No just point out absurdities like viewing this conflict like it started yesterday.
Once upon a time the US didn't want Ukraine free from the USSR. This is virtue signals about a war. Ya'll are nuts. If you cared about independence from tyrannical oligarchs you wouldn't want the US funding anyone and instead want every day people aka the Militia to be armed all across the world.
Dangerous Liberty is always better than safety
"The US government today likes to pretend that it is the perennial champion of political independence for countries that were once behind the Iron Curtain. What is often forgotten, however, is that in the days following the fall of the Berlin Wall, Washington opposed independence for Soviet republics like Ukraine and the Baltic states."
In the final days of the Soviet Union, the Washington establishment was convinced nationalism was a greater threat than Soviet despotism. Thus, George Bush
That is what you get in War. It is never pretty. Innocent people die. That is why I'm against it.
Protect yourself. Learn to drive a rifle and not ride a train car etc etc. Or end up like Jews in WW2 or Ukranians now.