Spring 2011 Anime Thread PART TWO return of sex hair, ghosts, and ZAWA

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trejo said:
I was just messing with you. I know of the show's colorful relationships already, even if I haven't seen all of it.

I read the manga(also knows the differences as well) so its all good for me.

Instro said:
Show of the season.

I like how they mainly deflect the synopsis to something else lol.
trejo said:
But you do tend to throw the occasional umarked spoiler from time to time though I'm sure it's not on purpose.

Sorry. Pretty much everything that's older I watch now is stuff you guys have mentioned, so I always assume you've all seen it. I can keep tagging stuff that looks like it's a spoiler though.

Cardcaptor Sakura 11:

Great, now that Sakura's Annoying Rival
and future love interest, ugh
has been introduced, I find myself enjoying episodes where he's not there more. Sigh.

I really need to save up money so I can construct a full-blown home theater with the classic theater-style seats and a large-scale projection system. I probably wouldn't watch my home videos of my lesbian crush on them though, I would just watch movies. Tomoyo has a pretty sweet setup though.
Cardcaptor Sakura 12:

"Sakura's Endless Eight"
"Sakura's Groundhog Day"

I've always found it interesting that in just about culture on Earth, time is commonly represented anthropomorphically as an old man. Usually with a long beard.
Unknown Soldier said:
I've been operating under the impression that all you people have seen it before and I'm the only one watching this for the first time. I can start spoiler-tagging everything if you want.

Cardcaptor Sakura 10:

Okay, so let me get this straight.

Sakura's dad was a first-year teacher who met Sakura's mom in the high school class he was teaching. He married her when she was only 16. Tomoyo's mom is Sakura's mom's cousin. So that means that Tomoyo is totally lesbian-crushing on her cousin?

This shit gets better and better every episode. I'd like to personally thank CLAMP for whatever the hell it is that I'm thanking CLAMP for, because right now my brain is full of fuck and I can't be certain as to what I should be thanking CLAMP for even though I feel the need to thank them.
Yup... and that's not even the most awfully disturbing part, in my opinion.
I mean about how not only did he marry his 16 year old student, but how he did it -- he first met her when she fell out of a tree onto him (she was a ditzy airhead), and he responded by saying something like "are you an angel?". Ie, he hit on her. Then they got married, took lunches to school together, had their first child either while she was still in school or shortly afterwards, etc. Somehow this never got him in trouble even though it was certainly quite illegal and the show makes it clear they weren't trying to hide it. Clamp's "but they loved eachother so it's okay" excuse is utterly wrong, that they thought that plot was a good idea is really messed up.

Compared to that the fact that Tomoyo has a crush on her cousin Sakura doesn't look as bad... though yeah it is questionable too for sure.

Steroyd said:
Lotte's Toy - 11

Well damn, if this show didn't have a loli succubus, a pantyless loli, and a rabbit loli thrown in for good measure this would have been a somewhat touching episode.

and LOL at the very end. ABF is going to have a field day with this.
I'm trying to drop it now, I think, as I say below. There isn't a lot left in it, though... but I certainly dislike this tone quite a bit.

Lotte's Toy 09 - The beach episode. This is like the manga version, but with a few important differences -- first, the guy from ep. 8 is in it (he's introduced later in the manga), second, the two semi-incompetent guys who were in the manga version aren't in this one (so the end scene from the manga doesn't happen in this version, no reveal that the queen's underling is a futa), and third, they change an important scene -- in the manga, the queen runs into Naoya and they have a conversation. She calls him darling, he says that he hasn't told Lotte about their relationship because it'd hurt his connection with her, the queen says she doesn't want to go see Lotte right now, etc. In the anime though, it's Lotte the queen runs into. The change moves forward their relationship some, which is nice, but when combined with what happens before and after serve to emphasize Naoya's relationship with Lotte more than his with her mother.

Then, the second half of the episode invents a new (not in the manga) very fanservicey scene where Naoya gets sick. Judit presses Naoya hard to go further with the princess while the girls and Sigurd try to make food for him. I stopped watching there, and don't think I'll be going back. I really dislike the direction the show's going in now.

Instro said:
It's ok because she's not human.
That'd be a decent excuse if she acted demonstratively different from a human, but she doesn't, so it's not a very good one.

