São Paulo council approves Heterosexual Pride Day

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Meh I don't see the big deal. Some people are proud to be hetero.

"not anti-gay but a protest against the privileges the gay community enjoys."

Not sure what he is talking about here though. Is it like "omg they get a parade, why don't we?"
Grimm Fandango said:
Meh I don't see the big deal. Some people are proud to be hetero.

Not sure what he is talking about here though. Is it like "omg they get a parade, why don't we?"
That's not the point. The point is that EVERY day is a "feel proud to be hetero" day, we live in a currently heteronormative society (though I'm thinking that will change). And Gay Pride Day isn't even really about "pride" so much as it is coming out of oppression.

Straight people have NEVER been oppressed, so... this just smacks of "well they get to have fun so why can't I except that I get every other day of the year to do the exact same thing"?
I always thought of Gay Pride days as a way of telling people that gay people do exist, and they aren't going anywhere, and also a chance to open the minds of people who don't really know much about the LGBT community

People know what heterosexuality is, most people are heterosexual so what is the point of having a hetero pride day? I stick with my original point. Some people just want to make up a holiday so they don't have to go to work.
ZephyrFate said:
That's not the point. The point is that EVERY day is a "feel proud to be hetero" day, we live in a currently heteronormative society (though I'm thinking that will change). And Gay Pride Day isn't even really about "pride" so much as it is coming out of oppression.

Straight people have NEVER been oppressed, so... this just smacks of "well they get to have fun so why can't I except that I get every other day of the year to do the exact same thing"?

Of course a hetero pride day shouldn't be handled like a gay pride day, for the obvious reason that heterosexual people aren't oppressed, but if people want a day to celebrate their heterosexuality with floats and sparklers then who cares?

That being said, this seems like it's being created by people who, despite their ability to hold a conversation with a gay hairdresser, want to give off the impression that there is something wrong with gay people.
LyleLanley said:
Of course a hetero pride day shouldn't be handled like a gay pride day, for the obvious reason that heterosexual people aren't oppressed, but if people want a day to celebrate their heterosexuality with floats and sparklers then who cares?

That being said, this seems like it's being created by people who, despite their ability to hold a conversation with a gay hairdresser, want to give off the impression that there is something wrong with gay people.
You already have that day.

Hell, it's a week.

Know what it is?

Mardi Gras.

I think I even know of another...


I'm pretty sure there are dozens of other microholidays celebrating breeding, too.


hateradio said:
What would those be exactly?
From the article... "As an example, he mentioned how Sao Paulo's huge gay pride day parade is held every year on Paulista Avenue, one of the main thoroughfares in this city of 20 million people, while the March for Jesus organized by evangelical groups is not allowed on the same avenue."

Not sure what the deal is with this street, but maybe the solution is to open it up for any parade that wants to use it instead of creating a heterosexual pride day.

It's funny though that getting to use a street for a parade is considered some sort of special privilege to be sought after. How about you let us LGBT folk share in some of your everyday privileges and we'll let you have that street as much as you want, okay? Parade up and down it night and day for all I care.


I've heard that being gay is especially difficult in Latin communities due to the whole "machismo" thing going on (Somebody correct me if I'm wrong). It's basically due to very defined gender roles. "Are you a man or not"? etc. etc.
TheChaos said:
I've heard that being gay is especially difficult in Latin communities due to the whole "machismo" thing going on (Somebody correct me if I'm wrong). It's basically due to very defined gender roles. "Are you a man or not"? etc. etc.
It is and it isn't. There are worse areas (the Middle East for one, Africa for another), but the machismo idea basically fucks up the idea of homosexuality being accepted.

The funny part is that there are 'travestis' who blur the lines and are basically gay to the rest of the world but not within their own culture. Machismo certainly doesn't help.
Uh... hasn't Carnaval more or less become a very gay-centric thing?

I don't think having one day dedicated to heterosexuality suddenly makes Brazil some homophobic Legion of Doom.
SuperAngelo64 said:
Uh... hasn't Carnaval more or less become a very gay-centric thing?

I don't think having one day dedicated to heterosexuality suddenly makes Brazil some homophobic Legion of Doom.
It does when the other 364 days of the year are the same thing.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
In other news, I declare August to be White History Month.


ZephyrFate said:
It is and it isn't. There are worse areas (the Middle East for one, Africa for another), but the machismo idea basically fucks up the idea of homosexuality being accepted.

The funny part is that there are 'travestis' who blur the lines and are basically gay to the rest of the world but not within their own culture. Machismo certainly doesn't help.

It's probably that gender roles are much more rigid in areas of overall lower socioeconomic class (with Japan being the weird exception, GLBT issues are still taboo there). Like Spain, a first world country, already has legalized gay marriage and stuff.

I feel bad for all the men/women basically forced to be on the DL because of their society in poorer countries.


SuperAngelo64 said:
Uh... hasn't Carnaval more or less become a very gay-centric thing?

I don't think having one day dedicated to heterosexuality suddenly makes Brazil some homophobic Legion of Doom.
The idea in and of itself, to have a good time and celebrate who you are isn't abhorrent.

