São Paulo council approves Heterosexual Pride Day

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AVclub said:
See, but that's a funny jump you just made. You assume that me wanting a parade means that I'm somehow unhappy without one. You assume I'm asking for non-heterosexual people to feel bad for me. I'm not. "Here you can have a parade" doesn't equal "Oh we feel so bad about your situation." So please save your tears. I don't even understand what "minutiae" you're talking about.

I'm just saying a parade for straight people would be nice. "Mardi Gras" is for religious people who plan to give stuff up because of some ritual they believe in. You can't just say "Here straight people, use this parade to flaunt your straightness" anymore than I can say, "Here gay people, you can use the Coney Island Mermaid Parade or Village Halloween Parade in NYC to flaunt your gayness."

I want my fucking parade.
The reasoning behind something like Mardi Gras and something like a gay pride parade are on very different sides of the spectrum. The minutiae you do not have is your straight parade of narcissism.

but I'm kind of thinking you're fucking with me, so...


There's never going to be true equality and union if minorities seem think that everything bigger groups do have malicious intent in everything they do. (As valid their reasons for suspecting are)
I don't see how it helps to name this a "homosexual bashing event" at once.


Death Prophet
Phonomezer said:
Haha, how amusing.

I imagine that it would be a fairly dull affair.
I would imagine a lot of straight men would be flaunting their sexuality without having to feel the shackles of judgement.

Oh wait.


Junior Member
ZephyrFate said:
The reasoning behind something like Mardi Gras and something like a gay pride parade are on very different sides of the spectrum. The minutiae you do not have is your straight parade of narcissism.

but I'm kind of thinking you're fucking with me, so...
Well, if you're wondering whether I'm seriously interested in petitioning the local government for a straight white people parade, the answer is no. I'm not. However, I don't see what would be wrong with it. I can tell you there's something very wrong with you classifying it as "narcissism" or others saying it will be "dull" because those kinds of generalizations are hurtful.

I am a good person. I think I've lead a pretty interesting and productive life so far. On top of that, my wife and I have created a child who we think is also a pretty productive and beneficial member of society. Shouldn't this kind of thing deserve to be celebrated by a parade?
AVclub said:
Well, if you're wondering whether I'm seriously interested in petitioning the local government for a straight white people parade, the answer is no. I'm not. However, I don't see what would be wrong with it. I can tell you there's something very wrong with you classifying it as "narcissism" or others saying it will be "dull" because those kinds of generalizations are hurtful.

I am a good person. I think I've lead a pretty interesting and productive life so far. On top of that, my wife and I have created a child who we think is also a pretty productive and beneficial member of society. Shouldn't this kind of thing deserve to be celebrated by a parade?
You don't get it. You just don't. Every single day is your celebrated parade. An extremely large percentage of society is geared, every single day, to your happiness and well-being. Ads are marketed to you, media is built around your relationships, and society has made you the prescribed way to live since the dawn of civilization.

You don't need a parade. What you get is so far beyond a parade, that it would be, at best, extraneous.

It's like having a giant wedding cake already slathered in frosting and toppings, and asking for a tiny bit more frosting.


Junior Member
ZephyrFate said:
You don't get it. You just don't. Every single day is your celebrated parade. An extremely large percentage of society is geared, every single day, to your happiness and well-being. Ads are marketed to you, media is built around your relationships, and society has made you the prescribed way to live since the dawn of civilization.

You don't need a parade. What you get is so far beyond a parade, that it would be, at best, extraneous.

It's like having a giant wedding cake already slathered in frosting and toppings, and asking for a tiny bit more frosting.
This is horse shit. People have a way of imagining the grass being greener on the other side. When grass is just grass on both sides of the fence. Straight kids get bullied just like gay kids, especially if they are smart or shy. Straight adults get shit on by society on a daily basis, just like gay adults. Are there some who avoid the bullshit and live a charmed life? Sure, but that happens to gay people as well.

Your argument is that advertisers target straight people? Is that why gay people "need" a parade? Please! Nobody "needs" a parade. They WANT one. So I'm saying I want one too. And so far your strenuous objection amounts to "you aren't a minority so you can't have what they have." That seems awfully suspect for someone advocating equality among all genders.
Speaking as a straight dude, I love gay pride events. They throw way better parties and play much better house music. Every weekend should be gay pride for these reasons alone.
AVclub said:
I am a good person. I think I've lead a pretty interesting and productive life so far. On top of that, my wife and I have created a child who we think is also a pretty productive and beneficial member of society. Shouldn't this kind of thing deserve to be celebrated by a parade?

