Shuhei Yoshida: If You Want New First-Party PS5 Games, You Should Support Remasters


aka IMurRIVAL69
Haha, I kinda agree with you in this thread. If they need money for AAA games then charge more for the games, instead of making us buy remasters of games that just came out. Sheesh.

Making you? I haven’t bought any of this junk and don’t plan to. They’re making it really easy by not doing Bloodborne.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Only if that remaster is bloodborne


I Dont Know Her Mariah Carey GIF


He's completely right and anyone saying otherwise is a economic retard. It's the same situation with R* and GTA online, how was RDR2 so big, so absurdly detailed with more fully mocap'd scenes in camp alone than most entire games? Because GTA online's revenue allowed to be it. If you want this quality, then it is what it is.

If every game could sell God of War numbers on a quarter of the budget then great, but unfortunately Playstation's audience is much different than Nintendo's, so even masterpieces like Astro Bot only sell 2 million.

Anyway, remaster Bloodborne.
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He's completely right and anyone saying otherwise is a economic retard. It's the same situation with R* and GTA online, how was RDR2 so big, so absurdly detailed with more fully mocap'd camp conversations than most entire games? Because GTA online's revenue allowed to be it. If you want this quality, then it is what it is.
Or just maybe, videogames would be more sustainable if devs aren't obsessed with stuff like real-time shrinking horse testicles or Abby's realistic sweating while she gets pounded from behind.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
"I joked about [PlayStation co-CEO Hermen Hulst] being criticised for making too many remasters," Yoshida says. "I think the people who complain about that are maybe thinking Hermen is doing that instead of doing something new. But I'm sure these remakes are made by a dedicated, different team, or some porting teams, especially the PC version. So I don't think he's sacrificing anything by doing [remasters]."

Yoshida continues, pointing out that a remake or remaster project is "much cheaper to produce, creates additional revenue, and creates new users to the IP, especially when you port the game to PC".

And this is why It's stupid when people say, "Why are they working on a remaster? Work on a new game!"


Or just maybe, videogames would be more sustainable if devs aren't obsessed with stuff like real-time shrinking horse testicles or Abby's realistic sweating while she gets pounded from behind.
You know for a fact that if the next ND or R* game was less detailed than their previous people would throw a fit. Don't pretend otherwise.
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Feels insulting to say to your fan base and customers that if you want new games you should buy the same game multiple times. Plus not to ignore the fact they have WASTED approx $400M on one shit game alone, cancelled many other already in development, but yeah, make it sound like it's us that made those painfully obvious terrible decisions and not the higher ups at Sony.

Just like the Braid remaster, if your business can either only survive or grow by re releasing the same product, you have a bad business. Console especially charge so much for games with the added forced subscriptions for online services. If companies like this only existed on PC, it sounds like they'd be dead.


Writes a lot, says very little
I mean shit, we've been saying this shit for years so its good to see this is confirmed that is indeed what their intent is.

If you want them to support some IP, they are likely to remaster to even fucking see if a install base exist to make a sequel in the first place.

So the additional money they make from remasters still helps the publisher, allows for new hires to get experience, brings in new gamers to a IP, see the interest in continuing a IP etc

Its a Win, win, win.

But we don't need remasters of 5 year old games.
Who the fuck is "we"? That is for new consumers and they very much can remaster games from 5 years ago...I don't see what the issue is

Don't fucking buy it lol

How does it help them making less money, having less new hires and having less fucking people play the IP?
There is a reason nobody has issue with how Capcom is doing it
lol you fucking joking? Sir, we literally got a remake, not remaster, a full ass remake within 6 years by them

We get remasters and ports ROUND THE FUCKING CLOCK by Capcom, they are literally the masters of this shit, ports of RE1, RE2, RECV nd RE3 on Gamecube

PS3...ports of RE1, RE2, RE3, RECV annnnnnd fuck is you talking about? lol

How Capcom is doing it, is how Sony has been doing it (i'd argue Capcom might even be more consistent with their remasters and ports beyond anything Sony does)

Be like "wiTH hOw cApComz iZ doEz IT" lol Okami released in 2006 on PS2, ported on Wii by 2008, ported to PS3 in 2012

RE4 released 2005 on GC, ported to PS2 same year, ported to PC 2007, ported to iOS 2009 ported to PS3,360 2011

But we shouldn't have remasters of 5 year old games, yet Capcom of all fucking companies is the one you are trying to hold up when within 5 fucking years, they have games ported to 6 different platforms...?

This means, they will port 1 game, more times in 5 years, then anything Sony has ever done to fucking realy be saying this weird shit.

