Pokémon Black Version 2/White Version 2 |OT| Zero Shades of Grey

So I'm playing White 2, traded to get a Magby which I'm raising to be a mainstay on my team, and I forgot that I need a Magmarizer to eventually evolve it into Magmortar. :(

I can't find one on GTS. Anyone willing to trade me one? I'll even trade the Pokémon holding it right back to you if you want. I just want the item. Or if there's something specific you want, I'll do my best, but I only have three badges so far so my options are limited...
A sad sad story:

After getting the 6th badge, I
Took a plane to the other side of the map, then went into a volcano. I found Bianca there and together we battled pairs of pokémon. After a while I found a shiny swoobat! I tried tossing a ball to it, but the game said I had to get rid of one pokemon first. I used swords dance and prayed Bianca would kill the other beast so I could capture swoobat, but she decided to ko swoobat.


You see, this is why I laid Cheren out flat when I thought he might threaten my shiny Petilil.

Sorry to hear about that; that sort of thing always sucks.
Well a week after I expected my copy to be delivered and it's still not here. It's more than likely lost in the mail, but I can't report it to GAME as lost until 10 working days after it was dispatched, which would be Saturday. So I'll have to get in contact with them then, which will probably take forever for them to even get back to me, and even longer to send out another copy.

So fun times...
Well a week after I expected my copy to be delivered and it's still not here. It's more than likely lost in the mail, but I can't report it to GAME as lost until 10 working days after it was dispatched, which would be Saturday. So I'll have to get in contact with them then, which will probably take forever for them to even get back to me, and even longer to send out another copy.

So fun times...

Buy another copy now, hope for a refund when the time comes for the lost copy, worst case scenario you'll get stuck with 2 games so make one the other version.
Theres a few ways, all of them suck.

Transfer the key from another game that has unlocked it (local ir only). Alternatively there's an AR code to unlock it. Or if you have access to a flashcart you can dump your retail save - use cheat code - then send the save back to the retail cart.

I dit the last one with a friend..

It´s a very annoying way to obtain it but at least it worked.


I got a Nursery!! Finally! And fittingly, from a nurse!





Quick answer required, but how does the game compare to the first Black and White games?

I am a fan of Pokemon but was going to pass on the game for now to avoid any real burnout between B&W and the inevitable 3DS version, which I'm hoping (possibly in vain) won't be too far away. Suddenly got a massive urge to play B&W2 though and leaving work in 5 mins so tempted to grab a copy.
Quick answer required, but how does the game compare to the first Black and White games?

I am a fan of Pokemon but was going to pass on the game for now to avoid any real burnout between B&W and the inevitable 3DS version, which I'm hoping (possibly in vain) won't be too far away. Suddenly got a massive urge to play B&W2 though and leaving work in 5 mins so tempted to grab a copy.

It´s like playing again silver (in my case).

I played Black 1 and didn´t click with me, but 2 was very different.

I say go for it!


Quick answer required, but how does the game compare to the first Black and White games?

I am a fan of Pokemon but was going to pass on the game for now to avoid any real burnout between B&W and the inevitable 3DS version, which I'm hoping (possibly in vain) won't be too far away. Suddenly got a massive urge to play B&W2 though and leaving work in 5 mins so tempted to grab a copy.

It's more of the same.

Whether that's good or bad is up to you.


Nah, a lot of pokes could get Brine in G4, not just Piplup. I don't think starter-specific moves became a thing until a bit later, after G3.

In Gen 2, I think it was just Cyndaquil, with Flame Wheel (and one other), and Squirtle with Skull Bash. As for other unique moves, you can find 'em all over here:


In Gen 3 the treecko line was the only pokemon that got leaf blade.


So I'm playing White 2, traded to get a Magby which I'm raising to be a mainstay on my team, and I forgot that I need a Magmarizer to eventually evolve it into Magmortar. :(

I can't find one on GTS. Anyone willing to trade me one? I'll even trade the Pokémon holding it right back to you if you want. I just want the item. Or if there's something specific you want, I'll do my best, but I only have three badges so far so my options are limited...

I'm actually in a similar boat as you dude. Wanted an Elekid, but forgot about his trade evolution item (Electirizer). I believe you can buy the trade item post-game. But, if you want I can get the Magmarizer in my game and give it to you and you give me the Electirizer when you come to that point. Also I kinda want a Rufflet since you have White, I'll be willing to hunt down any exclusive on my end if you want. All this is down the road since I only have five badges, as you have three badges.


What the fuck, why is this game cheating?

Hugh had a team of levels 60 to 65 Pokemon. I had a team of level 100s. He won with nonstop bullshit critical hits and infinite evasion.
I have 3 Electirizer and a few Magmarizer on my white 1 cart if anyone wanted to "trade" for them. I don't really need anything in return. I evolved my Electabuzz awhile back by trading one from my white cart. Only problem is I am heading to class in about 20 minutes so it'd have to be after 10 am west coast time.


It's more of the same.

Whether that's good or bad is up to you.

Probably a good thing.

Just bought the game, went for Black. Quick question though, is it possible to get Pikachu in the game? And if not, will i have to finish the main quest before i can obtain one by trade?
Probably a good thing.

Just bought the game, went for Black. Quick question though, is it possible to get Pikachu in the game? And if not, will i have to finish the main quest before i can obtain one by trade?

Someone can send you a pichu´s egg from the start.
Currently Training for 4th Gym, seems thats going to take a while - I dunno how people breeze thru the game first time as I always seem to get slowed down a lot at this point, mostly because I swap my team a lot...
What the fuck, why is this game cheating?

Hugh had a team of levels 60 to 65 Pokemon. I had a team of level 100s. He won with nonstop bullshit critical hits and infinite evasion.