Gay pride parades aren't just organised so some sad old queens can walk around in leather g-strings, they're political in nature and commemorate the various struggles that the community have and are facing, regardless of the sometimes ridiculous facade.


AVclub said:
This is horse shit. People have a way of imagining the grass being greener on the other side. When grass is just grass on both sides of the fence. Straight kids get bullied just like gay kids, especially if they are smart or shy. Straight adults get shit on by society on a daily basis, just like gay adults. Are there some who avoid the bullshit and live a charmed life? Sure, but that happens to gay people as well.

Your argument is that advertisers target straight people? Is that why gay people "need" a parade? Please! Nobody "needs" a parade. They WANT one. So I'm saying I want one too. And so far your strenuous objection amounts to "you aren't a minority so you can't have what they have." That seems awfully suspect for someone advocating equality among all genders.

I'm sorry, but this is complete and total bullshit.

By that logic, EVERYONE gets shit on. Call me, though, when a straight boy gets hunted down, beat within an inch of his life, and left tied to a fence to die for no other reason than the fact he was straight. Bitch and moan the next time there's a highly publicized string of suicides among straight youth because they weren't equipped to handle their heterosexuality and feeling that they will never be accepted by society for being straight.

Have your straight parade if you want. Just realize that you can't have a straight parade without looking like a group of bigots who have no understanding of the real history of oppression that minority groups have had to endure, or the fact that they're celebrating something that was for so long systematically denied them, and still is.


Junior Member
Phonomezer said:
Gay pride parades aren't just organised so some sad old queens can walk around in leather g-strings, they're political in nature and commemorate the various struggles that the community have and are facing, regardless of the sometimes ridiculous facade.
I've been to a number of gay pride parades. The amount of political stuff on display is a very small fraction of the proceedings. But if it makes you feel better, when straight people march down the main street of a major city celebrating their icky "penis in vagina" action, they will also make sure some political signs are in attendance.
AVclub said:
I've been to a number of gay pride parades. The amount of political stuff on display is a very small fraction of the proceedings. But if it makes you feel better, when straight people march down the main street of a major city celebrating their icky "penis in vagina" action, they will also make sure some political signs are in attendance.
Wow, your whole angle just became incredibly more warped over the course of this discussion. "Heterosexual politics"? Get outta here.



Seriously though let them have their parade. If it sucks then oh well it's all good. If it's great then that's good too.

Everyone saying "oh it won't be fun anyway" need to take that little extra step and get over it.
Steelrain said:

Seriously though let them have their parade. If it sucks then oh well it's all good. If it's great then that's good too.

Everyone saying "oh it won't be fun anyway" need to take that little extra step and get over it.
So would you campaign for a white history month as well? I mean, if we're gonna 'take little extra steps and get over things'.


Junior Member
royalan said:
I'm sorry, but this is complete and total bullshit.

By that logic, EVERYONE gets shit on. Call me, though, when a straight boy gets hunted down, beat within an inch of his life, and left tied to a fence to die for no other reason than the fact he was straight. Bitch and moan the next time there's a highly publicized string of suicides among straight youth because of not being equipped to handle their heterosexuality and feeling that they will never be accepted by society for being straight.

Have your straight parade if you want. Just realize that you can't have a straight parade without looking like a group of bigots who have no understanding of the real history of oppression that minority groups have had to endure throughout history, or the fact that they're celebrating something that was for so long systematically denied them, and still is.
People have hunted down other people for the stupidest reasons imaginable. Humans do fucked up things to each other all the time. Sometimes they think the person is a witch, sometimes they think the person is a Jew, or sometimes they just don't like the color of a person's skin. There are currently no parades for "Jewish Pride" even though millions of them were exterminated in our recent history. Why is that?

By the way, suicide among straight people is WAY more prevalent than gay people. Hell, just look at China: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2007-09/11/content_6095710.htm

And one more thing, how many people who are straight have had to survive high school while being bullied and called gay when they weren't? Do those people deserve a parade?
Actually a 'Straight guy that always gets confused for homosexual' Parade or holiday would be pretty cool. I would probably get a lot of free drinks. Maybe some time off work.
GAF's being dumb on purpose again. We all know why there is a "Gay Pride" march/day and we know it's not so they can all pat themselves on the back, look at cock and feel awesome.

