Cute Dragon Here
I've always wondered what I missed out with no 360 for all these years.
I've always wondered what I missed out with no 360 for all these years.
Bayonetta. That's it.
Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise, Crackdown, Forza 2/3/4. some of the best games this generation!
I've always wondered what I missed out with no 360 for all these years.
was it known you could hold more than 1 million pokedollars in Black/White?
because i was at like 997k just a minute ago while leveling up some pokes and was like "aw shit. now i'm gonna lose money because i'll hit 999k before beating the E4" and now i have 1006k.
this is one of the best changes so far. no need to buy shit constantly to avoid the limit like in the past 4 gens (in RSE, i had like 300 of each vitamins after so much grinding)
was it known you could hold more than 1 million pokedollars in Black/White?
because i was at like 997k just a minute ago while leveling up some pokes and was like "aw shit. now i'm gonna lose money because i'll hit 999k before beating the E4" and now i have 1006k.
this is one of the best changes so far. no need to buy shit constantly to avoid the limit like in the past 4 gens (in RSE, i had like 300 of each vitamins after so much grinding)
I think it's one of the things that is pretty well-known for quite a long time. Nice surprise, eh?
I barely even bother to pay attention to the amount of money I have. I just give one of my Pokemon the item that gives you double money after a battle and I've never seemed to run low since.
Amulet Coin is an awesome little item, I've found.
amulet coin? ha luck incense is where its at....and a endless supply of relic crowns XD.
I've always wondered what I missed out with no 360 for all these years.
Amulet Coin is an awesome little item, I've found.
Yes, now if only they made an item that combined the effect of an Amulet Coin and a Lucky egg it'd be perfect for grinding.
Yes, now if only they made an item that combined the effect of an Amulet Coin and a Lucky egg it'd be perfect for grinding.
I haven't touched one of those type of things since Gen 2. They take all the fun out of it.
Garchomp is actually Gameshark in Pokemon form.
It's a bit of an unfortunate thing that I have no TV in my room, huh?
I thought that was Sharpedo.
I thought that was Sharpedo.
But land sharks are better than regular sharks!
I think he only thing that I'll use it for is when I'm trying to just get on with the story of an RPG.
But are they better than Street Sharks?
Garchomp is actually broken, so it fits better.
I...I can't argue with that sound logic.
Aeroblast in G/S/C is still the best animation of ALL TIME.
Lugia <3
Show us the awesomeness!
Finally RNG'd my keldeo
too bad I can't use him anywhere![]()
Yay Positwig is back!
Realistic Pokémon drawings should not be allowed.
This is why I didn't even bother getting one. He's of no use to me. Also I'm not a fan of ponies.
Well, you can still use it with friends and it will be alllowed in the next wi fi tournament.
As you wish.