I haven't had much time to devote to this game, but I'm really enjoying it. =) Hopefully my time will free up after a couple of weeks so I can get better at this game. I'm thinking of using Rachel as my main.
GT: Tenkei Greywolf
Has anyone else experienced problems saving? I completed Bang's story arc, see Clear 59%, return to the title screen and quit. The next time I play the game, I notice that my progress with Bang is Progress 44%, which corresponds to a missing win and loss versus the final opponent. I noticed that I was missing the starry sky CG from the gallery as well. I beat Bang's story, return to the dashboard, and start the game again just to make sure that I wasn't hallucinating, and sure enough, I'm back to 44%. I thought there was something wrong with my HDD or memory unit at first, but on a whim, I cleared Bang, then started Ragna's story again, beat one match, saved, and NOW it shows the clear percentage and saved CG correctly.
On a related note, my completion of the Arcade mode with Ragna and Rachel did not appear to save either, so I did the same thing--play story mode to receive the save prompt. Is there a better way to do this?