Spring 2011 Anime Thread PART TWO return of sex hair, ghosts, and ZAWA

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Articalys said:
The whole series really feels a lot deader than it did in the beginning, just the sense of life draining away. Kind of like Gainax was at the time, I think.

The tone gets darker and weirder as the show progresses because Anno was, more or less, losing his mind.

It sucks that they couldn't fit 25-26 on this DVD as well but I really wanted to see the DCs in viewing order.

There is no director's cut for episodes 25-26, at least not in the sense there is for 21-24. End of Evangelion is essentially the director's cut 25 and 26 (and the two halves of the movie actually are labeled as episode 25 and episode 26).


Blader5489 said:
There is no director's cut for episodes 25-26, at least not in the sense there is for 21-24. End of Evangelion is essentially the director's cut 25 and 26 (and the two halves of the movie actually are labeled as episode 25 and episode 26).
Oh, I know, it's just that the platinum collection organized the DVDs as discs 1-4 having eps 1-20, disc 5 has TV 21-26, and disc 6 has DC 21-24. Which of course makes perfect sense for anyone who owns the whole thing as a box set, but since I'm getting them through Netflix it adds an extra wrinkle for me, wanting to watch it in the order 1-20, 21-24 DC, 25-26, EoE -- completely avoiding the original TV versions of 21-24.

I really should have just bought the damn thing in the first place, it's like $40 on RightStuf, but I wasn't sure if I was going to ever repeat watch it.


Deadman Wonderland - 09

I just watched a psychotic middle schooler wield a huge ass sword that's worthy of the Bleach universe and watch her peel the flesh off some guy.

I don't think I can add anymore to that.

Deadman Wonderland - 10

Shiro. T_T


Subete no aware
cajunator said:
what is gintama about?
It's... hrm.
I'm probably the worst person to try to explain it, but it's comedy action shounen. I'm sure Naruto and Bleach and One Piece all do the same thing, but it's the combination of great action writing and great comedy writing along with awesome characters that makes Gintama for me. I'm even okay with the exposition in this show!


airmangataosenai said:
I can't believe how much hate Deadman gets. It's a very competent Shonen series.

The main character is in the wrong goddamn anime, sure I understand the weak whiny type that steps up to the plate when required, but this shows overall tone of limbs getting chopped off, pure psychotic murderers everywhere, it just exacerbates that type of character for the type of show it is.

cajunator said:
what is gintama about?

3 people running an odd jobs shop doing odd jobs, add in whacky hijinks, throw in the odd serious arc and wham you have Gintama.

cajunator said:
what is Sket Dance about?

3 people running an odd jobs club doing odd jobs, add in whacky hijinks, throw in the odd serious arc and wham you have Sket Dance.


airmangataosenai said:
I can't believe how much hate Deadman gets. It's a very competent Shonen series.
Episode one was one of the worst episodes of an anime that I've ever seen, and it put myself and a number of people off. Much like Gosick episode 1, except that was far more boring and far less insulting.

It turns out that making a good impression is important.
airmangataosenai said:
I can't believe how much hate Deadman gets. It's a very competent Shonen series.

The people here have trouble getting into shounen. Deadman is relatively popular in the manga thread and it's super popular amongst the manga community (ranked #17 on Mangafox with over 7.5 million unique monthly views).

Also, a lot of people didn't "get" episode 1, so they were turned off.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Deadman Wonderland approaches Air Gear levels of nonsensical babble though.


Steroyd said:
The main character is in the wrong goddamn anime, sure I understand the weak whiny type that steps up to the plate when required, but this shows overall tone of limbs getting chopped off, pure psychotic murderers everywhere, it just exacerbates that type of character for the type of show it is.

3 people running an odd jobs shop doing odd jobs, add in whacky hijinks, throw in the odd serious arc and wham you have Gintama.

3 people running an odd jobs club doing odd jobs, add in whacky hijinks, throw in the odd serious arc and wham you have Sket Dance.
I give a lot of anime a chance so Ill check it out.
Halycon said:
Deadman Wonderland approaches Air Gear levels of nonsensical babble though.

