Pokémon Black Version 2/White Version 2 |OT| Zero Shades of Grey

So I've been breeding a little bit and I ended up with some Abra with the following spreads:





Pretty happy with those.

Why was Tepig the only starter to get dual typing this gen? It pisses me off.

I think the real question is why we've had fire/fighting dual typing for the starter for the past three gens.


Right now on my Black 2 save I have 648 unique, legitimately captured Pokémon, plus another 76 Pokémon (shinies, alternate forms, level 100s, etc). It's everything of meaning I've collected since Emerald released in May 2005. It is the culmination of thousands of hours of playing Pokémon.

NeoGAF wouldn't hear from me for a while if I ever lost my game cartridge. My soul would be crushed.

Oooh same here. Although mine are still on Pkmn Black. It's pretty cool having all those Pokemon I've trained across Fire Red, Diamond, Soul Silver, Platinum and Black. I certainly wouldn't make that effort again.


Has anyone used the memory link? Are there any drawbacks?

Also, I have a full pokedex in Black 1. What is the best way to transfer them over to this sequel? Will memory link help?


Really wish they'd change things up and do different starter types. Like a different triangle.

Or add two new pokemon in addition to the normal 3.

I think it would be awesome to have 5 starter pokemon, and it would add more variety. Then you'd also have the fire/grass/water starters to choose from.


edit: Does anyone here have a Lotad they would be willing to trade? Only ds games I have are Platinum, Black, and Black 2 so it's impossible for me to get one.


Or add two new pokemon in addition to the normal 3.

I think it would be awesome to have 5 starter pokemon, and it would add more variety. Then you'd also have the fire/grass/water starters to choose from.

Throw in a poison starter and I would wet myself with joy. Poison type needs a serious buff imo.

There aren't any drawbacks. It only adds to what you'll already see. New cut scenes and direct references to your old player character.

You have to trade each of your Pokémon one by one. I bought hundreds of Repeat Balls and ran around on Route 19 catching Patrats and Purrloins for hours. And then spent hours trading them to the other system.

It's why I posted so frequently for a while. All I could do was post here and watch TV while I was doing it. D:

lol It's what I've been doing with all my extra Litwick. Just trading them to White 1 for all my other pokemon.
Has anyone used the memory link? Are there any drawbacks?

Also, I have a full pokedex in Black 1. What is the best way to transfer them over to this sequel? Will memory link help?

There aren't any drawbacks. It only adds to what you'll already see. New cut scenes and direct references to your old player character and a few unique Pokémon to capture.

You have to trade each of your Pokémon one by one. I bought hundreds of Repeat Balls and ran around on Route 19 catching Patrats and Purrloins for hours. And then spent hours trading them to the other system.

It's why I posted so frequently for a while. All I could do was post here and watch TV while I was doing it. D:


There aren't any drawbacks. It only adds to what you'll already see. New cut scenes and direct references to your old player character.

You have to trade each of your Pokémon one by one. I bought hundreds of Repeat Balls and ran around on Route 19 catching Patrats and Purrloins for hours. And then spent hours trading them to the other system.

It's why I posted so frequently for a while. All I could do was post here and watch TV while I was doing it. D:
When did you do it? I've only just started this. Probably a bit overkill if it's the first thing I do...!


I've got 12 Red Shards. What should I teach my Lucario?

He currently is level 30 and has: Force Palm, Bone Rush, Me First, and Counter.


Throw in a poison starter and I would wet myself with joy. Poison type needs a serious buff imo.

Poison is already a badass type in my eyes. Sure, offensively it needs a small boost (such as upping the accuracy on Gunk Shot a little), but Poison has plenty of strong Pokémon. I'm planning on making a team of Roserade, Scolipede, Golbat, Nidoking, Drapion and Venomoth.


Poison is already a badass type in my eyes. Sure, offensively it needs a small boost (such as upping the accuracy on Gunk Shot a little), but Poison has plenty of strong Pokémon. I'm planning on making a team of Roserade, Scolipede, Golbat, Nidoking, Drapion and Venomoth.

Oh don't get me wrong there are some strong Pokemon in the type. I just wish overall it had more offensive capabilities. I mean it only hits one type for SE. That sucks. It's my favorite type, and it most definitely NEEDS a legend.


Oh don't get me wrong there are some strong Pokemon in the type. I just wish overall it had more offensive capabilities. I mean it only hits one type for SE. That sucks. It's my favorite type, and it most definitely NEEDS a legend.

