There was a primeval forest there, scarred by no axe; and in its midst a cave thick set about with shrubs and pliant twigs. With well-fitted stones it fashioned a low arch, whence poured a full-welling spring, and deep within dwelt a serpent sacred to Mars. The creature had a wondrous golden crest; fire flashed from his eyes; his body was all swollen with venom; his triple tongue flickered out and in and his teeth were ranged in triple row. When with luckless steps the wayfarers of the Tyrian race had reached this grove, they let down their vessels into the spring, breaking the silence of the place. At this the dark serpent thrust forth his head out of the deep cave, hissing horribly. The urns fell from the men’s hands, their blood ran cold, and, horror-struck, they were seized with a sudden trembling. The serpent twines his scaly coils in rolling knots and with a spring curves himself into a huge bow; and, lifted high by more than half his length into the unsubstantial air, he looks down upon the whole wood, as huge, could you see him all, as is that serpent in the sky that lies outstretched between the twin bears. He makes no tarrying, but seizes on the Phoenicians, whether they are preparing for fighting or for flight or whether very fear holds both in check. Some he slays with his fangs, some he crushes in his constricting folds, and some he stifles with the deadly corruption of his poisoned breath.
silva vetus stabat nulla violata
securi, et specus in media virgis
ac vimine densus
efficiens humilem lapidum
conpagibus arcum uberibus
fecundus aquis; ubi conditus
antro Martius
anguis erat, cristis praesignis et auro;
igne micant oculi, corpus tumet omne
venenis, tresque vibrant linguae, triplici stant
ordine dentes.
quem postquam Tyria lucum
de gente profecti
infausto tetigere gradu, demissaque
in undas urna dedit sonitum,
longo caput
extulit antro caeruleus serpens
horrendaque sibila misit.
effluxere urnae manibus sanguisque
reliquit corpus
et attonitos subitus tremor occupat artus.
ille volubilibus squamosos
nexibus orbes torquet et inmensos saltu
sinuatur in arcus
ac media plus parte leves erectus in auras
despicit omne nemus tantoque est
corpore, quanto, si totum spectes, geminas
qui separat arctos.
nec mora, Phoenicas, sive illi tela parabant
sive fugam, sive ipse timor
prohibebat utrumque, occupat: hos morsu,
longis conplexibus
illos, hos necat adflati funesta tabe veneni.