Star Wars Outlaws Gameplay Revealed | Ubisoft Foward 2023


Like it's breaking the 4th wall and talking to you, so you feel like you're right there in the action. Which makes it more like a companion-type thing. IDK, it's been a common trend for awhile now.
Yeah, it's really annoying. From Uncharted to now. I don't mind if they talk to another character, occasionally, during gameplay (e.g., Marco Polo in Uncharted 2) but the constant out-loud narration to themselves is just dumb to me.


I dont know what it is but i'm not feeling it. Anyone who knows my posts know i defend Ubisoft a lot, and i genuinely feel they make the best open worlds,, and i adore Star Wars, but this just looks a bit limited and boring.


So is it seemless ground-to-space transitions?
As in, complete control to fly in and out of atmosphere?

Or was that just a fixed camera to make it look like you have complete control?


Very, very impressive.

Watch_Dogs 2012 level of impressive. And that's what worries me since Ubi is known for its downgrades.

Combat may need some improvement though, it looked very raw.


ידע זה כוח
This kinda felt like Andor in terms of Star Wars. It's a story within the world we know, but without the force shit that's kinda overdone. Hopefully.

Protagonist is really charming too and pairing her with a furry could lead to interesting interactions.


I think its not just that shes a woman to these guys, but likely that shes "ethnic" too. A double whammy for some of the modern anti-woke gaf user, its almost too much lmao.

I think the "weird faces" "ugly" is code language lmao

I dont recall returnal or control getting that reaction lol
Nonsense. She just doesnt have makeup on (because 2023) and a certain group of people dont want average looking leads so they use Hyperbole to express there disapointment. And further more she doesnt read as anything other than white to most people I would bet money on that.
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I'm just happy to have more Star Wars games that don't revolve around Jedi. No disrespect to Fallen Order and Survivor, both great games, but LucasArts Star Wars games have always been at their best when they're showing us all the facets of the galaxy, not just focusing on the fate of the Jedi.


The main character has strong ‚designed by committee‘ vibes.

“How about Han Solo, but a woman?“

“Let‘s make her pretty, but not too pretty. More ‘girl next door’ than femme fatale.“

“She should be played by a Hispanic woman who looks white… but not too white.“

“Let‘s give her snarky one-liners, kids love those!“

“She needs a cute sidekick!”

A game like this should let us create our own character, instead of giving us this bland non-entity named ‘Kay’.

Though I wonder how ‘open world’ this actually is. I wouldn’t be surprised if structurally this is gonna be closer to Jedi Survivor than Starfield, if you know what I mean.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Protagonist looks great and reminds me of Ellen Ripley(Alien) design wise. Seems to not be Force Sensitive which is a plus. And you work for Crime Syndicates and what you do will affect your reputation so maybe Rebel/Empire/Crime affiliation up to player choice. Furthermore it is between Episode V and VI which is a sweet spot for Star Wars Fans that grew up with the original Trilogy and do not particularly enjoy the direction Star Wars has gone in.

The game has a lot of potential.


I think its not just that shes a woman to these guys, but likely that shes "ethnic" too. A double whammy for some of the modern anti-woke gaf user, its almost too much lmao.

I think the "weird faces" "ugly" is code language lmao

I dont recall returnal or control getting that reaction lol
I think A you are race baiting and B (most importantly) you are on the wrong forum
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Gold Member
Protagonist looks great and reminds me of Ellen Ripley(Alien) design wise. Seems to not be Force Sensitive which is a plus. And you work for Crime Syndicates and what you do will affect your reputation so maybe Rebel/Empire/Crime affiliation up to player choice. Furthermore it is between Episode V and VI which is a sweet spot for Star Wars Fans that grew up with the original Trilogy and do not particularly enjoy the direction Star Wars has gone in.

The game has a lot of potential.
I like the design because of this as well. Instantly thought of Ripley.


So is it seemless ground-to-space transitions?
As in, complete control to fly in and out of atmosphere?

Or was that just a fixed camera to make it look like you have complete control?

It's a version of the Ratchet & Clank rift-tripping technique. Activate the transition via context action, move the character through a locked viewpoint with minimal detail (a rift void, a cloud bank, a starfield at lightspeed,) drop the old level dataset and load the new dataset, then pull the character into the new scene and release the viewpoint. Looks cool, keeps you in motion, but it's a hidden loading screen if we need to be picky about it.

Possibly there will be some air-to-air combat above a planet surface, but you wouldn't be able to walk wherever you want, fly wherever you want, and jump to lightspeed wherever you want. It's not that type of game anyway, and the idea of "open-galaxy gameplay" is more trouble than it's worth. Sounds cool, it's what gamers dream of when they think of how much bigger games can get, but it's just extra space if the game is actually trying to be a game. Unless you have a procedural system which can actually detail out whole planets and provide interesting gameplay wherever you go, you're better off directing players to what's fun in the game. (Even Starfield isn't bothering with planetary scale beyond the surface and the landmarks, and that game is going to be huge. Star Citizen and No Mans Sky are examples of attempts to have the universe built out in all dimensions, and those are worth studying for what they can and cannot accomplish, but neither would make it as a fun Star Wars game.)
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The main character has strong ‚designed by committee‘ vibes.