But it's being used to say; 'Look at them with their special parade, we want one too!' ignoring the fact that heterosexuals get to have that feeling of pride/acceptance/reinforcement pretty much every place else every single day.

Societies the world over are geared toward accepting heterosexuality as the norm that everyone should strive to be. It's reinforced in advertising, media, and day to day interactions with other heterosexuals because they are in the majority. They don't need to have an extra sense of being proud of who they are because they are never discriminated against or feel dejected from being heterosexual.
Koomaster said:
The idea in and of itself, to have a good time and celebrate who you are isn't abhorrent.

But it's being used to say; 'Look at them with their special parade, we want one too!' ignoring the fact that heterosexuals get to have that feeling of pride/acceptance/reinforcement pretty much every place else every single day.

Societies the world over are geared toward accepting heterosexuality as the norm that everyone should strive to be. It's reinforced in advertising, media, and day to day interactions with other heterosexuals because they are in the majority. They don't need to have an extra sense of being proud of who they are because they are never discriminated against or feel dejected from being heterosexual.
I propose a Hetero Bashing Day.


laughing at the guys saying that Carnaval is like a heterosexual pride week... lol it's common to get dressed as woman on Carnaval, so i dont see the point!
ty_hot said:
laughing at the guys saying that Carnaval is like a heterosexual pride week... lol it's common to get dressed as woman on Carnaval, so i dont see the point!
Dressing in drag =/= not being heterosexual.


ty_hot said:
Ofc its different. But if it were a hetero pride week noone would even think of doing that...
I actually think it would be the perfect thing for them to do. Plenty of people who dress in drag for fun and profit are straight, and breaking that stereotype would be a good thing.


WET programming makes up 90+% of every other channel. But that's beside the point.

There should be a BGET channel. The Downlow Network or something. That I would like to see.
ty_hot said:
Ofc its different. But if it were a hetero pride week noone would even think of doing that...
Really? Are we basing this off of American heterosexuality or world heterosexuality? Because there's a lot of flavors to heterosexuality, including, yeah, dressing up in drag during Carnavale.

In fact, the inclusion of drag breaks the illusion that only gay people dress up in the opposite gender. Hell, heterosexuals have been doing it since Aristophanes' Women at the Thesmophoria!
Tuck said:
EDIT: K wow I misread that completely. A hetero pride day? Whats the point?
What's the point of a gay pride parade in the modern day?

Maybe in the 60s/70s that was seen as a wild act of liberation and breaking out of the shackles of whatever you want to call it, but nowadays, really?
In the era of Glee, Queer as Folk, LGBT organizations, blah blah blah?

Hey I'm not saying everyone is tolerant of gay people or that there's not progress to be made and obviously being around like minded people is always a plus, but just inquiring as to any political effectiveness and overall importance.


I'm from São Paulo and everyone I know is pissed about this, but of course, all the racists and homophobes are jumping in. São Paulo's gay parade is one of (if not the one) the biggest events on the city, attracting a million people to our most important avenue. This is backlash, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are considered "safe" for homossexuals, so here is the spot where the homophobes make their stand.

Fucking assholes, this pisses me so much, this is a gay-friendly city and gay kissing is largely tolerared on populated areas (some years back a security guard kicked a couple from a shopping center and some time later, there was a gay kiss-fest or something in the place). Problem is not the city, problem is our fucking political system where this fucking lazy politicians don't even notice this kind of thing until it is approved.
Buckethead said:
What's the point of a gay pride parade in the modern day?

Maybe in the 60s/70s that was seen as a wild act of liberation and breaking out of the shackles of whatever you want to call it, but nowadays, really?
In the era of Glee, Queer as Folk, LGBT organizations, blah blah blah?

Hey I'm not saying everyone is tolerant of gay people and obviously being around like minded people is always a plus, but just inquiring as to any political effectiveness and overall importance.
Because gay people still have very few rights even in the modern day. Little and less has changed.


Small fact that may be relevant : Brazil legalized gay civil union last month. Civil Union, not marriage.

eznark said:
What a tolerant and inclusive city.

The most hilarious thing is that is the same city that has a Gay Parade so HUGE that it even has it's own wikipedia page !
...it was also considered the biggest pride parade of the world by the Guinness Book in 2006...

And this year it even had Stephen Fry himself !

That is it ! The poilitician is probably jealous of the lack of Stephen Fry in the "March of Jesus" (wich i must remind everyone, don't mean straight parade =P) !!!!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Obvious: why do you need a day to celebrate something that 95% of the population already is


Another context about São Paulo's gay parade.

Paulista Avenue, because it is so important, can be closed to large events only three times a year. One is new year's eve, the other one is São Silvestre marathon and the third is the gay parade. What is always left out is the march for Jesus. The decision is basically busisness-oriented; gay parade attracts a million people, boosts tourism significantly and sells the city as modern and tolerant. Gay parade is, of course, important for the civil rights movement, but it is also important for the city, for how we see ourselves and for how others see us. There isn't enough justification for closing the avenue for the march for Jesus because it is a lot smaller, does nothing for tourism and fuck it, there's already a church every corner (besides, they do the march on an important place, just not *the* paulista avenue where the gay parade happens). So this kind of shit also happens because religious people see the gay parade as open defiance becuase their own isn't as important. And again, our city council is a bunch of lazy idiots, so someone slips this in and the rest of the lazy fucks don't even notice it.


