Star Wars Outlaws Gameplay Revealed | Ubisoft Foward 2023

I don't think this is the same sort of situation honestly. We're in a new generation and we all know sometime these games are going to have to start showing better graphics than the previous generation.
I think we will see even crazier shit from other studios like ND or Guerrila Games (with their next big games not the online ones). But we'll see.
It literally were the same situation, we were in a new generation and they showed.
Its almost as though people have forgotten. Games STILL today don't look as good as these reveals.
The downgrade when this game finally shows up is going to be mind blowing!


a seven year old video. lmao ok
Name me a single Ubisoft game that haven't been downgraded since...
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Gold Member
Game looks pretty good, but FFS does everything Star Wars have to be OG trilogy related? To be completely honest, when I saw that it happened between Empire and Jedi, my interest went down. I'm just tired of the constant "REMEMBER THIS FROM THE ORIGINAL TRILOGY!?!" it's pretty tired.

Having said that, I'm still interested in seeing how this game turns out. Lots of potential.
Season 3 Leave GIF by Martin


Casual reminder that Snowdrop is a monster of an engine jesus fuck what even was that

Animations need a bit of work to be a bit less stiff but nothing they can't work on. Day one this feels too good
This really flexed on Starfield.
Eh graphically maybe, but it doesn’t look nearly as ambitious. Looks a lot like jedi survivor except without lightsabers and you’re able to actually pilot the ship

Having just played that game I felt kinda deja vu watching the demo - like the little creature is the little robot - the cantina - still looked phenomenal tho
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Gold Member
Are you suggesting I somehow said Avowed was next-gen? All I did was correct someone who said it was PS3 level, try harder.
Nah, just spread your animations are doll and stiff love. Those Avowed animations were straight out of Morrowind.
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Gold Member
Come on, I'm currently playing TLOU2 again and the animation in that blows this away.
ND focused entirely on taking gameplay animations to the next level. Something I do wish more did as well. That, and I wish they (developers) would focus on environmental physics.

This still looked good, however. Looked fun.
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Only watched half, because I honestly don’t need to see the entire thing. Some of these previews are way too long.

My thoughts…

- Not actual gameplay. This is UbiSoft, who has a history of showing cgi footage that’s presented as gameplay. It all looked way to perfectly scripted to me.

- Got to have the cute sidekick. Is this a requirement for everything Star Wars now that Disney owns it all?

- She has a fantastic right hook. I appreciate a great punch in videogames.


Only managed to see couple of minutes on my phone while at work and it looks... fabulous! GTA formula with SW lore sounds and looks so good!
Really interested in this one. Looks like they are going for a Han Solo esque character. I like it. Some cheesy one-liner dialog, but that goes with the IP.
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Far Cry 6
Just Dance 2020
Riders Republic
What.. the lighting, shadow (AO) and volumetric were clearly downgraded.

Sure its not a generation defining gap like Watchdogs 1, The division 1, Rainbow Six Seige and Wildlands.
But there were downgrades none the less. When it comes to Ubisoft the huge downgrades we are talking about happen at the beginning of the gen not at the end. When "next gen graphics" is a marketing tool.

I haven't looked into the other games but I'm sure if I did, there would be downgrades too. But those games ain't being marketed as a graphics powerhouse so it doesn't even matter.

Outlaw however would be a generation defining gap. I'm not talking about a minor downgrade/upgrade here and there that Valhaha was. If Ubisoft doesn't do a gen defining downgrade with Outlaw then we would know that Ubisoft has turned.

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That's because in Starfield every single object in the game world can be picked up and manipulated. You can pick up a sandwich, throw it on the ground in Planet A, Travel to Planet B, return to Planet A 40 hours later, and the sandwich will remain in the same place you left it. In most other open-world games, including this one, the buildings and props are just art and objects will reset/disappear the moment you leave the area.
but also mainly because (as i've said before) another team had already done quite a bit of the heavy lifting in the snowdrop engine to datastream planetary travel

Ubisoft share their internal tech amongst the teams so it's not crazy to think the Star wars Tech is just a heavily upgraded version of what already exists (if there is free planetary orbit to space travel, which i'm stilll debating if there is from what we've seen)