Uchip said:
She might be moe, but her being hit on by a teenager? Not so much I think.

icarus-daedelus said:
So did it really take you a whole 8 episodes to realize how shamelessly groty Lotte's Toy is?
Well, in my defense it hits new lows in episode 8 that it hadn't gone to before... the anime is mixing elements from different parts of the manga and making up some new ones (the foreign prince hadn't been introduced yet by the beach episode in the manga for instance, and episode 1 didn't exist, etc.). The result is that the anime has more of this stuff than the manga does as far as I've read it, episode 8 particularly.

tiff said:
Loli panty shots weren't as hilariously ridiculous as that playboy prince falling in love with a little girl though.
It is pretty ridiculous, but I didn't like it.

jman2050 said:
If someone was naive enough to believe that a show with Lotte's Toy premise ends up being anything more than what everyone said it was going to be, then they deserve everything they get.

I mean, it's anime people. Nothing special going on here.
This is probably true, you're right.
While you are correct, read the first 14 chapters of the manga and then watch the first 9 episodes of the anime and I think you'll see what I mean; the manga is a bit creepy, but it's absolutely worse in the anime.

Izayoi said:
Astarotte no Omocha! 9 and 10 – I'm still in disbelief that it took nine episodes before we saw the beach. Mist is an exhibitionist, go figure. Asuha really is the star of the show.
Yeah, Asuha is one of the best characters in the show.

Gosick 20 – I'm glad they're back together again. The show just doesn't work as well with them apart.
Indeed true.

Nichijou 10 – EHHHHH. The whole town is full of trolls. Amazing. I can sympathize with Yukko's plight all too well. I'm the worst procrastinator on the face of the planet, especially when it comes to homework. The after-credits made it so perfect.
I'm a horrible, horrible procrastinator too... it does cause problems sometimes, I must admit... I was good at school anyway, though, but sometimes I have procrastinated too much for sure.
Uhm, I know Im behind, but can someone explain the ending of C episode 6?! Who won and who lost, im so confused! Mashu looked totally destroyed by Angel, before it switched scenes. This complicated anime, episode 7 just left me even more confused.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
KuwabaraTheMan said:
You're watching it because it is one of the greatest anime ever made. What better reason could there be to watch something?

Damn straight. CCS is a fucking classic! ^_^

Hanasaku Iroha 12

"You've made a nest of his feelings and are just resting on it," Damn, that's probably the best goddamn analogy for this sort of situation I've ever heard. I'm remembering that one.

You know, as much as I don't like Ko x Ohana, I like Tohru x Ohana even LESS, so I'm putting myself on team Ko. (or really, team Minchi, but whatever). :p Tohru is not an appealing character to me. To me, there's simply no chemistry between Tohru and Ohana at all. It's like the Star Wars prequels where Anakin and Padwin end up together, but I never ONCE believed as I watched the movies that they could really be in love with each other. It felt more like they loved each other because "the story required them to,", if that makes any sense. I guess what I mean is I simply don't believe what the story-teller is feeding me here regarding Tohru x Ohana, so I simply don't want to see it happen.
Cardcaptor Sakura 13:

Elapsed Time between when Annoying Rival arrives and when Annoying Rival helps Sakura for the first time: 5 episodes

Who was it that once said that power isn't very kawaii? Well, they're wrong! Everything can be kawaii when you're in Japan!

I think this is Japan's version of rule 34: There is a kawaii version of it. No exceptions.


Unknown Soldier
Watches anime on Wikipedia
(Today, 08:20 PM)
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What did you do to deserve this beauty?
Hanasaku 12
Kind of a cop out way to solve that one problem and leave the Ko-zone problem on the back burner. Oh well. And fuck the haters, Satsuki is awesome! Best mom ever!


RurouniZel said:
Damn straight. CCS is a fucking classic! ^_^

Hanasaku Iroha 12

"You've made a nest of his feelings and are just resting on it," Damn, that's probably the best goddamn analogy for this sort of situation I've ever heard. I'm remembering that one.

You know, as much as I don't like Ko x Ohana, I like Tohru x Ohana even LESS, so I'm putting myself on team Ko. (or really, team Minchi, but whatever). :p Tohru is not an appealing character to me. To me, there's simply no chemistry between Tohru and Ohana at all. It's like the Star Wars prequels where Anakin and Padwin end up together, but I never ONCE believed as I watched the movies that they could really be in love with each other. It felt more like they loved each other because "the story required them to,", if that makes any sense. I guess what I mean is I simply don't believe what the story-teller is feeding me here regarding Tohru x Ohana, so I simply don't want to see it happen.

I don't even think Tohru x Ohana is a possibly at this point, sure the show is teasing you about it, and even though the theme of this episode - was ohana moving past kou, i think they have more or less set it up for kou to pursue ohana later on in the series lulz. (probably for the last few episodes).