Angry Grimace said:
Obvious: why do you need a day to celebrate something that 95% of the population already is
Because some of the 95% like to imagine they're meaningfully discriminated against in a way that justifies them being able to celebrate in the same way as the 5%.
Orayn said:
Because some of the 95% like to imagine they're meaningfully discriminated against in a way that justifies them being able to celebrate in the same way as the 5%.

Should we only celebrate people who are discriminated against?


Buckethead said:
What's the point of a gay pride parade in the modern day?

Maybe in the 60s/70s that was seen as a wild act of liberation and breaking out of the shackles of whatever you want to call it, but nowadays, really?
In the era of Glee, Queer as Folk, LGBT organizations, blah blah blah?

Hey I'm not saying everyone is tolerant of gay people or that there's not progress to be made and obviously being around like minded people is always a plus, but just inquiring as to any political effectiveness and overall importance.
Gay people have a handful of tv shows and a few organizations on our side? Welp, guess we've reached equality, no sense gathering together to celebrate accepting being ourselves when everyone else accepts us and treats us equally already... oh wait. :|

But yeah what's the point really, why should we have a day and a parade to feel good about ourselves. I mean, how crazy right?

It may not be directly politically important; we're not marching on city hall. But it's a safe place and day to really express our love. When so many are told to hide their sexuality in society, and in their own homes growing up, it's cathartic to have one god damn day out of the year to be out in public, be around others who have shared your experience of oppression, realize that we aren't alone and maybe hope for a moment that one day it'll all be better.

So yeah the overall importance is to have a joyous day in what is otherwise a life of repression and 'hiding in the closet' from people who hate us for no good reason and would rather we not exist.


Platy said:
Small fact that may be relevant : Brazil legalized gay civil union last month. Civil Union, not marriage.

The most hilarious thing is that is the same city that has a Gay Parade so HUGE that it even has it's own wikipedia page !
...it was also considered the biggest pride parade of the world by the Guinness Book in 2006...

And this year it even had Stephen Fry himself !

That is it ! The poilitician is probably jealous of the lack of Stephen Fry in the "March of Jesus" (wich i must remind everyone, don't mean straight parade =P) !!!!
I was being serious. What's the harm in it (as long as the taxpayers aren't footing any bills).

But yeah what's the point really, why should we have a day and a parade to feel good about ourselves. I mean, how crazy right?

Straight people can't have the same thing?


LyleLanley said:
Should we only celebrate people who are discriminated against?
Sorry, didn't mean to imply that. I'm just saying that it's pretty damn contrarian to come up with a pride day for people who don't ordinarily consider themselves any sort of distinct group.


Crumpet Trumpet said:
oh here go hell come


Lemme break this down for y'all, specifically those posters above and below me. There's really no need for a hetero pride parade in an already hetero-normative society, as it would only serve to further disenfranchise the "other".

Like there is no need for a political rally for majority political parties?
Koomaster said:
Gay people have a handful of tv shows and a few organizations on our side? Welp, guess we've reached equality
Thanks for being douchey about it, even though I posted everything that you so condescendingly replied with.


lol... ive been waiting for something like this to happen for years. about damn time. i mean if there is gay pride days why not have hetero pride days? next we get bisexual pride days. more parties... fuck yes!
eznark said:
I was being serious. What's the harm in it (as long as the taxpayers aren't footing any bills).

Straight people can't have the same thing?
Straight people have that day every single day of the year.


eznark said:
I was being serious. What's the harm in it (as long as the taxpayers aren't footing any bills).

The harm is that it serves to spread hate messages and it's very dishonest to pretend is not so. It's like having a white pride day and pretend it's not racist. Last year, we already had murders by hate groups on the same avenue where the gay parade happens, which even on days that have nothing to do with the parade, is considered a very safe place for gays. The hate is already here and is already boiling precisely because gays are finally achieving some legislative victories. In this context, you put a bunch of hateful people together to validade their hate? How the fuck there is no harm in that?


Buckethead said:
Thanks for being a douchebag about it, even though I posted everything that you so condescendingly replied with.
I'm not sure why you posited a question and then proceeded to reply and answer yourself. I wrote that before I saw your self reply.


Koomaster said:
When do straight people not feel good about themselves for being straight? I'm curious.
What does that have to do with anything? I always feel awesome and respected as a dad, but I'm not turning down Fathers Day.

I don't get why anyone would be threatened or offended by it.
Plywood said:
Everyday is hetero-pride day for me. :D

edit: Dammit Zephyr.
I'm glad you took out "The OT" from your avatar because Daenerys Targaryen must be shown in full nudity/awesomeness at all times.

eznark: Because Gay Pride Day is so much more than just feeling happy or comfortable, it's a recognizable retaliation against all the heteronormative ideals oppressing and categorizing them. It's a statement and demand for respect to be treated the same as everyone else.

It isn't some day you can just place on anyone.
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