People have had their rights taken away from them because of their sexual orientation, have been attacked and murdered because of their sexual orientation, have been bullied and suppressed because of their sexual orientation.

What are you going to do on a "Straight Pride" Day? when has heterosexuality been illegal? when have people been imprisoned, attacked, murdered for being heterosexual? how many millions of teenagers are struggling to tell their family and friends that they are heterosexual?

macuser1of5 said:
Actually a 'Straight guy that always gets confused for homosexual' Parade or holiday would be pretty cool. I would probably get a lot of free drinks. Maybe some time off work.

"Gay or European?" is a popular game to play.


ZephyrFate said:
So would you campaign for a white history month as well? I mean, if we're gonna 'take little extra steps and get over things'.
Nope but I wouldn't give two shits if someone wanted one.
AVclub said:
People have hunted down other people for the stupidest reasons imaginable. Humans do fucked up things to each other all the time. Sometimes they think the person is a witch, sometimes they think the person is a Jew, or sometimes they just don't like the color of a person's skin. There are currently no parades for "Jewish Pride" even though millions of them were exterminated in our recent history. There are, actually. Why is that?

By the way, suicide among straight people is WAY more prevalent than gay people. Hell, just look at China: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2007-09/11/content_6095710.htm But are any of those straight suicides specifically caused by feeling worthless because of being straight?

And one more thing, how many people who are straight have had to survive high school while being bullied and called gay when they weren't? Do those people deserve a parade? The problem here is that "gay" is being used as a pejorative. All the more reason for a gay pride parade.


AVclub said:
People have hunted down other people for the stupidest reasons imaginable. Humans do fucked up things to each other all the time. Sometimes they think the person is a witch, sometimes they think the person is a Jew, or sometimes they just don't like the color of a person's skin. There are currently no parades for "Jewish Pride" even though millions of them were exterminated in our recent history. Why is that?

By the way, suicide among straight people is WAY more prevalent than gay people. Hell, just look at China: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2007-09/11/content_6095710.htm

And one more thing, how many people who are straight have had to survive high school while being bullied and called gay when they weren't? Do those people deserve a parade?

...Wait, I wasn't aware that the Inquisition was exclusively the persecution of heterosexuals. Oh, that's because it wasn't. Silly me.

I don't think you're understanding the specificity that a lot of people are pointing out. Give me an example of a time when straight people were systematically persecuted for no other reason than being straight. Then you can justify a straight parade that isn't pointless and bigoted.

Oh, and if anything, straight people who get made fun of for being gay when they're not is even more reason for gay pride, considering the main goal of gay organizations and pride parades is social enlightenment. So that we may one day reach a point in society where being perceived as gay isn't something worth making fun of a person over.


AVclub said:
By the way, suicide among straight people is WAY more prevalent than gay people. Hell, just look at China: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2007-09/11/content_6095710.htm
I don't really get this point tbh. Are they committing suicides in China because they're straight or what? And how do we know how many of them were straight or gay?

The fact is that a gay teen has a several times higher change of commiting a suicide than a straight teen.
Kyon said:
AVClub are you serious or?..... because the amount of bs im seeing cant be real

He just wants to be celebrated as a productive member of society :)

I would want my own parade too if I lived in the US and only got 1 week of annual leave.


GAF's being dumb on purpose again. We all know why there is a "Gay Pride" march/day and we know it's not so they can all pat themselves on the back, look at cock and feel awesome.

OR vagina. Seriously, lesbians are starting to feel left out of the general homosexual discourse, and they're pissed.


While I think PRIDE is an outdated and no longer appropriate banner for the LGBT community to rally behind, this news is enough to make me have a serious reconsideration.

What a bunch of inflammatory assholes.
royalan said:
OR vagina. Seriously, lesbians are starting to feel left out of the general homosexual discourse, and they're pissed.

Oh man, and I have way more female than male gay friends.

People have hunted down other people for the stupidest reasons imaginable. Humans do fucked up things to each other all the time. Sometimes they think the person is a witch, sometimes they think the person is a Jew, or sometimes they just don't like the color of a person's skin. There are currently no parades for "Jewish Pride" even though millions of them were exterminated in our recent history. Why is that?

