Cute Dragon Here
Tyranitar looks possessed.
He's too fat, too short, has budging eyes. Hmm...
Tyranitar looks possessed.
Wi-Fi tournament? That I did not know of.
Poor Sentret.
Deck Garchomp in street gear, then.
Dat Aeroblast. Makes me hate how they messed with the sound and animation of some moves.
Like Hyper Beam:
Gen 1/2 made it sound super powerful. Gen 3 looked and sounded like crap. Gen 4/5 look pretty cool, but sounds kinda meh.
Dat Aeroblast. Makes me hate how they messed with the sound and animation of some moves.
Like Hyper Beam:
Gen 1/2 made it sound super powerful. Gen 3 looked and sounded like crap. Gen 4/5 look pretty cool, but sounds kinda meh.
They finally did it.
Imposter Ditto with Choice Scarf is crazy town.
Yeah imposter Ditto is awesome.
Here are some TRU FACTS:
Ditto copies its targets stats down to a T.
If Haxorus has 432 Atk & 285 speed Ditto will have 432 Atk & 285 Speed regardless of its stats (even IVs).
- The exception to this is its HP stat, which stays the same(Ditto invests in max HP so its HP stat is decent.
- Ditto does not copy Hidden Power Values. So it's best to modify its HP values to give it HP Ice or Fire, depending on the Pokemon you want it to check.
- Ditto copies stat boosts. If Haxorus Swords Dances, and Ditto switches in Ditto will have +2 attack.
- This means thaat Ditto will always be able to revenge kill a Pokemon if it's using a choice scarf vs a non-choice scarf Pokemon. Back to Haxorus again, if Haxorus is at +1 speed due to Dragon Dance, Ditto will outspeed because of its +1 boost AND Choice Scarf.
I'm actually a little excited, I now have the urge to find someone that has a Shiny Ditto with Imposter. Or is that even possible? Maybe with breeding..
Thank you Japanese players, I now have a Gigalith.
Shiny imposter ditto is possible in BW2 I believe.
Also imposter is stopped cold by substitute and it sucks if it transforms into a staller.
Shiny Ditto is probably possible but not with breeding. Ditto can't breed with other Ditto.
Shiny imposter ditto is possible in BW2 I believe.
Also imposter is stopped cold by substitute and it sucks if it transforms into a staller.
So in other words it's not as absurdly broken as I'd been lead to believe.
If it's a Shiny Ditto does it always transform into a Shiny version of what ever it's copying?
goooo watch squid girlllll kokonooooeeee
and then PM me your thoughts.
It indeed does.
Watch To Love-Ru while you're at it.
This Pokémon transforms into a random opponent upon entering battle.
I see you listened to my advicegoooo watch squid girlllll kokonooooeeee
and then PM me your thoughts.
I see you listened to my advice
So Ditto could turn into legendaries? Or are those excluded?
i don't remember you recommending Squid Girl.
i don't remember you recommending Squid Girl.
Whatever did happen to boney?
i don't remember you recommending Squid Girl.
if the other team has a legendary, yes.
Wait what?
Hyper beam it's always been a joke :/
So I heard you could unlock something in Black 2 after finishing the game. Possible spoilers:
Challenge mode. Apparently you can send it from one save file to another. My friend finished the Japanese version... is there any way he could send it to my American version via "Unova Link" before I start the game?
So I heard you could unlock something in Black 2 after finishing the game. Possible spoilers:
Challenge mode. Apparently you can send it from one save file to another. My friend finished the Japanese version... is there any way he could send it to my American version via "Unova Link" before I start the game?
You don't get to pick the target you transform into so in doubles / tournaments, it's kind of a crapshoot what it'll turn into.Wait what?
Black and White 2 Gameplay Footage Not a spoiler, but just in case.
Black White 2 Imposter Ditto
Seems like it works like Transform.
Not guaranteed. Japan has received a lot of tournaments we haven't. And with the GBU tournaments starting to grant real world prizes in the form of byes, I'm not sure how it will be handled. TPCi just hired a new Video Game Tournament Planner as well so we'll see how he handles things. Nintendo does Japanese tournaments while The Pokemon Company International handles them in the rest of the world. I think there has only been one (maybe two?) tournaments which included both Japanese and non-Japanese participants.
I'm assuming it will be held over here too.
Might want to spoiler it, mate.