of course they could, they could show charge level (seeing as the dock also charges the Switch), they could do something simple like display the health status of the character just by changing the screen to red, or green or whatever to show simple health feedback (some game on PlayStation use this for example on the controller), they could display the time, lots of little things they 'could' have done that doesn't affect backwards compatibility or anything like that (they may still do, you can see some of the screen, but the argument is they could have changed the dock to show more of the screen and actually make it useful in docked mode, but the thing is allow devs to access the screen while docked as they are the ones that could come up with some unique ideas.
Its a fad that reminds me of Fallout 4 feature with using smart phone as a second screen, it was novelty at best. I doubt there is even much demand for it.