...I forgot there haven't been any Poison legendaries
Poison Arceus

But Poison isn't really meant to be an offensive type, similarly to Dark. There's a reason there aren't Dark equivalents of Thunderbolt etc. Dark's drawback is low power moves, Poison's is terrible type coverage :(


...I forgot there haven't been any Poison legendaries
Poison Arceus

But Poison isn't really meant to be an offensive type, similarly to Dark. There's a reason there aren't Dark equivalents of Thunderbolt etc. Dark's drawback is low power moves, Poison's is terrible type coverage :(

Still blows lol. I also wish Seviper had an evo. Would be so awesome....
Ice punch is a must for lucario.

Anyway I beat the elite 4 yesterday + champ. I never really grinded the entire game, in fact I used repel everywhere, my team of 5 were all equal level around 56/57.

It wasn't so bad!


I'm kind of tired of this game. :p I'm about a third of the way through my lap around the world with all of the HMs and I just don't want to play it any more. It's a good game, but no new Pokemon means I'm not going to catch anything I don't already have. I just found the cave where you find the the Regis and I'm like "I probably have to jump through hoops to make them appear and I have them twice already so whatever."


Genesect is too good to start the game with. I just got to the third gym. I wish they would've just went to the next gen at this point. Seeing the same Pokemon is kind of blah.


Genesect is too good to start the game with. I just got to the third gym. I wish they would've just went to the next gen at this point. Seeing the same Pokemon is kind of blah.
I felt cheap using him so i switched him out for a mamoswine.

Ill probably use him post game though because I love his typing and he just looks awesome.
Genesect is too good to start the game with. I just got to the third gym. I wish they would've just went to the next gen at this point. Seeing the same Pokemon is kind of blah.

Funny thing, since I started out with a Snivy, Genesect is needed for me to keep things going until I got Snivy up to Serperior and an Axew.


I really liked using Samurott in white, but Emboar kind of sucks. I don't know if it's just my reliance on Lucario, but Emboar doesn't seem versatile.


Out of curiousity, when you trade a fully evolved pokemon, like a venusaur, do you get pokedex entries for the previous forms? Like when I trade my stuff from B/W?


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I did it! I completed the Unova Dex! Minus Meloetta but the game doesn't count that, and there hasn't been a legit Meloetta released in North America yet. Now to take a break before focusing on other post-game stuff and filling out the National Dex.


I just found my old copies of Red and Silver. Started them up and found my gen I and II Pokemon intact. Probably too cumbersome (impossible?) to transfer them to B2, but it was nice to see them again. Probably will sell or give away the cartridges.


I just found my old copies of Red and Silver. Started them up and found my gen I and II Pokemon intact. Probably too cumbersome (impossible?) to transfer them to B2, but it was nice to see them again. Probably will sell or give away the cartridges.

Gold/Silver are the cutoff. There's no way to transfer from a Game Boy/Game Boy Color game to a GBA game.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I just found my old copies of Red and Silver. Started them up and found my gen I and II Pokemon intact. Probably too cumbersome (impossible?) to transfer them to B2, but it was nice to see them again. Probably will sell or give away the cartridges.

Gens I & II are self-contained, only transferring between the two.
Gens III, IV, and V are connected in some way.
When you beat a Gen IV game (Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold, and Soul Silver) you can unlock the Pal Park, where you can insert a Gen III game (Ruby, Sapphire, Fire Red, Leaf Green, and Emerald) in the GBA slot and transfer Pokemon from that.
When you beat a Gen V game (Black, White, Black 2, and White 2), you can go to the PokeTransfer Lab and transfer Pokemon from a Gen IV game. A second DS is required.
I just found my old copies of Red and Silver. Started them up and found my gen I and II Pokemon intact. Probably too cumbersome (impossible?) to transfer them to B2, but it was nice to see them again. Probably will sell or give away the cartridges.

I was told that it is impossible because Gen 3 and 2 can't trade. I wanted to do the same thing a few weeks ago. I ended up just using Ir-GTS to remake them.
Well I finally got a copy today. Still haven't received the copy I originally preordered from GAME, nor have they got back to my email, so when they eventually do I'll ask for a refund.

At Virbank at the moment, doing a spot of training before facing Roxie. Chose Oshawott as my starter and currently have a Pidove, Riolu and Growlithe in my team.


Beat the game and started wandering around some. Just want to say... my god does Emboar have a terrible level-up moveset. I can't believe that the only fighting attack a part fighting starter gets is goddamn Arm Thrust, which I somehow still have on the thing even though it's in the 70s!