Lafiel said:
I don't even think Tohru x Ohana is a possibly at this point, sure the show is teasing you about it, and even though the theme of this episode - was ohana moving past kou, i think they have more or less set it up for kou to pursue ohana later on in the series lulz. (probably for the last few episodes).

Tohru is getting with Ohana's mom for max ripeness. Count on it.
jman2050 said:
Pretty sure kawaii is being used sardonically there. At least, that'd make sense considering what episode he's talking about.

It was pretty funny when Power was invisible and smashing holes in concrete and throwing elephants around and chasing Sakura & Co. around then suddenly it appears in corporeal form. The comic timing was spot-on.

Cardcaptor Sakura 14:

Hey, they did gender-reversal Cinderella in this episode. I'm not sure which was funnier, the gender-reversal Cinderella in this show or the all-female version of Romeo and Juliet in K-ON!! I think I have to give the nod to Romeo and Juliet, because Mio and Ritsu as Romeo and Juliet was awesome. The Cinderella here was pretty funny though with
Onii-chan as a very bored Cinderella.
Oh, I should be marking a calendar somewhere, this is the first episode where
Shaoran openly helps Sakura and then is tsundere with her afterwards about it.

Oh, yeah, I'm pretty sure that this episode confirms that
Onii-chan is siscon for Sakura.
He sure turns down a lot of cute girls at his high school.


Uchip said:
didnt know what lottes toy is
checked it out
why the fuck are you guys wasting your spare time on this? O_O

Started watching this because of the synopsis out of curiosity, show doesn't really follow up on it, so calm down, is surprisingly hnnnng worthy and I'm somehow 11 eps in without realising it.

I've been operating under the impression that all you people have seen it before and I'm the only one watching this for the first time. I can start spoiler-tagging everything if you want.

Quite a few in this thread are watching it for the first time or semi watching it for this first time because they were exposed to the dub first time round.

I'm taking a break before I watch a bunch of more episodes.
Cardcaptor Sakura 15:

I'm not keeping count but right now Shaoran now has
2 cards, Time and Storm
, and Sakura has an unknown number of cards but she's got a bunch. I don't even know why I'm thinking about this.

I don't know if people would really get confused if someone speaking in Kansai-ben said 'Chau' to them and not realize it's how people in Osaka shorten 'chigau'. The girl was really young though, so maybe she would if she had never been to Osaka or heard a speaker of that dialect.


Commented on Iroha in the Iroha thread.

Tiger and Bunny 12
Awesome, two different Dragon Ball references in the same episode; first the Cell Games-like setup for the fights, then the spirit bomb attack.


Looks like it's up to me.
trejo said:
Hanasaku Iroha 12
I think I get what they were trying to go for with this episode but it just wasn't executed all that well. Ohana's little ramblings came off as weird and awkward more often than not and I'm not sure if it was done that way on purpose.
They were meant to be weird and awkward, she was completely out of it. It's not like other characters think she's speaking normally, because they comment on it as well.
trejo said:
The Ko stuff is moving too slow for my liking and the Tohana stuff is also starting to rub me the wrong way with the way Minko is dealing with the situation. It's starting to feel like something they're deliberatly trying to draw out as long as possible in order to fill those episodes.
Really? The Ko stuff was 'resolved' in a surprisingly non-anime fashion. Minko's character with relation to Tohru has been like this since the beginning, she can't say anything to him.
trejo said:
I also didn't like the fact that Tohru encourages teenage girls to engage in bulimia.
RurouniZel said:
Hanasaku Iroha 12
I guess what I mean is I simply don't believe what the story-teller is feeding me here regarding Tohru x Ohana, so I simply don't want to see it happen.
I don't think they're trying to sell you Tohru and Ohana, at least from Ohana's point of view.
Hellsing321 said:
Hanasaku 12
Kind of a cop out way to solve that one problem and leave the Ko-zone problem on the back burner.
As above, I don't think that piece of writing was cop-out. Even if they return to it later, the way it was dealt with was pretty great and involved realisations on the part of both characters.
Prince of Tennis 68

And of course they gotta rely on Ryoma to save the day :/. It was always going in that direction, but still...

That being said, starting to really enjoy this show. Hope the filler doesn't ruin it.


Was I really the only one who found
Tohru making Minko stuff her face and telling her to throw up so she could keep going as if it was a completely natural thing to do
kinda off-putting?


trejo said:
Was I really the only one who found
Tohru making Minko stuff her face and telling her to throw up so she could keep going as if it was a completely natural thing to do
kinda off-putting?
I found it hilarious.


trejo said:
Was I really the only one who found
Tohru making Minko stuff her face and telling her to throw up so she could keep going as if it was a completely natural thing to do
kinda off-putting?
Tohru is kind of a dick, as per usual.


