Pokémon Black Version 2/White Version 2 |OT| Zero Shades of Grey


If you insist on doing the Masuda method, the shiny charm makes a big difference, but yeah, it's still really tedious and people are still going to assume that your party of six shiny Pokemon is hacked. :D

I don't really battle with them or anything, just collect them. So I don't care if people don't think they are legit. I know they are. :)


I'm having a terrible time deciding what move should I delete to make Vibraba learn Fly: Crunch, Dragon breath, Rock Slide or Bulldoze? Or should I raise a Crobat instead?

Help, please!


Will QA for food.
I don't really battle with them or anything, just collect them. So I don't care if people don't think they are legit. I know they are. :)

A lot / most shinies you're going to come across these days are not hacked, simply because it's so easy to RNG for them. Really it makes them lose quite a bit of their lustre online, but I keep my collection of random shiny Pokemon separate just because.

I'm having a terrible time deciding what move should I delete to make Vibraba learn Fly: Crunch, Dragon breath, Rock Slide or Bulldoze? Or should I raise a Crobat instead?

Help, please!

Crunch, or Rock Slide. Crunch is going to help very little in coverage, once you have a better Dragon move (ie; when it evolves to Flygon at 45, it receives Dragon Tail). And Rock Slide is a TM, so you can feel free to overwrite it and just teach it back easily later. You probably want to keep Bulldoze and Dragon Breath, since they have the same typing as Vibrava.


I'm having a terrible time deciding what move should I delete to make Vibraba learn Fly: Crunch, Dragon breath, Rock Slide or Bulldoze? Or should I raise a Crobat instead?

Help, please!

Hmm vibraba gets stab on bulldoze which makes it stronger than rockslide....but it hurts your partner in double/tripple battles.

ehh i say rockslide.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Unova Dex Progress: 270/300

Only 30 left, most of them just evolving Pokemon. The one I'm not looking forward to is Hydreigon. Even with a traded Deino holding a Lucky Egg, it's going to take some time. Ugh.


Will QA for food.
Unova Dex Progress: 270/300

Only 30 left, most of them just evolving Pokemon. The one I'm not looking forward to is Hydreigon. Even with a traded Deino holding a Lucky Egg, it's going to take some time. Ugh.

You can find level 48-50 Zweilous near the end of Victory Road. Still quite a bit of levelling to do, but that's your best bet. I hope you have Pickup Pokemon and stocked up on some Rare Candies. Audino grinding with Lucky Egg on Route 1 will net you a level every one, or two.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
You can find level 48-50 Zweilous near the end of Victory Road. Still quite a bit of levelling to do, but that's your best bet. I hope you have Pickup Pokemon and stocked up on some Rare Candies. Audino grinding with Lucky Egg on Route 1 will net you a level every one, or two.

Yeah, but I'd still get more experience using a traded Deino than my own Zweilous. It'd be a tiny bit faster.


How do I use the C-Gear skin I just unlocked on the Global Link?

Also, what benefits are there from using the Memory Link? I have a full pokedex on my Black 1 file. Will it help me transfer them over?


How do I use the C-Gear skin I just unlocked on the Global Link?

Also, what benefits are there from using the Memory Link? I have a full pokedex on my Black 1 file. Will it help me transfer them over?

While you are signed in and Before you wake up your pokemon, you have to click the customize button in the bottom left then click the c-gear skin. Click customize game and you'll be able to use it when you wake up your pokemon.
Bleh, this looks like ass on my 3DS. DS Lite it is. :\

hold start or select before you start the game. i've been playing on my 3ds as well and it looks great imo...

finally caight a riolu and it only took about a day to evolve it to lucario. i figured it'll be best to train it while i'm on
team plasma's air ship the second time
except now my team is lingering around lv 50-55


You can find level 48-50 Zweilous near the end of Victory Road. Still quite a bit of levelling to do, but that's your best bet. I hope you have Pickup Pokemon and stocked up on some Rare Candies. Audino grinding with Lucky Egg on Route 1 will net you a level every one, or two.

is Audino faster than taking advantage of Black City/White Forest?

hold start or select before you start the game. i've been playing on my 3ds as well and it looks great imo...

then you can barely see.


Will QA for food.
We have DSi, DSiXL, 3DS OG, and 3DS XL.

Looks best on the DSiXL. Clear and crisp. Next best on DSi. 3DS XL is 'okay', but you still must choose between tiny and blurry. When you arrive at Castelia City you really notice how bad it is. 3DS OG is terrible and to be avoided if you can help it. People that play on 3DS OG and claim it looks great are blind, or ignorant about how good it looks on a DSi. Even the 3DS XL is really quite shitty by comparison.
We have DSi, DSiXL, 3DS OG, and 3DS XL.

Looks best on the DSiXL. Clear and crisp. Next best on DSi. 3DS XL is 'okay', but you still must choose between tiny and blurry. When you arrive at Castelia City you really notice how bad it is. 3DS OG is terrible and to be avoided if you can help it. People that play on 3DS OG and claim it looks great are blind, or ignorant about how good it looks on a DSi. Even the 3DS XL is really quite shitty by comparison.

Ignorance is bliss. Even then, the upscaling is OK. It's not like it is total Vaseline on the screen...

For what it's worth, I play it in both ways on my 3DS.


We have DSi, DSiXL, 3DS OG, and 3DS XL.