“How about Han Solo, but a woman?“

“Let‘s make her pretty, but not too pretty. More ‘girl next door’ than femme fatale.“

“She should be played by a Hispanic woman who looks white… but not too white.“

“Let‘s give her snarky one-liners, kids love those!“

“She needs a cute sidekick!”

A game like this should let us create our own character, instead of giving us this bland non-entity named ‘Kay’.

Though I wonder how ‘open world’ this actually is. I wouldn’t be surprised if structurally this is gonna be closer to Jedi Survivor than Starfield, if you know what I mean.
Or even better give us some wild out there Alien, it's star wars after all. We didn't need another Disney girl boss. Also inb4 she's inevitably non-binary or gender fluid or bi or some shit that gets genZ all hot and bothered

But I will wait for the final game, will it be forspoken or will it be good. Who knows
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She isn't ugly. She just has a different hair style that matches the setting/year that this series originally released in.

I am all for fighting against slacktivists, but stop trying to find them in every shadow.
Check her real life model. Humberly Gonzalez. She looks fire.

Her ingame model is butchered by Ubisoft woke artists. You do know Ubisoft culture is heavily dominated by woke shit?


Gold Member
Check her real life model. Humberly Gonzalez. She looks fire.

Her ingame model is butchered by Ubisoft woke artists. You do know Ubisoft culture is heavily dominated by woke shit?
They could have easily designed the character WELL before getting the voice actor. It's clearly not even attempting to be the same person like with many other games.


That little dog thing already annoys me but at the very least it’s not another fucking little droid side kick.

Mr Hyde

This looks too fucking good, and I'm not that into Star Wars. A nice change of pace not playing as a Jedi, but a ruff mercenary/Han Solo type character. Didn't have any issue with the main character design. I thought she was kinda cute. As mentioned earlier in the thread, she gave off old school heroine vibes of the likes of Ellen Ripley or Sarah Connor, albeit with a few more quips, but I guess that's inevitable when it comes to Star Wars. I hope Massive sticks the landing. I'm loving what I'm seeing so far. Huge potential.
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Gold Member
That little dog thing already annoys me but at the very least it’s not another fucking little droid side kick.
I think it's cute, in a Stitch way.
lilo and stitch GIF


So is it seemless ground-to-space transitions?
As in, complete control to fly in and out of atmosphere?

Or was that just a fixed camera to make it look like you have complete control?
It looked like a loading screen...

Which surprises me because starlink is on Snowdrop and that had ground to air seamless transitions


The shields and engine speed came up, however.

Watch the meet the actress one that was added to the OP.
I wonder if maybe it's destiny style and you get like a bit of minimal movement while it loads.

I can't imagine it's planet sized planets though (I could be completely wrong) so a loading transition kind of makes sense.

Guess we'll need to wait for more info
I think A you are race baiting and B (most importantly) you are on the wrong forum

Its a gaming forum. I like gaming so im in the right place.

Funny I originally only thought of the game. It being a woman didnt even register in my mind. You guys brought that up. Remember that. The assertion couldnt happen if people werent already bringing wokeness into this. Im responding to whats being said.

Its just weird how race is a major trigger for people, but sexism...isn't. Lol "woke" grifting usually caters to both aspects.
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Gold Member
Its a gaming forum. I like gaming so im in the right place.

Funny I originally only thought of the game. It being a woman didnt even register in my mind. You guys brought that up. Remember that. The assertion couldnt happen if people werent already bringing wokeness into this. Im responding to whats being said.

Its just weird how race is a major trigger for people, but sexism...isn't. Lol "woke" grifting usually caters to both aspects.
mad people GIF

I didn't bring up anything. I have been defending her look. 🤡

Step away from the ideological ledge.
I think its not just that shes a woman to these guys, but likely that shes "ethnic" too. A double whammy for some of the modern anti-woke gaf user, its almost too much lmao.

I think the "weird faces" "ugly" is code language lmao

I dont recall returnal or control getting that reaction lol
And you would be wrong. The real actress behind the Star Wars Outlaws protagonist is very pretty. There's a weird "modern sensiblites" game design practice where very pretty actresses are motion captures for roles, and then the designers intentionally change the character to look less physically attractive. It's pretty stupid. And control definitely got that reaction! What they did to the actress in Control was so jarring that it must have been intentional. The Horizon protagonist would be another good example. Can't have them look "too" pretty, which is just sexist in it's own weird way.

Although here it's pretty subtle, and the character still looks good, so I'm guessing any changes to her appearance weren't intentional. It's just the imperfect technology of fully transferring a character from real life to a digital representation.
Normally I don’t even clock it but there has been quite a few female leads shown for the big upcoming games, avatar, Star Wars, fable - however I don’t mind this at all.

She’s clearly attractive too I don’t get the criticism of that
I think people want beautiful looking female characters.

Almost all female protagonist in western games look butt ugly with weird face structure and all. Woke artists forcing their weird wokeness into games.
They literally face-scanned a real woman to use as the template for this main character. Not every woman in the real world is a Victoria's Secret model and not every man is a white male who with a savior complex. I don't understand why people want only these two types of archetypal characters as a main protagonist every single time.



Ya'll never fucking learn, Jesus Christ. The final game will look nothing like what we just saw.

I don't think this is the same sort of situation honestly. We're in a new generation and we all know sometime these games are going to have to start showing better graphics than the previous generation.
I think we will see even crazier shit from other studios like ND or Guerrila Games (with their next big games not the online ones). But we'll see.
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