Star Wars Outlaws Main Character Already Hit With Criticism Due to Ubisoft Changing Actress Apperance


Her appearance gives Horizon 2/Last of us 2 character design. While I don't really think it's that bad, it's more of a signal of the type of writing this game will have. Subtle references to current day events. Specific character types being allowed/not allowed to have certain traits. Probably not enough for anything meme worthy, but enough to where it denies the player escapism. But this is actually not why I'd not buy the game...

Does anyone really have high expectations of an Ubisoft game nowadays? Their game design is the definition of quantity of quality. It feels like I'm playing a late 2000s MMO with a nicer coat of paint. Top that off with the nonsense different editions and microtransactions (didn't check if this game will have them, just assuming), their games feel like a chore, not an experience.


An Absolute Desaster
I remember people complaining that black characters in animations are often voiced by white people.
So here we have the same thing, ugly characters are played by beautiful people…

In honesty, what is all this characters cannot be sexy thing right now… people are attracted to attractive people, that is just human nature.
And first there was this we need more female protagonists. Sorry, but if I am forced to play a female character, let that be at least an attractive one and not this one who looks like a leftover from a disco night in the 70s or 80s…

I rather play stellar blade, these developers get it…


Which pics? This one?
Yeah, this one too (but it's all of them really). The left one is heavily shopped.
Game's haircut is clearly inspired by Ripley, so i guess they're going for that unfiltered, diamond in the rough, look.


And you'll lose it if you stop paying.
Yes but hear me out. I pay now 18 to play it. Then cancel the subscription and when i feel the urge to play it again so much time has passed that its on the 2nd or 3rd sale for 50+% off and i save me big money even with the 18 payed compared to when i buy it at launch.
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