Looks best on the DSiXL. Clear and crisp. Next best on DSi. 3DS XL is 'okay', but you still must choose between tiny and blurry. When you arrive at Castelia City you really notice how bad it is. 3DS OG is terrible and to be avoided if you can help it. People that play on 3DS OG and claim it looks great are blind, or ignorant about how good it looks on a DSi. Even the 3DS XL is really quite shitty by comparison.
I'm playing it on a 3DS and have a DSi, it doesn't look that bad if you keep the power saving mode OFF.
then you can barely see.

doesnt bother me too much. i prefer small and clear than big and fuzzy. but that's just me.

i dont have enough disposable income to get a 3dsi...

Ignorance is bliss. Even then, the upscaling is OK. It's not like it is total Vaseline on the screen...

For what it's worth, I play it in both ways on my 3DS.

i have a ds lite but i prefer to play on 3ds since i usually switch between this and code of princess often


Just started my White 2 copy on Challenge Mode. Just beat Hugh after getting my Pokémon (Snivy) and even his Tepig was lvl 6 (one level higher than normal). So I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how tough this is going to get. Also can't wait to use some different Pokémon than before - definitely think I'll get a Braviary as my flying type, though.
I'm having a terrible time deciding what move should I delete to make Vibraba learn Fly: Crunch, Dragon breath, Rock Slide or Bulldoze? Or should I raise a Crobat instead?

Help, please!

Rock Slide. At least, my Flygon will probably look something like Fly/Ground move/Dragon move/Crunch. I'm not gonna have much else to take down Psychics, and I've already got an electric type.

Velcro Fly

Having so much trouble picking out a 6th that I might just complete the game with only 5.


Was thinking a bug type of some kind but can't really decide which I would want. Best option I think would be Dwebble/Crustle but I'm not really feeling that.

Also keep knocking out this dumb legendary that is weak to just about everything. I've knocked it out 3 times now trying to just get it into red with equal level pokemon. Now it's paralyzed with a silver of health and I can't even get an Ultra Ball to jiggle. But any attack I do will surely knock it out. Ugh

Yeah like a dozen times now I get 3 shakes and it breaks out at the last minute. I want to just slaughter this ugly thing and be done with it. I've never in my life had this much trouble catching a legendary.


man, so much hate for DS games on 3DS, but I'll stop there. Dont want to have another discussion about it.

Anyway, my Pokedex is currently at 247/299, trading is seriously going to be slow and Im trying to catch everything that can be captured in-game. Though Ive been meaning to EV train some Gen V Pokemons since I never trained one during the previous games.

Velcro Fly

Five straight Ultra Ball tosses to 3 shakes and a break out just before catching. This is unbelievable. I've played pokemon games since Gen 1 and have never ever had this much trouble. I'm actually starting to get frustrated because it's nothing I'm doing wrong. It's just 100% RNG.

edit: Finally caught this ugly thing. So tempted to give it a horrible nickname but I decided to just let it sit on my Box forever.
A question for all you hardcore Pokémon statisticians out there.

I've been playing since generation 1, so I know one of the main advantages to holding your Pokémon back from evolving is that they learn moves earlier. But how does this affect their stats? In other words, do they end up with better stats if you evolve them earlier or later? Or does it matter either way?

A Pokémon's potential stats are not affected any by what level you evolve them.

Edit: But obviously, evolve them before level 100 if they evolve by leveling up, and keep in mind that it might not be just learning moves earlier--a lot of Pokémon learn attacks their fully evolved forms cannot even if you go to the Move Relearner.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
So how come in Dream Radar, I never catch a Slowpoke, hoothoot, beldum, smoochum, or ralts?

And how come I've only caught one of staryu, togepi, spiritomb, rotom, and bronzor?

And How come I've caugh a billion of everything else?

How do I get moar of the 0-1s? ?_?

Velcro Fly

Finally got a 6th. Sigilyph was my choice. I just got the Psychic TM so I used that to help boost it. Leveled it to 27 with the EXP share and then hit up the breeder with the level 34 Ducklett and Tranquill and slaughtered them. Sigillyph is now nearly level 43.

I think it is about time for me to challenge for badge #7. I'm about 22 hours into the game and really enjoying it so far.

Also I'm a firm believer the best change to the game overall has been the infinite use TMs. They went from too good to use to being something that helps boost pokemon who have crappy movepools but get moves that are good later on. Maybe a tie with the sliding exp scale. Definitely makes leveling pokemon fun instead of a constant chore like it has been in previous games. Those two changes alone make it hard for me to go back and play a game before Gen V.


Um, why does my 3DS says I've played for 4 hours and the game clock says 8 hours?

Nothing important but it's bugging me, lol. Anyone with the same issue?

Velcro Fly

Um, why does my 3DS says I've played for 4 hours and the game clock says 8 hours?

Nothing important but it's bugging me, lol. Anyone with the same issue?

Something about sleep mode not counting on Activity Log but still counting towards time played on your actual cart.


FINALLY picked this up today, ready to get into it soon.


Speaking of, can I use Memory Link immediately, or do I have to get to a certain point in B2 before I can do that?


Status update:
Location: Castelia City Park
Badges: 2
Servine Lv. 20
Marill Lv. 17
Flaffy Lv. 19
Riolu Lv. 20

I've been searching for an Eevee for the past two or three hours. I've only seen one and my Flaffy got a critical hit. I'm really starting to lose my patience.


Something about sleep mode not counting on Activity Log but still counting towards time played on your actual cart.

Oh really? I'm gonna max out this clock then. I leave my 3DS on every day when I leave home in the mornings and just open it up when I come back, lol.

Speaking of, can I use Memory Link immediately, or do I have to get to a certain point in B2 before I can do that?

I think I memory linked before even starting the game. You can do it right away.
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