Also, aren't there like a pile of Jewish holidays that are celebrated every year?
This topic has brought up a thought that makes me wonder sometimes:

A male gay couple, where someone has lets say, an "insufficient" penis, how long does that relationship last? Sure, the initial looks and presentation bring them in, but how do they stay put?

Does a Lesbian have to even think about that? Would that then make a Lesbians "choice of partner" more based on love of the person, rather than love of the body?

It seems to me that the male side of being gay is actively ruled by the genitalia, first the appearance of the man as teir1, and then performance of sex as teir 2.

I mean, how hard is it for Lesbians to please each other, really. Tit's can get a bit manky, sure, but honestly, who has "relationship breaking" tits from the age of 18 - 45?

Sure, a male couple where one of them has a small penis, could survive with one of them you know, being a "I use toys, or i take it" man, but does that actually work long term?

When they know hunky mc junk stuff has a this many inches penis at the bar they go to...

That also seems to echo to me based on the personal experiences I've had with both lesbian women and gay men. Lesbian women let's say are more modest to me, in terms of lifestyle. A little more grounded and stable. You could look at a lesbian couple and say "I have a good feeling they will still be together the next time I see them". Maybe I've just met some calm lesbos, I dunno.

I can't say I've thought the same about the gay guys I know though.

Here, let me put it this way:

I've heard the words "cock and ass" come out of the mouth of a gay guy many, many times, but I'm yet to hear "vagina" come out of a lesbians, rather it's "eyes and smile".

I'm really curious. Like, I know and understand that there are men who generally love each other, obviously, there's no debate there. I just wonder sometimes if sexual performance ultimately dictates the relationship in a male couple, whereas it wouldn't appear to in a Lesbian relationship.

I'll claim ignorance and take the perceived heat on some of that because, I've only known maybe 3 or 4 gay guys, as opposed to a bit more lesbian women.

That aside, an actual Hetero event to me sounds more like a lumberjack party, where the "real heteros" sit and growl at people having parties while they drink battery acid and moonshine out of pistons.
royalan said:
OR vagina. Seriously, lesbians are starting to feel left out of the general homosexual discourse, and they're pissed.



Ah man. I'm not getting into the politics but I just wanted to say that a Straight Pride march sounds like a real downer. It's not being held for the right reasons so I just can't imagine a jubilant and celebratory atmosphere. More like a bunch of pissed off people walking down a road just because they can.

Maybe I'm just salty because my White Power Picnic didn't go over very well.


Junior Member
Okay, I get it now. In order to have a parade, you need to be specifically targeted and hated for being you. And white people who are straight are never specifically targeted, made fun of, vilified, or attacked for being who they are.

Sorry, my mistake. Please continue your angry rants about the straight white people in the OP.


I wouldn't have any problems with them arranging a heterosexual pride day, but when they say that the aim of the march is to "protest against the privileges the gay community enjoys., that sound much more like a homobashing than heterocelebration to me. I haven't heard of anyone in a gay parade that protest against heterosexuality.


AVclub said:
Okay, I get it now. In order to have a parade, you need to be specifically targeted and hated for being you. And white people who are straight are never specifically targeted, made fun of, vilified, or attacked for being who they are.

Sorry, my mistake. Please continue your angry rants about the straight white people in the OP.
Unless I'm mistaken, i don't think São Paulo is full of white people. :p

And again, I don't think you're getting the point. While straight people may get made fun of or bullied for say being a nerd, or short, or ugly or weird, they don't get bullied because they are straight. Guess what? Gay people can also be nerds, short, ugly or weird and can get bullied for those reasons too. So straight people don't have an exclusive claim on that kind of bullying to where they need a straight pride day. Now if you wanted a parade for nerds or short people or ugly person or those who are weird, I could understand that.

But no one is going around bullying straight kids because they are heterosexual. You don't get made fun of for that because guess what; that's the norm, you're in the majority! You won't hear people going; 'All heteros are going to hell!' 'Straight people deserve death!' And straight teens don't get kicked out of their homes or rejected by their families for being straight. There is no straight struggle or yearning for straight acceptance.

That's the difference; straight people aren't vilified by society for being straight. Gay people on the other hand are actually vilified by society for being gay.
eh let them have it. Smart people will know it as the farce it is and the dumb people will remain dumb.

Bigger fish to fry.


