Spring 2011 Anime Thread PART TWO return of sex hair, ghosts, and ZAWA

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Dog Dads 12

Bah, mac was right. No more conflict except for going home blues.

Also, that clapping animation with the generic people is mesmerizing.


I guess this is the place to ask :)

Can someone recommend me my next anime. English dubbed of coarse.
So far I have watched and so far have LOVED them all...

Death note
Gurren Laggann
Full Metal Alchemist
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood (not finished yet...)

What else are the must watch?


besiktas1 said:
I guess this is the place to ask :)

Can someone recommend me my next anime. English dubbed of coarse.
So far I have watched and so far have LOVED them all...

Death note
Gurren Laggann
Full Metal Alchemist
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood (not finished yet...)

What else are the must watch?

I'm going to go ahead and get Wantanabe out of the way:

Cowboy Bebop.
Samurai Champloo

and for everything else:



besiktas1 said:
I guess this is the place to ask :)

Can someone recommend me my next anime. English dubbed of coarse.
So far I have watched and so far have LOVED them all...

Death note
Gurren Laggann
Full Metal Alchemist
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood (not finished yet...)

What else are the must watch?


It's the greatest anime ever made, so you should probably get around to that at some point.


besiktas1 said:
What is Wantanabe? also what are the ones you said about?

Cowboy bebop is about space cowboys that ride around in space doing cool cowboy stuff

Samurai Champloo is about samurais that walk around on the ground doing cool samurai stuff

Both have incredibly high production values, and direction.

Wantanabe is the acclaimed director behind both.

Baccano is an awesome story set on a train.
Still blows my mind when I find people who haven't heard of Cowboy Bebop. Then I realize it been ten years since it first aired on Adult Swim and feel old.


Subete no aware
Hellsing321 said:
Still blows my mind when I find people who haven't heard of Cowboy Bebop. Then I realize it been ten years since it first aired on Adult Swim and feel old.
True story, I still haven't watched it!

icarus-daedelus said:
I'm not sure that's a good thing. Have you seen Talking Head? It's real Oshii talking to himself for 90 minutes and then hiring actors to repeat everything so he can pretend it's a real movie. It's excruciating.

But at least we got Angel's Egg and UY2 out of the deal before he went completely mad.
Sky Crawlers is the voice of our generation.


icarus-daedelus said:
I'm not sure that's a good thing. Have you seen Talking Head? It's real Oshii talking to himself for 90 minutes and then hiring actors to repeat everything so he can pretend it's a real movie. It's excruciating.

But at least we got Angel's Egg and UY2 out of the deal before he went completely mad.
Real Oshii is an anime director. Real-stupid Oshii is a weak old film director.


jman2050 said:
Sorry you're gonna have to explain yourself there.

Anohana's premise is, admittedly, horribly silly, but what they've done with it hasn't been the worst--at all. Quite the opposite. The show has been incredibly impressive in using facial expressions, gestures, and voice to portray the sides of characters that they didn't have screentime to. And yes, you could chalk that lack of time up to them wasting a good bit of it with their lack of a solid direction, and I'd agree with you. By no means am I saying the show is a masterpiece, I'm saying it's been, and will still be at close, solid.

Menma=Romance, which will all get resolved by time the show ends. There won't be any plot holes, and it's not going to be a trainwreck most want to make it out to be.

And yeah, the show won't have given every character time to fully flourish(a fault), but the ones that have, have done so pretty nicely. Anaru has become an interesting self-aware idiot, and Yukiatsu an amazingly creepy asshole.

firehawk12 said:
True story, I still haven't watched it!.

You quitter! What happened to your watching that was happening a while back? lol


Tiger and Bunny 12

The first half of the episode had some pacing issues, but other then that it was a great episode. Jake looks ridiculously strong and I wonder what plan Barnaby has for him. I have a feeling he won't fight the remaining 3 heroes after him.

It's probably grown in to my favourite show of the season. I really anticipate each episode now.

More people should give it a go.
Cardcaptor Sakura 7:

Cerberus has a face which is a lot like a panda's, but his tail is like a lion's tail.

Anyways, now we can get on with the main story!


Hanasaku Iroha 12


The show of nothing happening

An ep of ohana just talking to her self and not making any sense at all
icarus-daedelus said:
Yes, exactly. And now he needs to find someone to merge with so he can know what it feels like to be human.


Cardcaptor Sakura 8:


The line-bleeding was really evident when Sakura shows Tomoyo her drawing of the sculpture back in episode 7, I honestly don't notice it really at all when I'm looking at scenes where lines are splitting colors as opposed to merely black lines on white backgrounds.

The "Leave it to Kero-chan" segments seem mainly dedicated to fetishizing Sakura's various costumes. I'm not sure how I feel about that, she's supposed to be in elementary school.

Oh, and A NEW CHALLENGER HAS ARRIVED! It's about time Sakura got her annoying rival to annoy her in annoying ways! How annoying!