Sailormoon 23

This is why I hate shoujo's women doing stupid shit because they're in love, I really hate this "love is blind" crap, more like "love makes you retarded".

And it looks like I'm going to rage harder in the next episode.

Sailormoon - 24



Neon Genesis Evangelion 21-24 (director's cut)


Actually IMO it's not a major problem to follow what they do tell you, but the real bitch is the remaining 90% they don't.
Also hooray for two of the longest, most awkward single-shot sequences in anime history. At least the nice music made the second one tolerable.
The whole series really feels a lot deader than it did in the beginning, just the sense of life draining away. Kind of like Gainax was at the time, I think.
Man, can you imagine if this had aired for the first time in today's world? People online react badly enough to even tame troll episodes nowadays; this would have made the internet explode.

It sucks that they couldn't fit 25-26 on this DVD as well but I really wanted to see the DCs in viewing order. Thankfully I live really close to a Netflix distribution center so I'll get them on Wed. and have EoE by Saturday. Then it's off to Rebuild and, according to this link posted a few pages back, an estimated wait of infinity years until the third one.


Articalys said:
Neon Genesis Evangelion 21-24 (director's cut)
Actually IMO it's not a major problem to follow what they do tell you, but the real bitch is the remaining 90% they don't.[/I.

I think a lot of stories could benefit from telling you less, e.g. not filling in every little part of the world. However, they do neglect some fairly major stuff in Evangelion!

Neo C.

Lotte's Toy does have a good amount of fan-service, but I can't say I dislike the characters. Patiently waiting for the finale.


Iria 3-4

The plot for this show is extremely standard but they execute things with a far degree of craftsmanship than is necessary, visually. Which is good for a visual medium, I'm told.

Sailor Moon 40-52

Sure is a lot of Sailor Moon. Yup.
Sailor Moon R 1-6 (aka Sailor Moon 47-52) - This show is so annoyingly addictive, I can't stop watching...

So yeah, the new season started, and everyone lost their memories of being sailor soldiers for a little while. It doesn't last long. Usagi takes a little longer to get her powers back though because she needs to accept being what she is and give up on wanting to go back to being a normal girl. Also, in 52 Venus gets a new attack. I assume that in future episodes the other the will get new attacks as well...

Oh yeah, and these new villains are pretty darn incompetent. Just like the first half of season one, for absolutely no apparent reason they collect their human energy by ONLY targeting the one and only city which has Sailor Senshi defending it. Sorry, but a plot hole that huge, not explained away in either S1 or S2, really deserves notice... it's pretty stupid. And even beyond hat, these two are pretty stupid. They're so sure that they'll win, but their monsters aren't very good. Even this weaker white Tuxedo Mask clone or whatever he is can stop them. I think these guys are inferior to a lot of S1's youma.

Iria: Zeiram the Animation 3-4 - Yeah, that episode 4 ending was one of the things I remembered most about this series...
One of the children actually dies, killed by the Zeiram-thing? Woah! That wasn't really expected, despite what happened in the first two episodes...
Beyond that, the plot is decent, and the character and art design are good as usual. I remembered this being a good series, and it is. Iria's a strong main character; her only weakness is her brother, but that's an understandable one.

SFIIV 16-18 - Ken beats Vega. He learns the Shoryuken too, but without fire. Bison then kidnaps Chun Li and Ken, and demands $1 billion in ransom money from Ken's father. Chun Li tries to fight Bison but loses. Apparently Ken's father has $5 billion; would that really make him the richest man in America, even then? Also, Cammy tries to kill Chun Li's father and almost succeeds. She is an assassin (and has a costume nothing like her costumes in the games) but isn't evil here, she's being manipulated by Balrog, who is pretending to be part of Interpol but actually is a Shadaloo spy.

Also, these episodes have the usual long, multipart scenes full of nothing that typify this series. This series is incredibly, incredibly slow paced. I imagine they could cut like ten episodes from this thing with no impact on anything but the long scenes of nothing happening.


Jexhius said:
Sailor Moon 40-52

Sure is a lot of Sailor Moon. Yup.

12 episodes in one day? Yikes. I managed similar with Naruto but only by not actually watching it and skipping every other episode (you can watch the recap of the episode you've skipped...). And at least Naruto pretends to have more of a serialised plot.


