Pokémon Black Version 2/White Version 2 |OT| Zero Shades of Grey


I like to plan out what team I'm going to use before I play the game. Since HMs have become much less important, I've decided to go with a full six-man team instead of the five-man teams I usually use. Here's what I'm gonna use for sure:


With this team, I have nothing to counter Bug, Grass, and Fighting so obviously a Flying type is in order. I want to teach Fly to one of my guys, so I could either have Flygon do that, while I add Gliscor and something else. But that'll leave me with two guys with a 4x weakness to Ice and will use up a spot that Flygon could use for something else. Or, I could add Sigilyph to learn Fly, but I already used Sigilyph in Black and I want to diversify if possible.

Also, what should my 6th member be? I was thinking maybe Scrafty, because I used it in Black and it was amazing, but I do want to try new things. Also my team will have multiple weaknesses to Fighting. I also thought maybe Chandelure, or some other Fire type.

Eelektros can learn acrobatics, which is amazing if youre willing to not have an item.
Eelektros can learn acrobatics, which is amazing if youre willing to not have an item.

Acrobatics, huh? I totally forgot about that move. What's it do again, I remember hearing it was pretty goo-

ATT 55 ACC 100 PP 15
The user nimbly strikes the target. If the user is not holding an item, this attack inflicts massive damage.

...ummmmm yeah I think I'm gonna want Gliscor to STAB the heck outta that move. Sorry Flygon, you're just gonna have to suck it up and learn Fly. Now to decide between the proven awesomeness of Scrafty and the allure of Chandelure. Thanks guys!


Also, what should my 6th member be? I was thinking maybe Scrafty, because I used it in Black and it was amazing, but I do want to try new things. Also my team will have multiple weaknesses to Fighting. I also thought maybe Chandelure, or some other Fire type.

I wouldnt use Scrafty again since you did that already and You already have Lucario so it would be easy mode.

I like Espeon as my psychic type, and Chandelure would be a great addition.


Will QA for food.
Acrobatics, huh? I totally forgot about that move. What's it do again, I remember hearing it was pretty goo-

...ummmmm yeah I think I'm gonna want Gliscor to STAB the heck outta that move. Sorry Flygon, you're just gonna have to suck it up and learn Fly. Now to decide between the proven awesomeness of Scrafty and the allure of Chandelure. Thanks guys!

It's so good in matches with Flying Gem on, since the Gem activates (50% boost) and Acrobatics turns into a 110 base power move on that turn still. Anything that gets STAB on it like Gliscor, or Archeops just murders everything that doesn't resist it.

For physical Eelektross, it gives him a way to eliminate Grass Pokemon like Amoonguss and deal heavy damage to all those powerful fighting types. Special sets are better off with Flamethrower though and I don't like running mix, even in TR, because it means I'm sacrificing his decent defenses and typing.


I'm kind of in the same boat. A fast fighting type would run through my team like a hot knife through butter. My only check is a Bouncedos, and thunderpunch would end him quickly.
I have 3 Electirizer and a few Magmarizer on my white 1 cart if anyone wanted to "trade" for them. I don't really need anything in return. I evolved my Electabuzz awhile back by trading one from my white cart. Only problem is I am heading to class in about 20 minutes so it'd have to be after 10 am west coast time.

Awesome, thanks! I'll PM you about the Magmarizer then.

I'm actually in a similar boat as you dude. Wanted an Elekid, but forgot about his trade evolution item (Electirizer). I believe you can buy the trade item post-game. But, if you want I can get the Magmarizer in my game and give it to you and you give me the Electirizer when you come to that point. Also I kinda want a Rufflet since you have White, I'll be willing to hunt down any exclusive on my end if you want. All this is down the road since I only have five badges, as you have three badges.

Sounds like the guy above can help me, but I'll still keep my eyes out for a Rufflet and Electirizer and PM you when I get one of them anyhow. Any Black 2 exclusive as a trade will be fine, I'm not picky.


I'm kind of in the same boat. A fast fighting type would run through my team like a hot knife through butter. My only check is a Bouncedos, and thunderpunch would end him quickly.

Speaking of which, in the PWT, I swept Elesa with Gyarados.

Now I've beaten Volker in Platinum with Gyarados, and Elesa.