At least Sakura will have more interesting conversations from this point forward now that Shaoran has arrived to annoy her!


maruchan said:
damn 26.. i like iroha a lot.. but 26 seems like a lot.. are we entering some new arc? new characters? new opening next week?
Oh yeah i forgot, next week we should be getting a new opening! (hopefully).


duckroll said:
Why would there be a new opening with ep13, if it is 26 episodes?
Lulz, I was just trying to be hopeful that we'd go away from the first OP sooner, but i guess looking at other shows with two cours, we should get the new OP around episode 14 then?


Lafiel said:
Lulz, I was just trying to be hopeful that we'd go away from the first OP sooner, but i guess looking at other shows with two cours, we should get the new OP around episode 14 then?

If they actually bother with a new OP, sure.


Lotte's Toy - 11

Well damn, if this show didn't have a loli succubus, a pantyless loli, and a rabbit loli thrown in for good measure this would have been a somewhat touching episode.

and LOL at the very end. ABF is going to have a field day with this.


GAF's Ed McMahon
Steroyd said:
Lotte's Toy - 11

Well damn, if this show didn't have a loli succubus, a pantyless loli, and a rabbit loli thrown in for good measure this would have been a somewhat touching episode.

and LOL at the very end. ABF is going to have a field day with this.

If the show didn't have lolis, nobody would be watching it though!


Hanasaku Iroha 12

I think I get what they were trying to go for with this episode but it just wasn't executed all that well. Ohana's little ramblings came off as weird and awkward more often than not and I'm not sure if it was done that way on purpose.

The Ko stuff is moving too slow for my liking and the Tohana stuff is also starting to rub me the wrong way with the way Minko is dealing with the situation. It's starting to feel like something they're deliberatly trying to draw out as long as possible in order to fill those episodes.

I also didn't like the fact that Tohru encourages teenage girls to engage in bulimia. All in all, I don't think I liked this episode very much.
duckroll said:
Why do you hurt me so?

That's not pain, it's <3

Cardcaptor Sakura 9:

In this episode we discover that Shaoran is totally gay for Sakura's favorite bishie crush. So he's not just her rival in capturing cards, he's also her romantic rival! Somehow, that just sounds even more wrong than usual, and that's a pretty high hurdle to clear in a show where everybody's got a weird fucked-up crush.

We also learn that Rika is totally Kodomo no Jikan for her homeroom teacher.

It's not clear exactly if Sakura's Onii-chan is a siscon, but his bishie best friend constantly makes fun of him about it and he doesn't seem all that anxious to deny it.

The weird fucked-up sexual angles that all the characters are massively endowed with are really quite remarkable. I love how this is a children's show in Japan, there is no way this shit would fly in any other country being shown to 10-year olds.


Maybe I should get started on CCS sooner rather than later if I don't want Unknown to end up spoiling everything for me.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Yes Trejo, please. If only to remind us that not everyone is like Unkown.
trejo said:
Maybe I should get started on CCS sooner rather than later if I don't want Unknown to end up spoiling everything for me.

I've been operating under the impression that all you people have seen it before and I'm the only one watching this for the first time. I can start spoiler-tagging everything if you want.

Cardcaptor Sakura 10:

Okay, so let me get this straight.

Sakura's dad was a first-year teacher who met Sakura's mom in the high school class he was teaching. He married her when she was only 16. Tomoyo's mom is Sakura's mom's cousin. So that means that Tomoyo is totally lesbian-crushing on her cousin?

This shit gets better and better every episode. I'd like to personally thank CLAMP for whatever the hell it is that I'm thanking CLAMP for, because right now my brain is full of fuck and I can't be certain as to what I should be thanking CLAMP for even though I feel the need to thank them.
Unknown Soldier said:
I've been operating under the impression that all you people have seen it before and I'm the only one watching this for the first time. I can start spoiler-tagging everything if you want.

Cardcaptor Sakura 10:

Okay, so let me get this straight.

Sakura's dad was a first-year teacher who met Sakura's mom in the high school class he was teaching. He married her when she was only 16. Tomoyo's mom is Sakura's mom's cousin. So that means that Tomoyo is totally lesbian-crushing on her cousin?

This shit gets better and better every episode. I'd like to personally thank CLAMP for whatever the hell it is that I'm thanking CLAMP for, because right now my brain is full of fuck and I can't be certain as to what I should be thanking CLAMP for even though I feel the need to thank them.

So basically your new to CLAMP then :p
Infinite Justice said:
So basically your new to CLAMP then :p

Is everything they make this incredibly normal? I guess I shouldn't have to ask that question, I'll just go read the entry about CLAMP on Wikipedia later!

I think I like this tag too much. The mod who gave me it will probably change it soon to punish me for liking my tag. ;_;
Unknown Soldier said:
Is everything they make this incredibly normal? I guess I shouldn't have to ask that question, I'll just go read the entry about CLAMP on Wikipedia later!

I think I like this tag too much. The mod who gave me it will probably change it soon to punish me for liking my tag. ;_;

for clamp they do: age is just a number relationships, girls love, boys love, etc

Sucks i missed that event lol


Unknown Soldier said:
I've been operating under the impression that all you people have seen it before and I'm the only one watching this for the first time. I can start spoiler-tagging everything if you want.
I was just messing with you. I know of the show's colorful relationships already, even if I haven't seen all of it.

But you do tend to throw the occasional umarked spoiler from time to time though I'm sure it's not on purpose.
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