Oh well. Not sure how motivated I feel to really dig into the rest of the game. That's kind of what usually happens to me outside of the main new-gen games. Mostly I just think I'm a little fatigued of seeing the so many entries on the same hardware. I mean, I went Pearl->Platinum->SS->White->White 2, so this is my fifth entry without a tech leap?

Plus the lingering thoughts that the next gen is probably going to hit here some time next year or the spring after is just killing my motivation to go all out here.

Sucks too, because I've definitely enjoyed ripping through the game. I'm just not sure how much I care about filling the habitat list/pokedex, grabbing all the TMs, hunting down legendaries, etc. (I actually think the biggest thing is realizing how close we are to a huge metagame shift, though, which makes me REALLY not care about breeding new competitive pokemon.)


What are you referring to?

IE when a new gen hits it's definitely going to completely overhaul the metagame. Which is killing my motivation to get back into the metagame, because most of the stuff I breed will probably be useless next year. Though maybe "soon" wasn't the right word to use, heh.


IE when a new gen hits it's definitely going to completely overhaul the metagame. Which is killing my motivation to get back into the metagame, because most of the stuff I breed will probably be useless next year. Though maybe "soon" wasn't the right word to use, heh.

It be nice for them to do a complete cutoff with Gen VI. Let's just start over.

I doubt it though. I could imagine hardcore would be upset not being to transfer rare Pokemon.


I can't I didn't notice how awesome the Dream World is until now? I got me a badass Kabuto AND Omanyte in the Dream World - not to mention Cubone!

So my current team in White is:


.. and on Monday Braviary will join these guys. So awesome! I hoped to find a Remoraid in the Dream World, but it never happened. I've NEVER used one before and his evolution (Octa..? Forgot its name) is badass as hell. Oh well.. Some other time, I guess. (Yes I am too lazy to trade).
Quick question gaf,

Going to pick this up later today. I have pokemon white. Should I get white 2 or black 2? Asking strictly from a catch them all perspective, do the exclusives from white/black flip or stay the same in white2/black2?


Quick question gaf,

Going to pick this up later today. I have pokemon white. Should I get white 2 or black 2? Asking strictly from a catch them all perspective, do the exclusives from white/black flip or stay the same in white2/black2?
No idea about the exclusives, but you are "supposed" to get White 2 as it's a sequel to White. You also get the other legendary (in White 2 you get Reshiram - you got Zekron in White). I would definitely recommend getting White 2 - and just GTS the exclusives you can't obtain ingame.


I just found my old copies of Red and Silver. Started them up and found my gen I and II Pokemon intact. Probably too cumbersome (impossible?) to transfer them to B2, but it was nice to see them again. Probably will sell or give away the cartridges.

I'm sure you have FRLG and HGSS. Get to work.


I'm back asking the same question: What is the easiest way for me to get hard mode unlocked from the start? I have a DS and a 3DS (I'll mostly be playing with the latter). I'm planning to play this with my sister, but I won't bother if I can't just start in hard mode.


I'm back asking the same question: What is the easiest way for me to get hard mode unlocked from the start? I have a DS and a 3DS (I'll mostly be playing with the latter). I'm planning to play this with my sister, but I won't bother if I can't just start in hard mode.

Get the key from someone who has beaten the Elite 4 in Black 2, or has gotten the key from someone else who has beaten the Elite 4 in Black 2.

That's it.
I hoped to find a Remoraid in the Dream World, but it never happened. I've NEVER used one before and his evolution (Octa..? Forgot its name) is badass as hell. Oh well.. Some other time, I guess. (Yes I am too lazy to trade).

Octillery is great, my favourite water type after Cloyster.
You can give it an entertaining gimmicky moveset with its odd movepool, flamethrower Octillery is a treat.
Isn't Remoraid just bobbing around the ocean in this one anyway?

I should really figure out how this dream world stuff works because I want a Snover that doesn't bother me with non stop hail storms, it's not very useful for the rest of the team since i'm not running an Ice lineup but damn do I love that Abomasnow.


Octillery is great, my favourite water type after Cloyster.
You can give it an entertaining gimmicky moveset with its odd movepool, flamethrower Octillery is a treat.
Isn't Remoraid just bobbing around the ocean in this one anyway?

I should really figure out how this dream world stuff works because I want a Snover that doesn't bother me with non stop hail storms, it's not very useful for the rest of the team since i'm not running an Ice lineup but damn do I love that Abomasnow.
Yeah, but you can't get him until you reach Undella town. Way too late :p I'll save him for some other time.

I actually found a Snover with is Dream World ability in the Dream World. He's in the ice cave.
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