FUCK NO. You can call it stupid, but DW is at least relatively easy to understand. Air Gear makes no sense 90% of the time and Oh Great! rarely explains anything in an easy to understand manner. The massive tone shifts whenever the Gravity Children come up don't help.
mAcOdIn said:
This post is so wrong that it's actually an apt fit for the topic at hand, go ahead and equate the Irohans with the Miami Heat, do it

I dropped this show last episode but this show pisses me off soo much that I still think about it. On my way home from work I kept getting pissed off over how when their friends all drove cars up to that island to use as runway lights that, well, why the fuck did they drive there and position themselves in the dark? What the fuck is this crap? Are those fuckers even old enough to drive? Sounds like some kind of vehicular Armageddon, what with all those teen morons driving and positioning themselves on an island with their lights off. All so it could be dramatic with them all turning on their lights to light up their way, fucking ridiculous. Shit I wanna punch the author so bad.

How do you manage to contain this much hate inside of yourself?


Halycon said:
Deadman Wonderland approaches Air Gear levels of nonsensical babble though.
The show in itself is nonsense. It's kinda enjoyable, but basically every character is so far removed from reality and so incredibly oblivious and stupid that it makes my head spin. Still, I wonder how they plan to end the season...


It's time to get caught up on that other magical girl show:

Vampire Pincess Miyu TV


This appeared to be a very standard Miyu episode for a good chunk of it's running time, and essentially it was. Take a human, add a shinma and sit back to watch the bad things happen. Rinse and repeat.

The ending, by which I mean
the guy turning into baby when Miyu tried to suck his blood, and Miyu subsequently pushing him out to see
was extremely weird and quintessentially Japanese in that 'huh?' sense. Maybe if I wanted to ascertain the deeper meaning behind this event I'd re-watch the episode to uncover what the show was trying to say.


There's something uniquely disturbing about mental illness. There's obviously something inherently frightening in being brutally killed by a Shinma, but it isn't nearly as scary as losing your mind. I almost wish the episode had focused more excursively on that side of his suffering, but I guess the story had to go some place else.


This show kind of has a thing for stuff that invades your life surreptitiously, that doesn't activate any of your usual barriers or alarms. Whether it's cats, maids, dolls or people once you've let it into to your private space it's curtains for you.

Interstingly there were several layers of manipulation at force in play this episode, and it didn't resolve itself in a manner that I saw coming.


Well, this creepy in a manner which the show has so far avoided, some how. Miyu practices that ultimate form of freedom!

There remains an interesting question of "when the did the Shinma appear" and "how much did it influence these events". I mean,
did she always feel protective about her dad and the Shinma appeared to her when she was five, enabling her to kill her mother? Or did it come to her much later, when she started seducing her father? It seems to be a rather important difference.

Also, someone had a thing for this episode because the overall design work was way more complicated and detailed than how the show looked a few episodes ago.


X-Men 11

They keep having to come up with ways to keep various members of the team "immobilized" while other stuff is going on, which is slightly lame. I enjoy it when all the characters are using their powers in succession, doing crazy things as a team.

The focus here seemed to be on a few (non-Storm) members using their specific powers to deal with particular threats. It was still good though.

Next week will involve...Charles trying to stop Unit-01?


Hellsing321 said:
Nichijou 12
The Amusement park bit got me pretty good. I know that feeling all too well.
It's further proof that the only reason the entire Nichijou universe exists is to endlessly troll its inhabitants.


firehawk12 said:
Seriously, it manages to encapsulate so many aspects of the show into one short scene. It's bad ass, it's irreverent, it's serious and it's funny.

Gintama's all that and more. Best taken in doses though - the makers are master trollers.


Subete no aware
Pachael said:
Gintama's all that and more. Best taken in doses though - the makers are master trollers.
Yeah, it's probably why I'm happy to just go with the flow and not marathon the previous 200 episodes. It's well crafted enough that I don't need to know the specifics anyway.
Toriko 10

So we finally have an explanation for everyone's super strength/powers as well as a "level up" system. Gourmet Cells probably should have been addressed earlier, but at least it's still early.


Nichijou 12
The faces in this episode were priceless. I love the "things we think are cool" mini-segments they do, always gets a laugh out of me.


Shiki 20.5

This only served to remind me how much I hated the fact that the fucking little vampire bitch managed to
survive the ordeal
. Fuck her. I was so disappointed when
she didn't get axed to bits
by Epic Beard Guy.


Jexhius said:
X-Men 11

They keep having to come up with ways to keep various members of the team "immobilized" while other stuff is going on, which is slightly lame. I enjoy it when all the characters are using their powers in succession, doing crazy things as a team.