Please look this up, read how they port, remaster, remake etc and dear god, stop fucking using 1 god damn game with RE2 remake as this dumb idea that this company has always did that as some fucking standard, while you ignore their first remake was within 6 years of the original release. You worried about a remaster done from a game from 5 years ago, Capcom porting a game 5 to 6 times in that same time frame lol

Stop the cap sir.



No you can fuck off. They have been getting our money from remasters to create shitty GaaS ugly games and full of woke.

fuck off. F..U,,C<<<K O..FFFFFFFFF

go away gtfo GIF

You already used the money on Failed concord and 2 canceled GaaS projects. This is your intention. you can FUCK OFF one more time.

When I see a game that is not a remaster garbage from an old game that I played. I will buy that.

PS. Even the remasters of your Ex company are shit. not not even a decent effort was put into it. the bare minimum to even call it a remaster.
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Writes a lot, says very little
The only remake i would support heavily is metal gear 1 and 2 done as a modern AAA game
Day 1.

I don't know if I'd say only remake I'd support though lol Lots of great IP that can be remade.

I'd love to see a remake of Ico, Zone Of Enders 1 and 2, Dino Crisis in RE engine, Parasite Eve 1 and 2, Persona 1 and 2 (in the style of 3 and 4) Syphon Filter etc


Where my bluepoint remake of the SOCOM trilogy, hmm?

Or Resistance trilogy?

Or Killzone trilogy?

No, just gonna take shit that came out on PS4 change the render resolution to 1800p and throw in some RT? Fuck off.
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Writes a lot, says very little
Maybe Shu is just being sarcastic, knowing who the leadership in Sony PS right now.
I don't think he is, I think he is being really honest with how a lot of that works

Many of us stated this for some time now.

Supporting a remaster, could help get some sequel pushed as clearly if the sales are high, they see new consumers are buying it or an interest still exist in the IP etc. The funds from those remasters very much support larger developments

Where my bluepoint remake of the SOCOM trilogy, hmm?

Or Resistance trilogy?

Or Killzone trilogy?

No, just gonna take shit that came out on PS4 change the render resolution to 1800p and throw in some RT? Fuck off.

With Bluepoint making their own game, might be a while till you see them work on those other IP, maybe another restoration team can take them on.

I'd love a Killzone 2 remake though in Decima engine


They can't remaster PS2 titles without reminding users how good the actual PS2 games still are.
Instead of remaking/remastering all of the great PS2 games PS needs to put updated PS2 HW back into PS consoles.
Studios could just add DualSense feedback to their existing PS2 games and sell them at full price.
Every time a PS2 game gets 'remastered' it causes masses of users to revert back to their PS2 or PCSX2 to replay the OG source game.

Agree that PS2 games shouldn't be 'remastered'.
If PS baked PS2 HW into the PS5 and studios added DualSense feedback to PS2 games they would be worth the same $60 as new PS5 games.
Making it full disc BC for PS2/1 games would sweeten the deal.
PS could make PS2/1 games load from NVME in the blink of an eye.
Baking PS2 HW into PS5? What, like including an EE+GS on the motherboard? There's a lot of reasons why that would never happen.


Baking PS2 HW into PS5? What, like including an EE+GS on the motherboard? There's a lot of reasons why that would never happen.
It would be software emulation. You can put a PS2 disc in a PC with PCSX2 and play it at 4K if you crank up the rendering resolution


Writes a lot, says very little
Baking PS2 HW into PS5? What, like including an EE+GS on the motherboard? There's a lot of reasons why that would never happen.


Like shit, I still own several PS2s, have several BC PS3's and even I rarely bring them out outside of a few times a gen to replay Onimusha 1-4 and Xenosaga 1-3 , but if the remastered those titles, I'd never go back to the originals. Having NATIVE support isn't it and I think people have this mindset like if they have the hardware, they won't get some remaster, but even with some of my favorite games of all time, I'm not fucking playing the worst fucking version of it for lolz

MGS3, love it, played the PS3 version actually more

Persona 3, top RPG, beat the PSN port on PS3 MORE times then the PS2 version

I'd honestly rather some of the best classics just get remastered to get the better performance, then this whole BC thing, I feel I only use it for games literally stuck on that hardware lol

For anyone still trying to get PS2 support, buy a fucking PS2 and be done with it (or a BC PS3)

It would be software emulation. You can put a PS2 disc in a PC with PCSX2 and play it at 4K if you crank up the rendering resolution
more reasonable and likely the path they would go if they wanted to do some BC for all past systems or something.