No Fear of Thunder: My Gyarados is in the top percentage.
Anyone know the earliest point at which one can get a Water Stone is, besides the Battle Subway? I caught an Eevee with the intention of getting a Vaporeon (my favorite Pokémon) on my end-game team, but I'm at Driftveil City now and I have every kind of evo stone except Water and Moon (which I also need to evolve my Munna, incidentally). :(

Also, White 2 is the first and last time I will ever pick a Grass starter. It's so limited in usefulness compared to the others in this game, especially Oshawott.


I actually can't find my magmarizer so it must be on one of my other gen carts. I do have 3 electerizers and a rufflet I can trade you and then you could trade him the magmarizer for some junk. Would help both of you guys out.

Yea I'd appreciate that thanks. I'll PM you my Friend Code.


Outside of Battle Subway/PWT or Dream Radar shenanigans... you need to beat Clay and do the first PWT, then Cheren gives you Surf halfway up Route 6.

Take a Surfer to Rt 19 and the Water Stone's there.


Will QA for food.
Anyone know the earliest point at which one can get a Water Stone is, besides the Battle Subway? I caught an Eevee with the intention of getting a Vaporeon (my favorite Pokémon) on my end-game team, but I'm at Driftveil City now and I have every kind of evo stone except Water and Moon (which I also need to evolve my Munna, incidentally). :(

Also, White 2 is the first and last time I will ever pick a Grass starter. It's so limited in usefulness compared to the others in this game, especially Oshawott.

Route 19, after you have Surf, I believe. Otherwise, Dustclouds in any gave have a small chance of dropping the stone.

I recommend picking up a Lillipup with Pickup, and never letting him evolve. He'll occasionally grab things like Moon Stone, Dusk Stone, Rare Candy. What he can 'pickup' changes by his level, so you will need to level him a bit. Ambipom is a better choice, but not really an option unless you trade.

edit: Beaten on Route 19.


Is this locked to a certain region? Edit: Nvm got it.

Also, just got my Japanese Ditto. So that means.........


So, PokeGAF. Which 5th gen pokemon should I hunt for? Haven't found a shiny from this gen yet.

I don't know much about the Masuda Method (If you have to search in wild grass or hatch eggs), but Zorua's shiny looks really good.



masuda worked for 4 pokemon for me in black 1. zoura, scraggy, munchlax, and scyther....with swarm.
never went above 200 eggs thankfully.


If you insist on doing the Masuda method, the shiny charm makes a big difference, but yeah, it's still really tedious and people are still going to assume that your party of six shiny Pokemon is hacked. :D


technically its possible to let pokemon hold the permit, shiny/round charms and take them as they go to the key items list via outside sources....but there wouldn't be any fun in that.
Currently at Driftveil City. How do I get to Wistralton? Do I go north of Driftveil and head west from Icirrus, or do I go through Chargestone Cave? Or can I do either? Anyway, my team is:

Pignite LV 33
Azumarill LV 31
Gurdurr LV 32
Sigilyph LV 34
Klink LV 26
Currently at Driftveil City. How do I get to Wistralton? Do I go north of Driftveil and head west from Icirrus, or do I go through Chargestone Cave? Or can I do either? Anyway, my team is:

Pignite LV 33
Azumarill LV 31
Gurdurr LV 32
Sigilyph LV 34
Klink LV 26
Guessing you mean Mistralton and you just go through chargestone cave. No other way to get there before the E4.


It's taking me so long to get through this. I've had the game for a week and a half at this point, and I'm just now getting to Victory Road. Stupid school stuff, keeping me busy....

I remember B/W came up right on the Sunday before my spring break started. That was the most unproductive
and best
spring break ever.


Currently at Driftveil City. How do I get to Wistralton? Do I go north of Driftveil and head west from Icirrus, or do I go through Chargestone Cave? Or can I do either?

Generally if you're in a situation where you're not sure which way to go you'll find that the wrong way will be blocked off. BW2 has tons of NPC's that exist only to tell you that a road isn't ready yet.
Oh cool, I monstered the World Leaders tournament! Time for the Champion's League!

"To unlock the Champion's League, you need to beat the World Leaders 9 more times!"



So the place on Route 15 that lets you bring Pokemon from HG/SS/D/P/Pl doesn't let you bring from B/W? Oh maaan, trading is going to take AGES/
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