Pokémon Black Version 2/White Version 2 |OT| Zero Shades of Grey


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Unova Dex Progress: 281/300.

Finally went over the biggest hurdle. Hydreigon is mine!
The remaining 19 should be much easier.


Oh really? I'm gonna max out this clock then. I leave my 3DS on every day when I leave home in the mornings and just open it up when I come back, lol.

I think I memory linked before even starting the game. You can do it right away.

Now if only this damn website would LOAD



Okay, got it. Global Link still refuses to load the Dream Bridge and Customization pages, but Memory Link was successful.

And so begins the adventures of Zander and Snivy.
Hey guys, just started playing the game. Are Riolu only available in Flocessy Ranch at certain parts of the day? I saw one and accidentally killed it and now all I can find are Mareep.


Hey guys, just started playing the game. Are Riolu only available in Flocessy Ranch at certain parts of the day? I saw one and accidentally killed it and now all I can find are Mareep.

5% rate. Hard to come by I spent like 30 mins looking for one :(

Trapinch has the same rate on the desert. I was stoked it was the first pokemon I found there, lol.
5% rate. Hard to come by I spent like 30 mins looking for one :(

Trapinch has the same rate on the desert. I was stoked it was the first pokemon I found there, lol.

The exact same thing happened to me with Riolu, but I killed it :( Ah well more walking around in the grass for me.


I swear within my first five or so minutes in the Ranch, I had seen at least three Rioulus, and I couldn't find Mareep anywhere. Pokemon's funny sometimes.
So I just beat the elite 4...now what?
Does anyone have a list of the legendaries I can catch now? I already caught all three of the "zion" Pokemon before the Elite 4, now I want to know whats left to catch. I have "White 2" btw, incase there are different legendaries in the different versions.


So I just beat the elite 4...now what?
Does anyone have a list of the legendaries I can catch now? I already caught all three of the "zion" Pokemon before the Elite 4, now I want to know whats left to catch. I have "White 2" btw, incase there are different legendaries in the different versions.

Climb up a waterfall on route 20 to see the lake trio go to various places in unova.

Explore the clay tunnel in drift veil to find 2 legendary golems. The 3rd one requires a key from the other game. White 2 is regirock and regice Get all three and go to the lowest area in twist mountain for regigigas.

Take a trip to route 17 to find a magma stone to make heatran appear in reverse mountain.

If you got the lunar wing from the strange house, go to marvelous bridge for crescelia.

Go to striation city and walk into the dream yard to chase around Latios for black, Latias for white.

Kyurem is in the giant chasm.

......but before all of this, take a trip back to victory road to be lead somewhere.
Climb up a waterfall on route 20 to see the lake trio go to various places in unova.

Explore the clay tunnel in drift veil to find 2 legendary golems. The 3rd one requires a key from the other game. White 2 is regirock and regice Get all three and go to the lowest area in twist mountain for regigigas.

Take a trip to route 17 to find a magma stone to make heatran appear in reverse mountain.

If you got the lunar wing from the strange house, go to marvelous bridge for crescelia.

Go to striation city and walk into the dream yard to chase around Latios for black, Latias for white.

Kyurem is in the giant chasm.

......but before all of this, take a trip back to victory road to be lead somewhere.

Is anyone else having a problem with corrupted saves? My friend's game froze on him the other night and when he rebooted it it gave him a black screen with white text about calling Nintendo for repairs. Now the game alternates between the error screen and working perfectly fine every time he turns it on and off. The game will eventually freeze on him if he plays when he can get it to boot, but sometimes it's after 5 minutes and sometimes it's after hours of playing.

I told him to just bring it back to the store to get a new copy since it sounds defective, but he doesn't want to lose his progress.


Is anyone else having a problem with corrupted saves? My friend's game froze on him the other night and when he rebooted it it gave him a black screen with white text about calling Nintendo for repairs. Now the game alternates between the error screen and working perfectly fine every time he turns it on and off. The game will eventually freeze on him if he plays when he can get it to boot, but sometimes it's after 5 minutes and sometimes it's after hours of playing.

I told him to just bring it back to the store to get a new copy since it sounds defective, but he doesn't want to lose his progress.

truth be told, the game will probably delete/corrupt the save itself eventually.


Someone explain Dream Radar to me.
I've caught Landorus, how come I've never seen Siglyph, Togepi, Smoochum, Spiritomb, or Rotom.