AVclub said:
This is horse shit. People have a way of imagining the grass being greener on the other side. When grass is just grass on both sides of the fence. Straight kids get bullied just like gay kids, especially if they are smart or shy. Straight adults get shit on by society on a daily basis, just like gay adults. Are there some who avoid the bullshit and live a charmed life? Sure, but that happens to gay people as well.

Your argument is that advertisers target straight people? Is that why gay people "need" a parade? Please! Nobody "needs" a parade. They WANT one. So I'm saying I want one too. And so far your strenuous objection amounts to "you aren't a minority so you can't have what they have." That seems awfully suspect for someone advocating equality among all genders.

Isn't that an argument in favour of saying that homosexuals have it better?

Koomaster said:
Unless I'm mistaken, i don't think São Paulo is full of white people. :p

And again, I don't think you're getting the point. While straight people may get made fun of or bullied for say being a nerd, or short, or ugly or weird, they don't get bullied because they are straight. Guess what? Gay people can also be nerds, short, ugly or weird and can get bullied for those reasons too. So straight people don't have an exclusive claim on that kind of bullying to where they need a straight pride day. Now if you wanted a parade for nerds or short people or ugly person or those who are weird, I could understand that.

But no one is going around bullying straight kids because they are heterosexual. You don't get made fun of for that because guess what; that's the norm, you're in the majority! You won't hear people going; 'All heteros are going to hell!' 'Straight people deserve death!' And straight teens don't get kicked out of their homes or rejected by their families for being straight. There is no straight struggle or yearning for straight acceptance.

That's the difference; straight people aren't vilified by society for being straight. Gay people on the other hand are actually vilified by society for being gay.

Unless, of course, you're in a place where the only difference is that there's 1 non gay in a place full of people :/
Don't think for a second that people who are gay are better than the rest.
That doesn't mean they're worse either.


Gold Member
Lots of emotion in this one.

I think that the dude in Brazil is trolling. I also think that the notion that every day is heterosexual pride day is just as disingenuous and stupid as wanting a heterosexual pride parade. Heterosexual people do enjoy some privileges that others do not, namely marriage equality and downstream benefits like being able to share family insurance benefits, etc. Those things are wrong and they need to be corrected. It's a shame that it takes legislation to enforce what's right. I understand the frustration of not being allowed to join in a legal union such as marriage. And I think that a "separate but equal" type of civil union that grants the same rights, but is called something else, is equally insulting.

But don't think for a minute that I don't understand what it's like to face discrimination and intimidation, because there's no magic barrier to those things that comes along with having a certain sexual orientation, gender identity or race. Believe it or not I grew up in an area where being a white male made you a target for peoples' hate. I was bullied, threatened and beaten up as a child simply because of the color of my skin. I've been told in forums just like this that it was justified because of how white people had treated other races throughout history. But is it really?

Man, we spend too much time arguing about the things that make us different. Why can't we talk more about the things that make us the same?


AVclub said:
People have a way of imagining the grass being greener on the other side. When grass is just grass on both sides of the fence. Straight kids get bullied just like gay kids, especially if they are smart or shy. Straight adults get shit on by society on a daily basis, just like gay adults.
Discussion should have ended right here.


Mael said:
Unless, of course, you're in a place where the only difference is that there's 1 non gay in a place full of people :/
Don't think for a second that people who are gay are better than the rest.
That doesn't mean they're worse either.
Where is this mythical place where there is only 1 non-gay in a place full of people? We're talking society as a whole. And nobody is mentioning gay people being better or worse than anyone else. Where are you people getting these arguments from?


Koomaster said:
Where is this mythical place where there is only 1 non-gay in a place full of people? We're talking society as a whole. And nobody is mentioning gay people being better or worse than anyone else. Where are you people getting these arguments from?



This is a whole lot of bullshit. It's stupid in principal and I can't imagine it being that great in practice.


Koomaster said:
Where is this mythical place where there is only 1 non-gay in a place full of people? We're talking society as a whole. And nobody is mentioning gay people being better or worse than anyone else. Where are you people getting these arguments from?

My point is gay people aren't special in their victimisation and not being tolerated.
Seriously at least intolerant douchebags don't consider gay people as subhuman species to be eradicated. If you grouped gay people in a school and put 1 straight guy in it, he would be eaten alive too.
Case in point being douchebags is human nature.

And apparently there's such a place, gotta love America.-
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