My girlfriend was so into Blazblue when I showed it to her, she went out and got it.
Having totally skipped Guilty Gear ( I played the very first version on Dreamcast about ten years ago and that was it), I'm so into BlazBlue that now I really, really want to play Accent Core.
XBLA/PSN, please Arc make it happen!
TheExodu5 said:
Moves are so ridiculously easy to pull off in this game though. There's some trickery at hand here! If you're bad in SF at doing those moves, I wouldn't exactly say it means you'll be bad here too.
I disagree, I think the inputs are not as friendly as SF4. Especially SRK motions. SF4 has really, really forgiving inputs. For example, if you finish your SRK's with F instead of DF it does not register with BlazBlue, however that works with SF. Go try it.