Today he repeated that threat and it seems like:
- he only means direct help? doesn't seem to care too much about supplying weapons which is still a puzzle to me
- everyone thought that 'consequences we have never seen in our history' (not a direct quote but something like that) mean using nuclear weapons but today he stated he would use something that no one else has? what could that be?
- the response will be instantenous so we definitely didn't earn it yet
It’s because he’s full of shit. NATO will continue to pile more and more weaponry into Ukraine, and he’ll do nothing about it. Finland will continue its application into NATO, and he’ll do nothing about it. Russian infrastructure will continue to be targeted by saboteurs, and he’ll do nothing about it. He’s a corrupt mafia boss, not a megalomaniacal dictator.
I know we’re making a lot of comparisons with Hitler, but he isn’t like Hitler really. He’s a crook, not an ideologue. He loves money, and living a swanky lifestyle. Hitler would have lived in his own shit to conquer the world. Putin is stupid, greedy, self obsessed and living a fantasy. These are not the character traits of someone prepared to risk their own lives.