I enjoy remasters myself, but the ones from one gen back seems lazy honestly. Especially when the original plays on current gen machine.


Everyone with half a brain on GAF could get to this...
Yeah we all know by now that all the additional revenue is put into funding live service games.

The narrative that Sony is also doing single player games is false. Every NEW project has been live service. The “new” single player games we are getting, like Galáctica are games that have been already in the works before their strategy shift.


So practically a new game cost 140 euros per player: the price of the remaster/remake and the price of the new game.

That's ingenuity, i give it to him.


Remasters are fine. But not remasters of games that are still very good on modern systems. TLOU and Until Dawn original versions they played excellent on PS4 (and thus PS5) and still do.

I'd understand it if they would remaster something like Infamous or Motorstorm, which are locked to PS3.


Moderated wildly
How about making games with budgets that are a little more conservative and also make decent remaster etc for extra healthy revenue.

Sony pushed the industry to these hugely bloated budget big releases like last of us 2. It was their differentiator at the times leading up to that release. but, for myself I would be happy with a little less graphical tech and also shorter games. Bring back the 15 to 20 hour awesome game.

I'd love for Sony to hit us with a classic like uncharted 2 and last of us 1 again but I don't think they've ever reached those heights since.

Bert Big Balls

Gold Member
Haha, I kinda agree with you in this thread. If they need money for AAA games then charge more for the games, instead of making us buy remasters of games that just came out. Sheesh.
I honestly wouldn't mind if the price of games went up. Just means I won't be wasting my money on loads of games a year and will instead probably only buy a couple that I've done proper research on and that genuinely excite me.
Bro i didnt pay for a ps5 and then for a ps5 pro to continuesly fuck around with remakes remasters.

The beginning of this gen or the first 3 years was nothing but crossgen games from sony.
And now its remakes and remaster.

Nearly 5 years in and they dare to say shit like this???

So where the fuck are the new games???

And i also bought thr psvr2 and sony released nothing but absolutely nothing on it. Oh it had guess what, another horizon game that is so shit my god. Got it with the bundle.

So excuse me but no

Buying a PS5 is one thing, but buying a Pro is on you 100%. Why double down?
Did you think they were waiting for you to purchase one before they revealed all their new games?


It's insane the amount if hate remasters and remakes get but only on one side. Then the same people cheer on other remakes or remasters like Oblivion or DKC.

What would actually happen if the sales of remasters go through the roof: Sony "We should just keep pumping out more remasters."
Eventually they'd run out of things they can remaster and would need to create new things? I think he's saying the remakes and remasters give the studios a source of income while they spend longer dev cycles creating the new games. They wouldn't drop new games.
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When you need more money for first party exclusives to support your console SO bad

You port your exclusives to PC to make the money

It's basic business sense :messenger_dizzy:


Gold Member
Then make interesting remasters instead of remastering ps4 games you fucking moron.

Oh, and maybe don't waste the money you desperately need on shit like concord.
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Jinzo Prime

It's insane the amount if hate remasters and remakes get but only on one side. Then the same people cheer on other remakes or remasters like Oblivion or DKC.

Oblivion came out 18 years ago and has aged like shit. That getting a remake makes sense; not Until Dawn or Horizon, which are beautiful and relatively recent games.

Oh, and trust me, no one wants the shitty DKC Returns remaster.
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Oblivion came out 18 years ago and has aged like shit. That getting a remake makes sense, Not Until Dawn or Horizon, which were already beautiful and relatively recent games.

Oh, and trust me, no one wants the shitty DKC Returns remaster.
I'd agree with you if people weren't shitting on Demon's Souls remake too when it came out and how nobody wanted to play a PS3 game they already played again.


Still waiting on that Bloodborne PC release. I don’t want remasters, yet I consider buying PC ports(Returnal) and full on remakes (Demon’s Souls & Silent Hill 2).

Also, if you want people to buy your games: Make them fun and new. Set the priorities straight.

If people wanted remasters they would’ve bought them. Framerate per second might be improving, but your thinking per second is falling behind.
Killzone 2+3.
Infamous 1+2.
Motorstorm all of them.

Oh never mind.
Exactly. We'd buy some of those remakes and others like GoW 1, 2, 3, Jak & Daxter. We bought Demon's souls (which was very profitable considering the cost) but 4 years later still no sign of a game of the same caliber. Instead they are doing remakes of their woke crap picked by the woke executives like Horizon and TLOU2. But nobody want to buy those (PC sales are abysmal) and nobody want to buy their souless GAAS games at full price + cost of sub to play them on consoles.

