me it saved my profile or w/e that links the game to my DS. What happens if I try to go online with my game using a different DS?
I don't want my game to explode >:[

It will ask you whether you want to link it to the new DS instead (if you accept, it will wipe your Wi-Fi data such as friend codes and battle records).

Neo Child

would anyone with a electrizer be willing to attach it to my electabuzz and trade back? i cant offer much as only have 4 badges but i have some hidden ability munna and sigilyphs i guess...
It will ask you whether you want to link it to the new DS instead (if you accept, it will wipe your Wi-Fi data such as friend codes and battle records).
Alright, thanks!

On another note, having the C-link ask to be turned on every time I load the game is annoying. Any way to disable this?


I'm sure you have FRLG and HGSS. Get to work.
Nope, skipped both. I skipped gen III completely until playing emerald this summer, and have never touched the remakes.

I hope gen VI sees Pokemon's online functionality improved. Cloud boxes of Pokemon would be awesome, and would make transferring between games so much easier, even if you had to deal with the gts website. I'm imagining a future where your player character and caught Pokemon are persistent between games. Probably a pipe dream.


Nope, skipped both. I skipped gen III completely until playing emerald this summer, and have never touched the remakes.

I hope gen VI sees Pokemon's online functionality improved. Cloud boxes of Pokemon would be awesome, and would make transferring between games so much easier, even if you had to deal with the gts website. I'm imagining a future where your player character and caught Pokemon are persistent between games. Probably a pipe dream.

That would probably cost an insane amount to maintain lol.

Soul Beat

I currently have some money on my 3DS eShop 'account.' I'm planning to save it for the Pokedex 3D Pro. But I'm just so tempted to spend it.

Also, what's the max level that the shops at Join Avenue can go?

Neo Child

so its that hard to get the genies? sounds fun :D. *goes to ehop*

only played a few rounds of this but this is what i thought, i actually found more sigilyphs (one in my main party :D ) with hidden abilitys

its basically glorified face raidrs but with added bonus of items and pokemon. there should seriousely be hundreds to catch, maybe make a 3d background for landscapes.

also want to say im not dissing it too bad its good but can only play so many rounds per day
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