Starfield however is being built on an engine which needs plasters just to get online functionality working. I'm sure they are stretching that engine to it's absolute max and they will have to make some concessions
That's because in Starfield every single object in the game world can be picked up and manipulated. You can pick up a sandwich, throw it on the ground in Planet A, Travel to Planet B, return to Planet A 40 hours later, and the sandwich will remain in the same place you left it. In most other open-world games, including this one, the buildings and props are just art and objects will reset/disappear the moment you leave the area.
I mean their games have always been like that though. Its why they stick with creation engine. But Its no excuse for the other things he mentioned...also they showed a real vertical slice of the game. With starfield im not sure if every questline is going to be as procedural as skyrim or fallout 4.
The animations/facial visuals were certainly superior to other highly hyped space games this showcase. Do you atleast agree to that?
Starfield? Well yeah but that's Starfields weakest part of its visuals. Hellblade 2 for instance has far better animation and facial rendering, not even close.


Well dayum she’s cute and that axodogl is admittedly adorable. Her robro is pretty cool too. I wonder if he’ll join ya on missions or if he’s the guy in the chair.

The gameplay looks pretty fun, with different environmental platforms and stuff ya can blow up. It’ll be neat if there’s a lot of interaction with the environment to facilitate stealth or kills.

I kinda dig the dynamic of having your multi blaster while being able to pick up a random gun until its clip runs out. Keeps the pace up.
The game looks great graphically outside of the vegetation having an over animated seizure. I'm not sure it looks fun but I won't judge it until I see more.


Gold Member
Remember what we learned from Watch Dogs and The Division's trailers? That the graphics and gameplay aren't even close to the official release.
Normally I don’t even clock it but there has been quite a few female leads shown for the big upcoming games, avatar, Star Wars, fable - however I don’t mind this at all.

She’s clearly attractive too I don’t get the criticism of that
The protag didn't bother me at all I love her design and the fact that she's not a butterface. I did roll my eyes a bit when the Mon Cala and Empire baddie were also both female. Just a bit.
In regards to the female protagonist thing lol..
I prefer female protagonists but jesus christ why do they all have to basically look and talk the same?
Great, another sarcastic protagonist who won't stop talking and feels the need to make snarky remarks all the time.
c'mon, dude - everyone enjoys playing games where the protagonist reminds you of your annoying kid sister...


The world and graphics look a lot better than the Jedi games but i feel the combat won’t be as fun. I prefer the lightsaber battles compared to this. At least I think I would. I am a bit concerned it’ll fall into that soulless Ubisoft style after a while but I’m not getting any of that from this trailer. It looks great.

Ubisoft are really good at creating worlds though. I’ll give them that. They put out giant worlds pretty fast compared to the competition. Hopefully they’re onto something better with this when it comes to varying missions and side quests.


I do like the way they went about this. You can tell by the crouching animations this is the modern Ass Creed engine with Star Wars textures and laser guns. Which is smart to do. It's solid tech and they can focus more on content rather than building a game from scratch. I'm probably not in until it's <$20 but the last Star Wars movie I liked is 40 years old. I don't think I'm the target audience.
Episode II got this bounty hunter shit right and no game copies it. Shape-shifting aliens, quirky tools and subcontracted jobs.
Also I hate these quirky sidekicks engineered to trigger nurturing instincts. It's all so transparent.
The world and graphics look a lot better than the Jedi games but i feel the combat won’t be as fun. I prefer the lightsaber battles compared to this. At least I think I would. I am a bit concerned it’ll fall into that soulless Ubisoft style after a while but I’m not getting any of that from this trailer. It looks great.

Ubisoft are really good at creating worlds though. I’ll give them that. They put out giant worlds pretty fast compared to the competition. Hopefully they’re onto something better with this when it comes to varying missions and side quests.
I’m hoping she has some kind of force power at least - but dunno if that would work
I doubt it. I’m sure she’ll have more gadgets than every bounty hunter by the end though.
She slowed down time when she was on the bike tho - dunno if that’s hinting at her being some type of “force user” but not a Jedi - I guess Disney has issues with that
Wait is the entire game actually fucking letterboxed?

I already was iffy about it with you being something as boring as a spunky lady smuggler but that puts me over the edge to passing on this.

Wake me up when Jedi 3, Battlefront 3, or a new Bounty Hunter comes out.
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