The focus here seemed to be on a few (non-Storm) members using their specific powers to deal with particular threats. It was still good though.

Next week will involve...Charles trying to stop Unit-01?

I really don't know much about comic character powers, but even if Storm had her limbs bound, she easily could've still electrocuted the shit out of the bad dudes correct (which is why I assume is why you said non-Storm characters).

Curious to see what happens next episode as well.


I was going through my animu bookmarks and I came across this old blog post by Danny Choo. It's about his visit to Production IG studio, and there are a lot of cool pictures about their studio and how things are done.

Are there any other blog posts or videos like this one? I always found these behind the scenes type of thing to be very cool.


Subete no aware
survivor said:
I was going through my animu bookmarks and I came across this old blog post by Danny Choo. It's about his visit to Production IG studio, and there are a lot of cool pictures about their studio and how things are done.

Are there any other blog posts or videos like this one? I always found these behind the scenes type of thing to be very cool.
You can find that episode on niconico.

There's a NHK series that someone talked about... erg, I can't remember the name, but someone else might know it. It's Japanese only though, so YMMV on that.

I think ANN did a video thing of... Shaft or something?

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
firehawk12 said:
It's... hrm.
I'm probably the worst person to try to explain it, but it's comedy action shounen. I'm sure Naruto and Bleach and One Piece all do the same thing, but it's the combination of great action writing and great comedy writing along with awesome characters that makes Gintama for me. I'm even okay with the exposition in this show!

Also a possible plus for those tired of how the Big 3 drag on arcs...Gintama has none of that. The longest Arc was...seven episodes I believed (the Hosen Arc), so there's no Arc Fatigue.

I went back and watched the older episodes after finishing the series...have to say, the show kind of takes awhile to pick up. It gets a lot better, imo, after it sets up all the reoccurring characters and begins to embrace its time slot. :)


firehawk12 said:
You can find that episode on niconico.

There's a NHK series that someone talked about... erg, I can't remember the name, but someone else might know it. It's Japanese only though, so YMMV on that.

I think ANN did a video thing of... Shaft or something?
I just found the episode on nicovideo. I was surprised I still remember my account login info Thanks.

Now the ANN video will be a bit hard to find.
trejo said:
Shiki 20.5

This only served to remind me how much I hated the fact that the fucking little vampire bitch managed to
survive the ordeal
. Fuck her. I was so disappointed when
she didn't get axed to bits
by Epic Beard Guy.

Tell me about it. Been reading the manga in hopes of it turning out differently, but I'm not hopeful. Pretty sure the original novel ended the same way.


GaoGaiGar 32-37

The second half of the show is certainly better than the first, but that isn't saying a lot. It's certainly nice that they broke the very rigid story formula somewhat, but the show also has more basic problems like flat characters, cheap-looking animation and some rather average direction.

One strange thing to note is that someone apparently decided that Swan, who spent most of her time in the background doing little, should become a source for awkwardly drawn fanservice. Studios that don't know jack about fanservice should stay away from it:


It just looks really stupid when you drop it out of nowhere and it stands out like a sore thumb.
Ao Exorcist 10

And now Rin's dream to become hokage paladin appears along with his first victim of talk no jutsu super convincingness.

Also, for some reason, I actually loled at "I'm worried about your glasses". The way he said it preceded by him acting like a high ranking person to get beyond the police tape was just gold.

Next week beach episode!
Cardcaptor Sakura 16:

Sakura goes on holiday for a weekend during summer vacation to a house her father rents. This house sits next to another, larger house which is owned by an elderly gentleman. Sakura meets this nice old man, and things happen which are crucial to the story at hand so I won't spoil them. I like the episodes that focus on
Sakura's mom and her relationships with the various living people in her life
the most. According to the wonderful Wikipedia, a handful of this show's episodes do not feature capturing the Clow Cards at all.
This episode happens to be one of those and I liked it quite a lot.
So far my 2 favorite episodes have been this one and episode 6, the one where she
see her mom and captures The Illusion.

I'm really coming to like this show quite a lot. The first group of episodes before and right after Shaoran's arrival were a bit rocky since the focus was mainly on the show's collection of creepy relationships, but now that it's actually settled down a bit and is focusing more on the characters themselves and how they interact with each other it's really coming into it's own.

Also, LOL at Sakura calling Tomoyo
while she is in her theater room watching one of her videos of Sakura on her big screen.
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