It seems like this thread is made nearly every week. And Hillary supporters wonder why her unfavorables are high.
Just like it was only a small, very small, minority of Hillary supporters in 08 who claimed they wouldn't vote for Obama, The same holds true for Sanders supporters today. One would hope Hillary supporters would understand this fact.
I have to agree with this
Just like it was only a small, very small, minority of Hillary supporters in 08 who claimed they wouldn't vote for Obama, The same holds true for Sanders supporters today. One would hope Hillary supporters would understand this fact.
How the fuck this kinda bullshit thread does not get immediately locked is beyond me.
Creating this thread to vent and slander every non-Hillary supporter is a fucking joke. And to call those individuals children is the most ironic part. I get it- you guys have to make the same damn thread every day because it's super easy to spin your strawman argument and paint Bernie supporters with one broad stroke while simultaneously you get to jerk off about your leading nominee. But it's getting damn tiring and Gaf is a more rational audience than your bullshit misrepresentation will ever claim them to be. I supported Bernie, it's obvious he's not going to get the nomination- Hillary does not represent my interests, so she will not get my vote. But Trump certainly will not either.
But let me say this, in the same vein of how you take your small sample from shit places like facebook or twitter, formulate your rage, and bring that shitty argument here, I will point out that from my sampling, people have soured on Hillary because of her shitty supporters such as yourself who seem to both gloat and chastise Bernie followers while covering it all in a veil of 'concern'.
I have to say, I hear more tantrums about this 'Bernie to Trump' narrative (this thread) than I actually ever have about actual Bernie supporters throwing a fit and claiming they're moving to the Trump camp.
I have to agree with this