Jexhius said:
I think a lot of stories could benefit from telling you less, e.g. not filling in every little part of the world. However, they do neglect some fairly major stuff in Evangelion!
I remember we had a conversation partially around the same topic some time ago (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=27862927&postcount=17611), and I wanted to add to the opinion I expressed at that moment that I also find interesting how in a show like this one that revolves around personalities, even when we don't see explained directly some of the questions, the characters reaction to the expositions, happenings and such is what for me drives the series, so their compromises and the way they cope with the situations, their emotions, matters me more than a complete explanation of given story.

But this is only one line of thinking, and there are many more, so everyone can approximate to the show and appreciate it (or despise it as well) for different reasons at the same time, and all are equally valid to me.


Iria is goddamned fucking wonderful.
One of my favorite OVA and one of the first anime I watched when I was aware of what that was. For some reason it took me forever to actually buy it but I have watched it at least twenty times over.


/XX/ said:
I remember we had a conversation partially around the same topic some time ago (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=27862927&postcount=17611), and I wanted to add to the opinion I expressed at that moment that I also find interesting how in a show like this one that revolves around personalities, even when we don't see explained directly some of the questions, the characters reaction to the expositions, happenings and such is what for me drives the series, so their compromises and the way they cope with the situations, their emotions, matters me more than a complete explanation of given story.

But this is only one line of thinking, and there are many more, so everyone can approximate to the show and appreciate it (or despise it as well) for different reasons at the same time, and all are equally valid to me.
This is a good point, the show is rather character-focused as opposed to event-focused. That said it is nice to at least have a vague idea of what's going on.

I think in the end though there's still about 5% of the story details that are either permanently locked in Anno's head or are just total bullshit that no one knows.


Articalys said:
This is a good point, the show is rather character-focused as opposed to event-focused. That said it is nice to at least have a vague idea of what's going on.

I think in the end though there's still about 5% of the story details that are either permanently locked in Anno's head or are just total bullshit that no one knows.
That's true! But it is also part of its charm, isn't it? Although I admit it feels somewhat 'cheap' regarding specific vaguely presented events...


/XX/ said:
That's true! But it is also part of its charm, isn't it? Although I admit it feels somewhat 'cheap' regarding specific vaguely presented events...
At any rate, I should probably finish the series first before I'm really qualified to speak on any of this.


Steroyd said:
Started watching this because of the synopsis out of curiosity, show doesn't really follow up on it, so calm down, is surprisingly hnnnng worthy and I'm somehow 11 eps in without realising it.

Plus, y'know, loli butts.


cosmicblizzard said:
Dog Dads 12

Bah, mac was right. No more conflict except for going home blues.

Also, that clapping animation with the generic people is mesmerizing.
I hit that one right on the head, my "or what I think is most likely...." was fucking dead on. I want a cookie now!
Dresden said:
This post is so wrong that it's actually an apt fit for the topic at hand, go ahead and equate the Irohans with the Miami Heat, do it
Kaper said:
Hidan no Aria - 10 show of the forever! I was having trouble holding on to my laughter the entire episode, but I totally lost it at
Kinji's special training
I dropped this show last episode but this show pisses me off soo much that I still think about it. On my way home from work I kept getting pissed off over how when their friends all drove cars up to that island to use as runway lights that, well, why the fuck did they drive there and position themselves in the dark? What the fuck is this crap? Are those fuckers even old enough to drive? Sounds like some kind of vehicular Armageddon, what with all those teen morons driving and positioning themselves on an island with their lights off. All so it could be dramatic with them all turning on their lights to light up their way, fucking ridiculous. Shit I wanna punch the author so bad.


/XX/ said:
I remember we had a conversation partially around the same topic some time ago (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=27862927&postcount=17611), and I wanted to add to the opinion I expressed at that moment that I also find interesting how in a show like this one that revolves around personalities, even when we don't see explained directly some of the questions, the characters reaction to the expositions, happenings and such is what for me drives the series, so their compromises and the way they cope with the situations, their emotions, matters me more than a complete explanation of given story.
It's pretty clear that the creators consider the journey the characters go on emotionally to be more important than any wider reaching, external, plot.
mAcOdIn said:
This post is so wrong that it's actually an apt fit for the topic at hand, go ahead and equate the Irohans with the Miami Heat, do it
I think you missed the post title.
Deadman Wonderland 10

Sad Shiro is sad :(

Rokuro has some nice slasher eyes. Feel like I'm saying that lot with this show, but I guess it's a prerequisite for most of DW, especially with the Undertakers.
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