Yeah I've noticed a lot of bullshit AI that was abolished in B/W is back in full force in B2/W2. Critical hits may as well be AI only because the only time I ever get them are when the move would have knocked the other Pokemon out anyway, but the opponent will get critical hits multiple times in a row. Don't get me started on multi-hit moves always hitting 5 times and getting hurt by confusion a good 90% of the time.

The absolute worst battle I've had so far was where the opponent used a weak multi-hit move that should have done virtually nothing, instead it hit 5 times in a row and managed to get critical hits on 3 of those moves to KO my Pokemon from full health.


Currently Training for 4th Gym, seems thats going to take a while - I dunno how people breeze thru the game first time as I always seem to get slowed down a lot at this point, mostly because I swap my team a lot...

Go to the desert and get trapinch or a sandile.


Yeah I've noticed a lot of bullshit AI that was abolished in B/W is back in full force in B2/W2. Critical hits may as well be AI only because the only time I ever get them are when the move would have knocked the other Pokemon out anyway, but the opponent will get critical hits multiple times in a row. Don't get me started on multi-hit moves always hitting 5 times and getting hurt by confusion a good 90% of the time.

The absolute worst battle I've had so far was where the opponent used a weak multi-hit move that should have done virtually nothing, instead it hit 5 times in a row and managed to get critical hits on 3 of those moves to KO my Pokemon from full health.

I remember I got quite upset during one of the Pokemon movie things because the Prop? thing kept getting crits with Clear Smog and wiped out my Solosis even though I did everything right. Then I went to do another one, used Endure against a Flamethrower, like I was supposed to, to prep for Reversal. The Flamethrower burned and K.O'd me. :( Happened 2 more times with various bullsh*t and so I left and didn't go back until after the Elite 4 stuff.
I remember I got quite upset during one of the Pokemon movie things because the Prop? thing kept getting crits with Clear Smog and wiped out my Solosis even though I did everything right. Then I went to do another one, used Endure against a Flamethrower, like I was supposed to, to prep for Reversal. The Flamethrower burned and K.O'd me. :( Happened 2 more times with various bullsh*t and so I left and didn't go back until after the Elite 4 stuff.

Hey, at least you can throw out the recorded film or stop recording! I did precisely that every time we go off-track on the script.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Tried something dumb with a friend in doubles.

I started my Lucario and my friend used a Spinda. First turn I Swords Dance then Spinda Skill Swaps Contrary on to me. The plan was to Close Combat all day but after just one I died to a crit Sucker Punch.

Surprised we were able to pull it off though.


Hey, at least you can throw out the recorded film or stop recording! I did precisely that every time we go off-track on the script.

but going off tracks can lead to good things. woo free nuggets and star pieces.

...that would have to be a seriously strong sucker punch for a 1/4 resistance to dark.


The risk management and probability-based nature of Pokemon is fun until you get royally fucked by some bullshit.


You guys seem like you've cruised through the game. I'm only at Chargestone after 25 hours. 120 Pokemon caught. Just got N's Joltik.

I have like 15 ferroseeds. Hoping one has a beneficial nature.


You guys seem like you've cruised through the game. I'm only at Chargestone after 25 hours. 120 Pokemon caught. Just got N's Joltik.

I have like 15 ferroseeds. Hoping one has a beneficial nature.

I'm guessing you're not trading. There's no sync ability Pokemon in base B/W2?


So uh, does lucario not learn aura sphere any more?

It used to be lvl 32/36 right? Im lvl 47 and it just asked me about calm mind...

What about close combat, or idk, any moves that are fighting type but better than force palm -_-


Maturity, bitches.
Finally put an order in for this game. However it was with Zavvi so I expect to join everyone in the new year.
I like to plan out what team I'm going to use before I play the game. Since HMs have become much less important, I've decided to go with a full six-man team instead of the five-man teams I usually use. Here's what I'm gonna use for sure:


With this team, I have nothing to counter Bug, Grass, and Fighting so obviously a Flying type is in order. I want to teach Fly to one of my guys, so I could either have Flygon do that, while I add Gliscor and something else. But that'll leave me with two guys with a 4x weakness to Ice and will use up a spot that Flygon could use for something else. Or, I could add Sigilyph to learn Fly, but I already used Sigilyph in Black and I want to diversify if possible.

Also, what should my 6th member be? I was thinking maybe Scrafty, because I used it in Black and it was amazing, but I do want to try new things. Also my team will have multiple weaknesses to Fighting. I also thought maybe Chandelure, or some other Fire type.



effective against all your troubles and has a 1/4 resistance to fighting.
Eh ice/rock/psychic/electric will still take their toll.

Darmanitan for dat strong flare blitz stab and attack stat.


I like to plan out what team I'm going to use before I play the game. Since HMs have become much less important, I've decided to go with a full six-man team instead of the five-man teams I usually use. Here's what I'm gonna use for sure:


With this team, I have nothing to counter Bug, Grass, and Fighting so obviously a Flying type is in order. I want to teach Fly to one of my guys, so I could either have Flygon do that, while I add Gliscor and something else. But that'll leave me with two guys with a 4x weakness to Ice and will use up a spot that Flygon could use for something else. Or, I could add Sigilyph to learn Fly, but I already used Sigilyph in Black and I want to diversify if possible.

Also, what should my 6th member be? I was thinking maybe Scrafty, because I used it in Black and it was amazing, but I do want to try new things. Also my team will have multiple weaknesses to Fighting. I also thought maybe Chandelure, or some other Fire type.

What about Archeops for flying? He's pretty good, was one of my best guys in White 1. Maybe a Reuniclus or Golduck or something for a Psychic.
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