Also Returnal, their best original game on PS5 is not polished on consoles. Still not PS5 Pro patch and IQ is horrendous on base PS5. They just want people to buy a few of their original games on PC without paying their console subs, well that's what they are going to get.

As seen with Capcom and others (Dead Space), people are buying remakes, when they are done right and the OG game was great (and not politically correct). Where are God of War 1, 2, 3 remakes?
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We were supporting the first party ps5 games before the remasters and we're supporting the remasters too. The only thing taking resources away is the focus on GAAS


You know for a fact that if the next ND or R* game was less detailed than their previous people would throw a fit. Don't pretend otherwise.
Considering the nature of the Intergalactic controversy, I'd say that's one of their lesser concerns. Hell, I didn't see anyone praising the technical aspects of that trailer, as Witcher 4 ran circles around it.


My complaint is  which remasters and ports are being done...
Yeah, and what that revenue is paying for, and why they don't fix the problem of spending too much on SP games that feel too generic and too woke, now to not dilute the platform with PC porting. [Have your] cake and eat it [too] springs to mind.

Where are our Bomberman Kart, 3D dot game Heroes and ModNation Racers, Motorstorm remasters, etc? ..And that's the other problem, the guy in charge[Herman] has no taste and is just looking at a spreadsheet like an accountant.
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Gold Member
I'd agree with you if people weren't shitting on Demon's Souls remake too when it came out and how nobody wanted to play a PS3 game they already played again.
People were shitting on the demons remake for some liberties they took with the ost and art design, other than that they were pretty happy for the remake.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
Considering the nature of the Intergalactic controversy, I'd say that's one of their lesser concerns. Hell, I didn't see anyone praising the technical aspects of that trailer, as Witcher 4 ran circles around it.

LOL... one game was running on a 5090 and the other was running on a base PS5...

Intergalactic looks like an insane technical achievement...

Exactly. We'd buy some of those remakes and others like GoW 1, 2, 3, Jak & Daxter. We bought Demon's souls (which was very profitable considering the cost) but 4 years later still no sign of a game of the same caliber. Instead they are doing remakes of their woke crap picked by the woke executives like Horizon and TLOU2. But nobody want to buy those (PC sales are abysmal) and nobody want to buy their souless GAAS games at full price + cost of sub to play them on consoles.

Also Returnal, their best original game on PS5 is not polished on consoles. Still not PS5 Pro patch and IQ is horrendous on base PS5. They just want people to buy a few of their original games on PC without paying their console subs, well that's what they are going to get.

As seen with Capcom and others (Dead Space), people are buying remakes, when they are done right and the OG game was great (and not politically correct). Where are God of War 1, 2, 3 remakes?

I don't think people really grasp the time it takes to make games these days.

You're saying that "we'd" buy GoW1-3 and Jak and Daxter... Not many people were buying Jak and Daxter when it first came out and people are playing platformers even less now.

I do think they'll try and do something with God of War, but a simple remaster makes no sense to me, you'd need a full blown remake at this point and Ragnarok just came out 2 years ago.

They're prioritizing remakes and remasters of checks notes... their best selling games of all time... Nobody wants to buy them? TLOUP2 was one of the best selling games last year. Nobody wants to buy their GaaS games full price? Helldivers 2 was also one of the best selling games last year. Their PC sales are much better than you realize/believe. You can see they're making a shit ton of money in their financial statements outside of PlayStation.

As for Returnal, why doesn't it have a Pro patch while other major PS5 games do. It's because Housemarque is a small team already working on a new project. Do you take people off your new project to push them back to Returnal? Will a PS5 Pro patch of Returnal greatly improve sales vs delaying their AAA game? It's all a balance and a difficult one. Helldivers 2 also has no official PS5 Pro patch. Also a small team and worse its running on an archaic engine that probably can't support AI upscaling easily. Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Guerrilla, Santa Monica... all had their patches out quickly. They have bodies to spare. Polyphony Digital came two months post Pro launch and even they're a larger studio. You know what also doesn't have a Pro patch? Astro Bot. They have a team of 65 people. Sucker Punch doesn't have a Pro patch out for Ghost of Tsushima... smaller team... focused on getting Ghost of Yotei out.

Dead Space didn't sell well enough, but looking at the RE games, they're relatively small games and easier to pump out quicker and even then there is three years in between RE3 and RE4 remake, and again Ragnarok just came out 2 years ago. I'm not certain why gamers expectations are so out of wack, but this stuff takes time and a lot of it, even your own examples prove that.
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