I've seen a number of Porygons, 1 or 2 Raltss, a few Munnas, some Staryus/Shuckles, and a torn of Bronzongs/Riolus (less lately)/Igglybuffs/Swablus/Drifloons.
I did get every item available to me except Sacred Ash though (I only went the Eureka extensions when there was only a single cloud containing the Pokemon, so never really had a chance for items there).


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
The day my Pokémon save file corrupts is the same day I never play Pokémon again.

The DS games save a backup of each file so that's unlikely to happen any much more. Though there may always be hardware defects, I suppose...


A lot / most shinies you're going to come across these days are not hacked, simply because it's so easy to RNG for them. Really it makes them lose quite a bit of their lustre online, but I keep my collection of random shiny Pokemon separate just because.

What's a good source for RNG info/guide.


I've got an issue with daily events. I can't enter the raffle in the joint avenue or buy ice creams in Castelia city or any of the other daily events. They just keep telling me each day that I've already done them. How do I fix that?

The only thing I can think of is I play the game on my DSi Xl and sometimes on my 3DS XL. So I don't just play on one DS


I've got an issue with daily events. I can't enter the raffle in the joint avenue or buy ice creams in Castelia city or any of the other daily events. They just keep telling me each day that I've already done them. How do I fix that?

The only thing I can think of is I play the game on my DSi Xl and sometimes on my 3DS XL. So I don't just play on one DS
that's exactly the problem, changing ds means changing clock and the game automatically resets daily events when you do that.


that's exactly the problem, changing ds means changing clock and the game automatically resets daily events when you do that.

I would have thought if the times of the DS's were about the same that game wouldn't mind :-/ so if I play for more than a day on just one DS then daily events will start working again?


First shiny since Sapphire. I was sitting there looking bored, half playing and half watching TV and then went insane when I looked down at the screen. Wish it was something cooler though.



Will QA for food.
I've never played a Pokemon game before. If I pick this up, will I have any idea what I'm doing? Or should I start with another game?

Like all games in the series, this has a lengthy tutorial in the beginning and will walk you through what you need to know. If you have specific questions that require a bit more 'behind the scenes knowledge' with mechanics and what not, you can always ask us here, but you should be fine just playing through the game.
Like all games in the series, this has a lengthy tutorial in the beginning and will walk you through what you need to know. If you have specific questions that require a bit more 'behind the scenes knowledge' with mechanics and what not, you can always ask us here, but you should be fine just playing through the game.
Awesome, thank you! :)


Will QA for food.
What's a good source for RNG info/guide.

Nugget Bridge's articles are a bit more 'clear' and less cluttered than the ones you'll find on Smogon, but either are good choices. Nugget Bridge community will probably provide better feedback too.




It is possible to get all Pokemon now with only the DS games? I remember you needed the GBA games and a DS Lite obviously to get everything before B2/W2 was released?


Will QA for food.
Awesome, thank you! :)

No problem! These are excellent games to come into the series with because they're incredibly polished in presentation and offer so much in terms of online battling, trading, Battle Subway, Move Tutors.. even after you beat the game, there's plenty to do if you still need to that itch scratched.


Can someone trade me a Sun Stone? I can give an Eevee or one of the dozen Riolu I already have.

FC: 5243 9792 5591

Edit: nevermind, found one in game.


for the first time ever, I tried breeding a Pokemon with the hopes of getting the right Hidden Power type. After 100+ eggs, I finally got the right one... never again! That was seriously a pain and a complete waste of time. Shouldn't have done it in the first place... *sigh*


The day my Pokémon save file corrupts is the same day I never play Pokémon again.

This was the reason I never played Gen III until very later :p I had my Pokemon Gold save with the pokedex filled detete itself ;_; the days filling the pokedex meant something! Lol. I was devastated.
This was the reason I never played Gen III until very later :p I had my Pokemon Gold save with the pokedex filled detete itself ;_; the days filling the pokedex meant something! Lol. I was devastated.
Well to be fair, as an aside, filling the dex does mean something in BW2, considering it was mostly a Bragging Rights Reward beforehand...

Sorry in case I waste your afternoon ;)
This was the reason I never played Gen III until very later :p I had my Pokemon Gold save with the pokedex filled detete itself ;_; the days filling the pokedex meant something! Lol. I was devastated.

Right now on my Black 2 save I have 648 unique, legitimately captured Pokémon, plus another 76 Pokémon (shinies, alternate forms, level 100s, etc). It's everything of meaning I've collected since Emerald released in May 2005. It is the culmination of thousands of hours of playing Pokémon.

NeoGAF wouldn't hear from me for a while if I ever lost my game cartridge. My soul would be crushed.
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